Your thoughts on Transformers 2?



Audioholic Chief
I'll be seeing this tomorrow. I don't care if it's stupid and makes no sense, as long as I see Robots that look real, fighting, I'm good. You know why? It's all I WANT out it if.

For once I agree with you. :cool:

I went to see badass cars, badass chicks, and some crazy robot Kung Fu. I'm happy. :)

The movie was pretty long as it is. If they would have spent more time on story and plot/character development they would have had to either make the movie longer or cut out some of the crazy action sequences. I went to see the action sequences. If I wanted plot and character development, then I would have popped in Schindler's List.


Audioholic Overlord
You know guys, all of this talk and no one has mentioned anything about the balls! :eek::D:eek: That is, one of the bots had a huge set of balls on him. Well, I be darn I guess even the bots are vulnerable.........Lmao!!!! :p:eek::p




Audioholic Chief
Eh, I don't usually think about balls, so I guess I forgot about it.
I went to see the action sequences. If I wanted plot and character development, then I would have popped in Schindler's List.
You know what's crazy though? You should be able to have both. Action and plot are not mutually exclusive - THAT is what sucks about Michael Bay.


Senior Audioholic
Good grief...this is getting ridiculous. I'm not a Micheal Bay fan. I like good story movies too. BUT, I really enjoyed Transformers 2. I liked it for different reasons than I have for enjoying classic movies. I can only assume that somebody who is willing to insult another individuals intelligence for enjoying what they themselves don't enjoy must think awfully high of themselves. That kind of conciet that demeans other people is really kind of disgusting in it's own right. I don't get it...just say the movie wasn't your cup of tea and move on. Heck, there are a ton of movies out there that are critically acclaimed masterpieces that I have felt were complete jokes. Just because something is artistic doesn't make it good.

Anyway, I still think the movie was enjoyable. Enjoyable is the key. I like it...for childish reasons because it is a childish movie. Of course, I'm the type of person who can sit down and watch the Simpson's and enjoy it immensly. I don't over analyze the fact that Homer could never be that stupid or dwell on the fact that story has all kinds of plot holes only loosely covered by random bacground characters. I'm ok with the fact that Side Show Bob is way smarter than the entire Simpson family and yet he can't seem to outwit them in the end. You know why? Because I'm just looking for a good enjoyable time on the tv for the few minutes I can catch it. Transformers 2 was no different. I was looking for some action packed robot wars and it deliverd. It reminded me of my childhood. Oh, and it made enough sense that I didn't have to explain it to my un-initiated 14 yr old daughter. Good flick in my book. Sorry some of you guys don't agree. However, Box Office numbers aren't on your side...but I guess that just makes you elitists.


You know guys, all of this talk and no one has mentioned anything about the balls! :eek::D:eek: That is, one of the bots had a huge set of balls on him. Well, I be darn I guess even the bots are vulnerable.........Lmao!!!! :p:eek::p
Phil, those are not it's nuts, they are Michael Bay's brains. :D


Audioholic Overlord
Phil, those are not it's nuts, they are Michael Bay's brains. :D
LOL.......... could be. :eek::rolleyes::eek: Wonder who dreamt of putting that in the movie to begin with...........Lmao!!!! :p;):p Too bad they did not show more of Megan Fox's rear end. Now that would be a sight to behold. :D:D:D




LOL.......... could be. :eek::rolleyes: Wonder who dreamt of putting that in the movie to begin with...........Lmao!!!! :p;) Too bad they did not show more of Megan Fox's rear end. Now that would be a sight to behold. :D:D

You little pe...... :) You must be highly inclined (or is it declined) toward sexual deviation. ;)


Senior Audioholic
Saw this today with my son. The bass is freakin AWESOME!!! Too bad the theater I was in seemed to be lacking in the bass department, but at least I know its there and will be unleased in my home soon when it comes out on Blu-ray.
Oh, and Megan Fox is SMOKIN!!!!! in this one ;)


Glad to hear it.

