Your thoughts on Transformers 2?



Audioholic Spartan
All the above is true, but yet, I still enjoyed the h.ll out of it.:D
Lot's of action & crap getting blowed up.


All the above is true, but yet, I still enjoyed the h.ll out of it.:D
Lot's of action & crap getting blowed up.

Leave your brain at home. It's a great movie for a matinee.
Just smuggle in a flask of rum and buy the large Coke.


Audioholic Spartan
I can't believe how lame the American public has gotten. "Who cares if a movie has ANY type of plot or acting, as long as we blow hella **** up, they'll love it." :rolleyes: But it had tons of explosions and a couple of hot chicks. So I guess all you need for a good time are firecrackers and a Playboy? Even the hot chicks were lame. Megan Fox is bangin', but that first scene where she's draped over the chopper is stupid. "Let's see, I need to airbrush the side of this gas tank. Should I just sit or stand right next to the bike while I do it? No, I'll lay across the top of the bike and arch my back while I reach down and do the airbrushing. Can I even see what I'm doing? Who cares, this angle gives a great view of my *** in my booty shorts." Stupid.

Anybody that thinks this is a good movie must have the mental capacity of laundry lint. This movie was a giant nut-filled turd. The ONLY positive thing I can take away from it, is that I only spent $5 on it.

F Michael Bay, and F the people that applaud this kind of crap and allow Hollywood to keep churning this drivel out!


Audioholic Spartan
I can't believe how lame the American public has gotten. "Who cares if a movie has ANY type of plot or acting, as long as we blow hella **** up, they'll love it." :rolleyes: But it had tons of explosions and a couple of hot chicks. So I guess all you need for a good time are firecrackers and a Playboy? Even the hot chicks were lame. Megan Fox is bangin', but that first scene where she's draped over the chopper is stupid. "Let's see, I need to airbrush the side of this gas tank. Should I just sit or stand right next to the bike while I do it? No, I'll lay across the top of the bike and arch my back while I reach down and do the airbrushing. Can I even see what I'm doing? Who cares, this angle gives a great view of my *** in my booty shorts." Stupid.

Anybody that thinks this is a good movie must have the mental capacity of laundry lint. This movie was a giant nut-filled turd. The ONLY positive thing I can take away from it, is that I only spent $5 on it.

F Michael Bay, and F the people that applaud this kind of crap and allow Hollywood to keep churning this drivel out!
Not every movie can be a Schindler's List. Isn't there room in the world for more than one type of movie? Can't I enjoy this movie without having "the mental capacity of laundry lint"?:rolleyes:


Let's get serious here people. It's a movie about a cartoon. A pretty lame cartoon at that.

We're also talking about a summertime movie release. And who is the target audience for summertime movies? Teenagers. The list of movies that fall into this catagory is huge. It's just relatively cheap entertainment.

I may have laundry lint for brains for enjoying stupid movies and going to the matinee for a cheap afternoon out with the wife, but at least I know not to expect Oscar performances from these movies. I'm not saying this is a great movie by a long shot. But like the first Transformers movie, it was fun (in a stupid kind of way).


Audioholic Spartan
Let's get serious here people. It's a movie about a cartoon. A pretty lame cartoon at that.

We're also talking about a summertime movie release. And who is the target audience for summertime movies? Teenagers. The list of movies that fall into this catagory is huge. It's just relatively cheap entertainment.

I may have laundry lint for brains for enjoying stupid movies and going to the matinee for a cheap afternoon out with the wife, but at least I know not to expect Oscar performances from these movies. I'm not saying this is a great movie by a long shot. But like the first Transformers movie, it was fun (in a stupid kind of way).

Oh, uh... yeah man..

Like you said man....

It was like... uh... huh?

What was I saying?

Oh yeah man....

It was a fun flick man. It was like, you know, kinda like,.... uh... something... ya know?


Just a minute man...


