Your thoughts on Transformers 2?



Of this year?:confused:
Of course this year. This is 2009, times are rolling fast, man. There is no more waiting for the rolling cash machine. Some movies appeared on Blu-ray even before they hit the Theaters. :eek: Well, they never made it to the Cinema Theater in first place. :D

But seriously, two months now is about the average, perhaps more for big blockbuster movies. Is Transformers 2 a big blockbuster movie?


Audioholic Overlord
Dude, I am straight up Transformers generation. I remember the wanna-be Go-Bots ok? I remember coming home from school every day and watching Thundercats, Transformers, Robotech, etc.

And as a fan of the original TV series, I think these movies suck. Well, the first one was ok, but this one is garbage. I was looking forward to movies that paid homage to the TV show I remember so fondly. Instead, Michael Bay has completely bastardized them and turned the Transformers into a moronic farce that barely has any ties to the source material.

Maybe the film doesn't completely suck, but calling it great is sheer lunacy.
I understand your upsetness. But I am glad they didn't stick to the story line. I have no desire to see the same story line again.

I wouldn't say they have no ties to the source material either. I wanted them to not even try to stick to the story. They would have jacked it up.

I guess it's just a different tasted for some folks. I enjoyed the movie.
It was far better than Ghost Rider for sure(last movie I saw before it)


Audioholic Spartan
I understand your upsetness. But I am glad they didn't stick to the story line. I have no desire to see the same story line again.

I wouldn't say they have no ties to the source material either. I wanted them to not even try to stick to the story. They would have jacked it up.

I guess it's just a different tasted for some folks. I enjoyed the movie.
It was far better than Ghost Rider for sure(last movie I saw before it)
Upsetness??? Is that even a word? :p

You aint wrong there dude. Ghost Rider has to be one of the worst movies ever made, and I wasn't even a big fan of the comic book.

I don't expect a movie to just retell the original story, that would be lame. But it should have some things that make it recognizable. Changing certain things are ok, as long as there is a reason for it and it makes sense. For example, they TOTALLY changed the genesis of Hulk in that lame Ang Lee movie, but it made sense. The "bombarded by Gamma radiation" storyline that Stan Lee came up with in the 60's wouldn't be very plausible these days. Michael Bay is just making up his own stories and slapping the Transformers name on them.

They did have some cool nods to the show, like having Jetfire in there and having Megatron say, "You've failed me yet again Starscream", but I just thought the story was ridiculous. How do you just throw a Decepticon that looks like a human into the story with NO explanation?!?! Why was it so easy to break into that Navy base that was supposed to be the most secure location in the world? And don't even get me started on those stupid twin robots. The one with the gold tooth annoyed the hell out of me.
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Audioholic Spartan
Of course this year. This is 2009, times are rolling fast, man. There is no more waiting for the rolling cash machine. Some movies appeared on Blu-ray even before they hit the Theaters. :eek: Well, they never made it to the Cinema Theater in first place. :D

But seriously, two months now is about the average, perhaps more for big blockbuster movies. Is Transformers 2 a big blockbuster movie?

I guess that depends on your definition of a blockbuster movie. I found it to be very enjoyable, but would never call it a blockbuster movie. On the other hand, I believe it's raking in some bucks. Some people could argue that money is what defines a blockbuster. So my answer is, "I-duh-no". Emphasis on the, duh...:confused:


I guess that depends on your definition of a blockbuster movie. I found it to be very enjoyable, but would never call it a blockbuster movie. On the other hand, I believe it's raking in some bucks. Some people could argue that money is what defines a blockbuster. So my answer is, "I-duh-no". Emphasis on the, duh...:confused:
LOL, me DUH-no neither. :D But I would call this movie a blockbuster movie indeed. I just hope that we won't wait till Chrismas to see it released on Blu-ray. If the theatrical run is not too long (I sure hope so :D), then we might be lucky, and see it released this Fall. :)

>>> Anyone else has a view on this?