Saw this today with my son. The bass is freakin AWESOME!!! Too bad the theater I was in seemed to be lacking in the bass department, but at least I know its there and will be unleased in my home soon when it comes out on Blu-ray.
Oh, and Megan Fox is SMOKIN!!!!! in this one ;)
Did your son enjoyed it too? (Megan Fox ;) )


Senior Audioholic
Hey Thanks ivseenbetter, that's nice of you. :)

Bob ;)
I appreciate you taking my words out of context in order to sidestep my entire point. That's an incredibly impressive talent you have there! :rolleyes:

But maybe I misinterpreted the intent of what you were saying...I hope. ;)


Audioholic Overlord
You little pe...... :) You must be highly inclined (or is it declined) toward sexual deviation. ;)
LOL........I have been accused of worse! :eek::p:eek: Either way, Megan Fox is down right sexy. Personally, I would refer to her as something else, but this forum must stay PG-13. If it weren't so, I would key you in. ;):eek:;)




Audioholic Spartan
Good grief...this is getting ridiculous. I'm not a Micheal Bay fan. I like good story movies too. BUT, I really enjoyed Transformers 2. I liked it for different reasons than I have for enjoying classic movies. I can only assume that somebody who is willing to insult another individuals intelligence for enjoying what they themselves don't enjoy must think awfully high of themselves. That kind of conciet that demeans other people is really kind of disgusting in it's own right. I don't get it...just say the movie wasn't your cup of tea and move on. Heck, there are a ton of movies out there that are critically acclaimed masterpieces that I have felt were complete jokes. Just because something is artistic doesn't make it good.

Anyway, I still think the movie was enjoyable. Enjoyable is the key. I like it...for childish reasons because it is a childish movie. Of course, I'm the type of person who can sit down and watch the Simpson's and enjoy it immensly. I don't over analyze the fact that Homer could never be that stupid or dwell on the fact that story has all kinds of plot holes only loosely covered by random bacground characters. I'm ok with the fact that Side Show Bob is way smarter than the entire Simpson family and yet he can't seem to outwit them in the end. You know why? Because I'm just looking for a good enjoyable time on the tv for the few minutes I can catch it. Transformers 2 was no different. I was looking for some action packed robot wars and it deliverd. It reminded me of my childhood. Oh, and it made enough sense that I didn't have to explain it to my un-initiated 14 yr old daughter. Good flick in my book. Sorry some of you guys don't agree. However, Box Office numbers aren't on your side...but I guess that just makes you elitists.
Hey, if you want to go around praising a stupid movie, go right ahead. Frankly, I feel insulted when Hollywood spews out this kind of crap and expects me to not analyze anything and just be fascinated with the flashing lights and loud noises.

As previously stated, action and plot are not mutually exclusive.
Saw this today with my son. The bass is freakin AWESOME!!! Too bad the theater I was in seemed to be lacking in the bass department, but at least I know its there and will be unleased in my home soon when it comes out on Blu-ray.
Oh, and Megan Fox is SMOKIN!!!!! in this one ;)
I didn't know Michael Bay's dad registered on this site? lol


Audioholic Warlord
Hey, if you want to go around praising a stupid movie, go right ahead. Frankly, I feel insulted when Hollywood spews out this kind of crap and expects me to not analyze anything and just be fascinated with the flashing lights and loud noises.

As previously stated, action and plot are not mutually exclusive.
You realize you're arguing opinion right? He liked the movie, nothing you can do is going to convince him otherwise, and yet here you are, continually trying to convince him this movie had plot holes, and a weak story (something he admitted).

And he's not praising a stupid movie. I don't know where you pulled hat from. Try reading past the surface.

Now that I've said that, I saw this yesterday. I really enjoyed all the fighting, and thought they did a good job making Optimus more of a leader (he ****S **** UP). There is plenty of action, plenty of bass, plenty of Megan Fox, and not a whole lot else. Holey plot? Yep. Continuity errors? Yep. Was I expecting an Oscar contender? Nope. You'd have to be a fool to think otherwise.

Definitely picking this up on Blu Ray.



Senior Audioholic
I really enjoyed all the fighting, and thought they did a good job making Optimus more of a leader (he ****S **** UP). There is plenty of action, plenty of bass, plenty of Megan Fox, and not a whole lot else. Holey plot? Yep. Continuity errors? Yep. Was I expecting an Oscar contender? Nope. You'd have to be a fool to think otherwise.

Definitely picking this up on Blu Ray.
My thoughts exactly.

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