Republican Poster Boy
I can't believe how lame the American public has gotten. "Who cares if a movie has ANY type of plot or acting, as long as we blow hella **** up, they'll love it." :rolleyes: But it had tons of explosions and a couple of hot chicks. So I guess all you need for a good time are firecrackers and a Playboy? Even the hot chicks were lame. Megan Fox is bangin', but that first scene where she's draped over the chopper is stupid. "Let's see, I need to airbrush the side of this gas tank. Should I just sit or stand right next to the bike while I do it? No, I'll lay across the top of the bike and arch my back while I reach down and do the airbrushing. Can I even see what I'm doing? Who cares, this angle gives a great view of my *** in my booty shorts." Stupid.

Anybody that thinks this is a good movie must have the mental capacity of laundry lint. This movie was a giant nut-filled turd. The ONLY positive thing I can take away from it, is that I only spent $5 on it.

F Michael Bay, and F the people that applaud this kind of crap and allow Hollywood to keep churning this drivel out!
Bravo, I could not have said it better myself and I actually liked the Speed Racer movie, but I totally agree with you.
Of course, I think we all agree that pretty much everything coming out of holyweird today is junk.


Audioholic Samurai
I can't believe how lame the American public has gotten. "Who cares if a movie has ANY type of plot or acting, as long as we blow hella **** up, they'll love it." :rolleyes: But it had tons of explosions and a couple of hot chicks. So I guess all you need for a good time are firecrackers and a Playboy? Even the hot chicks were lame. Megan Fox is bangin', but that first scene where she's draped over the chopper is stupid. "Let's see, I need to airbrush the side of this gas tank. Should I just sit or stand right next to the bike while I do it? No, I'll lay across the top of the bike and arch my back while I reach down and do the airbrushing. Can I even see what I'm doing? Who cares, this angle gives a great view of my *** in my booty shorts." Stupid.

Anybody that thinks this is a good movie must have the mental capacity of laundry lint. This movie was a giant nut-filled turd. The ONLY positive thing I can take away from it, is that I only spent $5 on it.

F Michael Bay, and F the people that applaud this kind of crap and allow Hollywood to keep churning this drivel out!

Really the only thing interesting about the movie was Megan Fox, but, I'll just wait for her to make a sex tape. I can appreciate a hot girl in a movie, but, its not a reason to see a movie anymore. If you want hot girls, use the damn internet. Same girls, only you don't have to listen to them talk. Best of both worlds.


Audioholic Spartan
All right guys. Maybe I was a tad harsh. It's just that this crappy movie kind of coalesces how much I HATE the current state of Hollywood. Just about EVERY movie that comes out nowadays is crap.

Sure Transformers is based on a cartoon from the 80's. But is that any excuse for making a stupid movie? I'm not asking for Shakespeare here, but can they at least make a little bit of an effort? Just give me a half-way decent story line and I can forgive some inconsistencies. This thing was paper thin and had more holes than swiss cheese.

Hollywood hardly ever seems to put any effort into making a decent, believable story. I'm sorry, but I can't just shut my brain off when I walk into a movie theater. A movie has to be at least a little coherent for me to enjoy it. But these days all directors want to do is write a 2-page script, then spend $100 million on special effects to cover up the film's inadequacies. I just can't believe that the public willingly gobbles these turd sandwiches up.


Audioholic Spartan
Maybe a movie based on a comic strip, of robots beating the crap out of each other, would not be a good choice for someone looking for a deeper storyline. I'm guessing that the Saturday movies on the Sci-Fi channel would also not be good choices.


Audioholic Spartan
Maybe a movie based on a comic strip, of robots beating the crap out of each other, would not be a good choice for someone looking for a deeper storyline. I'm guessing that the Saturday movies on the Sci-Fi channel would also not be good choices.
You're probably right. But at least I don't have to pay money, deal with crowds and noisy kids when I watch the Sci-Fi channel.

The story doesn't need to be deep. It just needs be decent and make a tiny bit of sense. Sorry, but I'd take just about any episode of the TV show over this crappy movie. After seeing this movie, I watched the first one on BD, and that movie looked like Citizen Kane by comparison.


