Your thoughts on Transformers 2?




I appreciate you taking my words out of context in order to sidestep my entire point. That's an incredibly impressive talent you have there! :rolleyes:
But maybe I misinterpreted the intent of what you were saying...I hope. ;)
LOL, I'm simply having fun, just like you watching that silly movie and Michael bay had, when making it. ;)
By the way, I'll probably buy the Blu-ray when it comes out (but I'll wait for a sale).

He is only 8 yrs old, but I take his silence and deep stares in the Fox scenes to mean he did :cool:
LOL, I bet he has his big eyes on her, but not like yours, all OVER her. ;)

LOL........I have been accused of worse! :eek: Either way, Megan Fox is down right sexy. Personally, I would refer to her as something else, but this forum must stay PG-13. If it weren't so, I would key you in. :eek:
LOL, I absolutely agree with you, Megan Fox is simply just super HOT. :eek:
P.S. You can always PM me for the full UNRESTRICTED adults only version. ;)

Got a penny?Ok in this economy 1/2 cent...........
:) What can I say?


Opinion over opinion.

Hey, if you want to go around praising a stupid movie, go right ahead. Frankly, I feel insulted when Hollywood spews out this kind of crap and expects me to not analyze anything and just be fascinated with the flashing lights and loud noises.

As previously stated, action and plot are not mutually exclusive.
You realize you're arguing opinion right? He liked the movie, nothing you can do is going to convince him otherwise, and yet here you are, continually trying to convince him this movie had plot holes, and a weak story (something he admitted).

And he's not praising a stupid movie. I don't know where you pulled hat from. Try reading past the surface.

Now that I've said that, I saw this yesterday. I really enjoyed all the fighting, and thought they did a good job making Optimus more of a leader (he ****S **** UP). There is plenty of action, plenty of bass, plenty of Megan Fox, and not a whole lot else. Holey plot? Yep. Continuity errors? Yep. Was I expecting an Oscar contender? Nope. You'd have to be a fool to think otherwise.

Definitely picking this up on Blu Ray.

^ That says it all. :)


Now what?

Good grief...this is getting ridiculous. I'm not a Micheal Bay fan. I like good story movies too. BUT, I really enjoyed Transformers 2. I liked it for different reasons than I have for enjoying classic movies. I can only assume that somebody who is willing to insult another individuals intelligence for enjoying what they themselves don't enjoy must think awfully high of themselves. That kind of conciet that demeans other people is really kind of disgusting in it's own right. I don't get it...just say the movie wasn't your cup of tea and move on. Heck, there are a ton of movies out there that are critically acclaimed masterpieces that I have felt were complete jokes. Just because something is artistic doesn't make it good.

Anyway, I still think the movie was enjoyable. Enjoyable is the key. I like it...for childish reasons because it is a childish movie. Of course, I'm the type of person who can sit down and watch the Simpson's and enjoy it immensly. I don't over analyze the fact that Homer could never be that stupid or dwell on the fact that story has all kinds of plot holes only loosely covered by random bacground characters. I'm ok with the fact that Side Show Bob is way smarter than the entire Simpson family and yet he can't seem to outwit them in the end. You know why? Because I'm just looking for a good enjoyable time on the tv for the few minutes I can catch it. Transformers 2 was no different. I was looking for some action packed robot wars and it deliverd. It reminded me of my childhood. Oh, and it made enough sense that I didn't have to explain it to my un-initiated 14 yr old daughter. Good flick in my book. Sorry some of you guys don't agree. However, Box Office numbers aren't on your side...but I guess that just makes you elitists.
Hey Thanks ivseenbetter, that's nice of you. :)

Bob ;)
I appreciate you taking my words out of context in order to sidestep my entire point. That's an incredibly impressive talent you have there! :rolleyes:

But maybe I misinterpreted the intent of what you were saying...I hope. ;)
And because of my humor, that you are not sharing, as I can see now, you penalise me with a red chicklet! :mad:

For your information Mister, here's your full quote in it's entirety, and I will add that I respect any opinion from any members, in particular when it comes to movies.

And having fun and laughing, is a good therapy from movie watching,
"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" included. :)
What? Did you not have fun and enjoyed yourself, watching it?

That is the context I'm talking about, and the intent I was aiming for; you just have to dig a little deeper.