I love this post!! :D

I can't believe how lame the American public has gotten. "Who cares if a movie has ANY type of plot or acting, as long as we blow hella **** up, they'll love it." :rolleyes: But it had tons of explosions and a couple of hot chicks. So I guess all you need for a good time are firecrackers and a Playboy? Even the hot chicks were lame. Megan Fox is bangin', but that first scene where she's draped over the chopper is stupid. "Let's see, I need to airbrush the side of this gas tank. Should I just sit or stand right next to the bike while I do it? No, I'll lay across the top of the bike and arch my back while I reach down and do the airbrushing. Can I even see what I'm doing? Who cares, this angle gives a great view of my *** in my booty shorts." Stupid.

Anybody that thinks this is a good movie must have the mental capacity of laundry lint. This movie was a giant nut-filled turd. The ONLY positive thing I can take away from it, is that I only spent $5 on it.

F Michael Bay, and F the people that applaud this kind of crap and allow Hollywood to keep churning this drivel out!


Audioholic Samurai
I understand your upsetness. But I am glad they didn't stick to the story line. I have no desire to see the same story line again.

I wouldn't say they have no ties to the source material either. I wanted them to not even try to stick to the story. They would have jacked it up.

I guess it's just a different tasted for some folks. I enjoyed the movie.
It was far better than Ghost Rider for sure(last movie I saw before it)
Yeah, why stick with the excellent/detailed/logical history of the original GEN 1 series and movie..... in fact, why go with story at all... Bay has perfected the art of having no story... just meaningless action scenes....



Audioholics Master Chief
I finally took the plunge to go see Transformers 2 this weekend on the big screen. In fact, I chose an IMAX theater which was absolutely state of the art in audio and video but was a bit too loud for my wife and myself at times. We caught an 11pm show and I was shocked to see people bringing in their 4 year old kids to this movie. Some just don’t have common sense or good judgment as parents but I reserve my further thoughts on that for now.

Let me just add the following caveat that as a child, I’ve seen all the G1 cartoons and the cartoon movie so many times that I could reenact them almost verbatim. To say I was a Transformers fan is an understatement. I still have most of the G1 toys and comic books in near pristine condition stored safely away. I remember the storylines and characters well, probably more than I’d care to admit to people that really don’t know me well. Most of the shows were lame, including the movie, but I didn’t care. I fell in love with the characters and I’ve always had a thing for robots.

I was reasonably happy with Bay’s first Transformers movie. Sure it had some lame scenes, poor camera shots making it impossible to see who was who, poor character interaction of the robots, but it was still a cool pop corn flick and it got me in touch with my childhood heroes again.

Based on all the negative comments on this thread as well as the negative press I read about this movie, I wasn’t expecting much at all. I didn’t really care to be honest as I figured it was a nice way to finish off a great night with my wife as we haven’t gone out without the kids in quite some time.

The beginning of the 2nd movie was quite enjoyable seeing the history of the first visits of the Primes to Earth. Although this wasn’t part of the original G1 cartoon, I really liked this concept. I do believe this is a carryover from the more recent Japanese animated cartoons but I never really got into those so I didn’t follow the storylines. About 30 minutes into this movie, I thought to myself, aside from the stupid parents, this movie is moving along quite well. The story is making sense and the dialogue from the robots was much better than the first movie.

Then the Ghettobots came in and kinda made me throw up in my mouth a bit. Luckily I still had some ice chips from my drink to chew on and eliminate that feeling.

The girl Decepticon was a cool addin and it felt almost like Terminator 3.

Then Prime took on 3 Decepticons including Megatron and put up a great fight redeeming his wimpy portrayal in the last movie. His death gave me flashbacks of the G1 cartoon movie but something inside me told be he wasn’t totally out of the game. After all they did bring back Megatron from the deepest lurches of the ocean.

What I really liked about this movie was the Prime was da Man! He pwned like he used to in the cartoon. I liked the interaction between Starscream and Megatron. Of course I didn’t mind Megan Fox despite her desperation to hear Sam confess his love to her. I loved how Megatron and the other Decepticons retreated in shame like they used to in the cartoon swearing to have their vengeance at another time.

