I forgot to post that I got a Pixel 8. My Pixel 5A died in a bizarre way. I powered off the screen and a couple seconds later hit the power button and the screen would not light up. I figured the screen was dead because you could call my number and the phone would still ring. After a few soft reboots (power + up volume) I got the Android logo so the screen still worked. I didn't know the button combo to get to the root menu though. Next reboot blanked the screen again. After a few hours I got static on the screen, which I have never seen on a phone before. Reboot got the Android logo but screen blanked again.
Took it in for service in case it was recoverable but they said it was a hardware issue and they could not determine the exact cause. Ordered a new Pixel 8 which I've been very happy with. A few days later my wife called to tell me the alarm on my old phone went off. I guess the alarm was still set from a week earlier and the stupid phone is stilling running with a blank screen.

I'll probably have to disassemble it and remove the memory to protect the private data that's on there still.
I got tired of black phones and went with grey. I don't know why they call this "hazel".
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