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Senior Audioholic
ok, i'm writing this before I read anyone elses thoughts.. but I just saw it last night on IMAX and I have to say first that imax is the only way to see a movie WOW!!!!

ok back to transformers... I think it ROCKED!!!!!! first of all its a movie about walking talking robots that change into really cool cars and stuff.. so lets be realistic about expectations of reality. I think it did what it was supposed to do it entertained me really well.. the action was non stop the special effects were top notch. what more do you need :)

ok thats my 2 cents and now i will read what everyone else said
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
amazing. people are fighting over TF2 here and in the local forums.

it's a movie.

oh, rap is the best. all other music are crap.

thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis -> <- close to a thread lock :D


Audioholic Slumlord
I'll be watching Transformers 2

because of this. Hmm wonder if I'm shallow.. Who cares!! :D
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Audioholic Slumlord
amazing. people are fighting over TF2 here and in the local forums.

it's a movie.

oh, rap is the best. all other music are crap.

thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis -> <- close to a thread lock :D
gald I was able to squeak my previous post in :D


amazing. people are fighting over TF2 here and in the local forums.

it's a movie.

oh, rap is the best. all other music are crap.

thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis -> <- close to a thread lock :D
Mike, we ain't fighting (the robots are), we're just expressing our own divergent and similar opinions, that's what makes this all in good fun, isn't? ;)

And don't even dare to even think about locking thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis very cool thread. :)

* And getting a red chicklet over Transformers 2, you've got to be on the edge, looking sharp; takes great dedication. :D
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because of this. Hmm wonder if I'm shallow.. Who cares!! :D
Hey, I'm looking forward to the Blu-ray release (Attached Thumbnails). :)

Mostly for the robots though. :D
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Audioholic Jedi
Saw this today with my son. The bass is freakin AWESOME!!! Too bad the theater I was in seemed to be lacking in the bass department, but at least I know its there and will be unleased in my home soon when it comes out on Blu-ray.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.

I still think the first Transformers sucked in the bass department (inconsistant) when compared to some other movies.

Maybe they can make it in DTS-HD MA this time.:D


Audioholic Jedi
I never expect any Sci-Fi movie to be REALISTIC or OSCAR-material.

But they can still have basic elements that we learned about in the 8th grade like character development, plot, climax, resolution, etc.

If nothing else, just fix the plot holes and most of us would be happy. That is not expecting too much by anyone's standards.


Yeah.. I know :rolleyes: Kinky armor!! :D
And between other things too. ;)

I never expect any Sci-Fi movie to be REALISTIC or OSCAR-material.

But they can still have basic elements that we learned about in the 8th grade like character development, plot, climax, resolution, etc.

If nothing else, just fix the plot holes and most of us would be happy. That is not expecting too much by anyone's standards.
1. And "Star Wars"? (Who was that guy that made that movie? :eek:)

2. True; "Alien". ( A Sci-Fi with a dose of Alien on it, for double dose measure. :eek:)

3. Not at all, "Blade Runner". Or was it "Apocalype Now", ... No, can't be, it's a war movie.
Or isn't? :confused:


Audioholic Spartan
You realize you're arguing opinion right? He liked the movie, nothing you can do is going to convince him otherwise, and yet here you are, continually trying to convince him this movie had plot holes, and a weak story (something he admitted).

And he's not praising a stupid movie. I don't know where you pulled hat from. Try reading past the surface.

Now that I've said that, I saw this yesterday. I really enjoyed all the fighting, and thought they did a good job making Optimus more of a leader (he ****S **** UP). There is plenty of action, plenty of bass, plenty of Megan Fox, and not a whole lot else. Holey plot? Yep. Continuity errors? Yep. Was I expecting an Oscar contender? Nope. You'd have to be a fool to think otherwise.

Definitely picking this up on Blu Ray.

Transformers 2 is a stupid movie. Therfore praising it, is praising a stupid movie. And yes, that is certainly MY opinion. And sorry Sheep, but your opinion carries ZERO weight with me.


News! News! News! Truth or fiction?

Hey, did you guys heard? Michael Bay is already planning the filming of Transformers 3. :eek:


Audioholic Jedi





I won't say that either Transformers movie was good.

But here is my impression.

1) Both movies were GREAT in the video quality/ special effects department.

2) Both movies SUCKED in the sound quality department. I thought the sound quality was very inconsistent. Some parts had good bass, but plenty of parts had sorry bass. When a giant robot blows anything up, I expect to hear some awesome bass every time, but I did not hear it.

3) I liked Transformers 2 better than the first movie because Optinus Prime kicked some serious A$$ and put the hurting on Megatron, the Fallen, and other Decepticons; unlike in the first movie where he got his A$$ kicked all over creation. I still did not like the fact that he got KILLED and had to be ressurected by a little whimpy boy:rolleyes:

4) Einstein's Theory of Relativity: I saw "Public Enemies" right after. It was so damn bad, it made me thought that Transformers 2 was actually good!:eek:


There was no plot to the movie, so there is no such thing as SPOILER ALERT in this case. :D




There was no plot to the movie, so there is no such thing as SPOILER ALERT in this case. :D
I like it. :)

It's a Trilogy, this isn't news.

Oups! I was just making that up! Happens that it's true! :eek:

* Maybe a Quadrilogy perhaps? ;) And I know, I know, Quadrilogy is not a word...

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