Audioholic Jedi
This is the sort of movie that was created to do one thing: to make money. Hollywood knows they will make money off of crap like this which is why they focus so much attention on it and the advertising and merchandising. They don't care if it is crap as long as it earns that bottom line. It isn't an Oscar contender for best picture or original screenplay, best actor, or anything. I don't have a problem with a movie being little more than popcorn fodder, but it just seems that they are way, WAY over hyping this one and that is what gets ridiculously tiresome. EVERYWHERE I go, I see it advertised in some way.
The problem here is that you CAN make a good blockbuster movie. You really can. Especially with the budget they had... so there's not much in the way of excuses. It would not have ruined the movie to shore up some plot holes and tweak the script.

Bay, in this case, made a lot of money - but he (apparently from what I've read) didn't make a good movie. He could have. He simply doesn't care to. This makes him, not a bad person (at least not worse than the rest of us) - it just makes him a person who doesn't care about story-telling as much as some of us.

It makes him a money-machine who is bent on special effects, hot chicks, and blowing things up. Just look at Marvel and DC and you can see that this stuff can be done right (or at least better) without much compromise.


Audioholic Jedi
The problem here is that you CAN make a good blockbuster movie. You really can. Especially with the budget they had... so there's not much in the way of excuses. It would not have ruined the movie to shore up some plot holes and tweak the script.

Bay, in this case, made a lot of money - but he (apparently from what I've read) didn't make a good movie. He could have. He simply doesn't care to. This makes him, not a bad person (at least not worse than the rest of us) - it just makes him a person who doesn't care about story-telling as much as some of us.

It makes him a money-machine who is bent on special effects, hot chicks, and blowing things up. Just look at Marvel and DC and you can see that this stuff can be done right (or at least better) without much compromise.
Yes, except that he isn't the only one. I have no doubt that the vast majority of those directors would rather make a boatload of cash instead of a movie that is truly worth watching. Ironman proved that you can make a movie that is entertaining and has a decent story (for what it is) and still make money.


Audioholic Spartan
The problem here is that you CAN make a good blockbuster movie. You really can. Especially with the budget they had... so there's not much in the way of excuses. It would not have ruined the movie to shore up some plot holes and tweak the script.

Bay, in this case, made a lot of money - but he (apparently from what I've read) didn't make a good movie. He could have. He simply doesn't care to. This makes him, not a bad person (at least not worse than the rest of us) - it just makes him a person who doesn't care about story-telling as much as some of us.

It makes him a money-machine who is bent on special effects, hot chicks, and blowing things up. Just look at Marvel and DC and you can see that this stuff can be done right (or at least better) without much compromise.
Exactly Clint!!! Thank the Maker that there are those that get it.

Look at Live Free or Die Hard, that was not a great movie, but it was good. It had your crazy stunts, car crashes and lots of stuff blowing up. But it actually had a decent story as well. They didn't need racist stereotypes to try and get a cheap laugh.

As Clint said, it is possible to make a good blockbuster. Off the top of my head, the recent ones that come to mind are:

Live Free or Die Hard
Batman Begins


Yes, but...

Crappy movie or not, people will always spend money to see this kind of block-buster movie with big CGI effects, eye candy shots, cute chicks, extreme action, blow your head off with sound, and all the big Shawbang...
[I know I will. :D]

This is our generation, the lost generation, with nowhere to go but down (or is it really up. :rolleyes: )

No matter what we say, "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" attracts a lot of opinions, and that, is what makes the world turn around (or is it our own heads! :eek: ).

Anyway, I can't wait to see it on Blu-ray... I need to spin my brains once in a while. :)
* Pin-ball slot machines anyone?



Audioholic Overlord
Tough crowd tonight. I may see this more than once. Must have been good since Phil remembered more than just the hawt chick.:p
Lmao..........are you sure? I still loved watching those things bounce around. :eek::p:eek: Can't wait till I get the chance to slow that down. ;):p;) Megan is absolutely amazing.




Audioholic Warlord
I'll be seeing this tomorrow. I don't care if it's stupid and makes no sense, as long as I see Robots that look real, fighting, I'm good. You know why? It's all I WANT out it if.


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