Audioholic Intern
african ebony because its unique and would look sweet in my apartment.
I personally like a more modern look. However, I do like the oldschool stuff where it is a dark, rich wood grain, such as mahogany. Some dark reds are nice too. However, its also important as to what color the walls and furniture are too.Tom Andry said:AV123 wants your opinion!
AV123 is giving away a pair of x-ls bookshelf speakers in your choice of finishes (MSRP $199) to one (1) lucky forum member that answers the question in the forum below.
To be eligible to win, you must: 1) Be a registered Audioholics forum member, 2) Have USA or Canadian Residence 3) Answer the question in the forum below:
Contest Question: What is your favorite finish on a loudspeaker and why?
[Click here for more information on the Onix x-ls bookshelf speakers]
[Read the Review]
Note this contest ends on March 31st 2006. Winners will be drawn shortly thereafter
Have fun and good luck!