Take away some of the lame stereotypes portrayed in this movie and the stupid parents, and it really delivered more than what critics claimed. I truly believe only a real fan of old Transformers could appreciate this movie. It was certainly more true to its roots than the new Star Trek movie that everyone seems to be gushing over.

I will be buying this flick on Blu-ray for sure. There is more to this movie than meets the eye! (no pun intended)


Audioholics Master Chief
Yeah, why stick with the excellent/detailed/logical history of the original GEN 1 series and movie..... in fact, why go with story at all... Bay has perfected the art of having no story... just meaningless action scenes....
Are you serious? As much as I loved G1 Transformers, there was so many plot holes in the storyline that I could write a thesis on it. Of course I don't want to show how geeky I am knowing all of this 20 years later :)


Very nice review Gene.

Your review on post #149, is a very nice review Gene. Very much appreciated. :)



I saw this yesterday
and very disapointed with the story
only it's special effects that made me satisfied


I saw this yesterday
and very disapointed with the story
only it's special effects that made me satisfied
Yep, that's the main consensus on that one.
It shows the world we live in, in 2009.
It's gonna take a good dose of waking up, before things get better. ;)

But at least, you enjoyed the special effects, so, it's not a total lost then. :)


Senior Audioholic
I got the Wal-Mart "Big screen Version" (IMAX) today on Blu-ray and the PQ and AQ are simply beyond awesome! If you can stand seeing this one again in its entirety, do it just for this Blu-ray experience.
My only beef, and its a small one, is that the center channel dialogue is a bit too low at times in comparison to the other channels.
I would love to hear what people think about this Blu-ray.


Audioholic Samurai
I saw this yesterday
and very disapointed with the story
only it's special effects that made me satisfied
Not even the effects satisfied me in this one ....I wasted $21.36.


Audioholic Spartan
Not even the effects satisfied me in this one ....I wasted $21.36.
It won't be hard to sell or trade it if you don't like it. Just go to the forums and someone will take it off your hands in a hurry.


Audioholic Samurai
It won't be hard to sell or trade it if you don't like it. Just go to the forums and someone will take it off your hands in a hurry.
So, I've thought about what was bugging me about the movie, and it's the acting. Take out the humans and it's a five star movie all around:). Actually, it's not that bad. I was impressed with the PQ and SQ as well as the special effects. There were alot of extraneous scenes that really took away from the movie. I'll keep it just because of the SQ/PQ. It's a great demo movie.


Audioholic Samurai
So, I've thought about what was bugging me about the movie, and it's the acting. Take out the humans and it's a five star movie all around:). Actually, it's not that bad. I was impressed with the PQ and SQ as well as the special effects. There were alot of extraneous scenes that really took away from the movie. I'll keep it just because of the SQ/PQ. It's a great demo movie.
I agree with you completely. But I think you mean the script. As the entire cast list is full of competent actors, with an incompetent script.

This annoyed me severely as I felt like needless obscenities were thrown in when not needed and stupid little "fart jokes" made an otherwise awesome storyline seem like a cheap Japanese Anime movie that had been dubbed over from Japanese to English.


Audioholics Master Chief
Honestly I never expect much from anything transformers b/c even the original cartoon had some bad stories, tons of discrepancies, etc.

I walked out of this movie more satisfied than I did with the new Trek movie that everyone (including the critics) raved about. I guess I take Trek more seriously :eek:


Audioholic Overlord
Honestly I never expect much from anything transformers b/c even the original cartoon had some bad stories, tons of discrepancies, etc.

I walked out of this movie more satisfied than I did with the new Trek movie that everyone (including the critics) raved about. I guess I take Trek more seriously :eek:
I think the Trek movie was fantastic, but I watched the next gen trilogy.:rolleyes: If you've watched Nemesis you've seen one of the worst movies ever made. It had all the actors and the bad guy had great potential.

I seriously wish it didn't exist and could simply be disowned. Of course the first couple seasons of Enterprise are along the same vain until Brent Spiner comes on the show.

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