What New Stuff Have You Bought? If You Care To Share Thead! :)



So this arrived and went into its new home this evening:

And the whole system (minus the rears behind the camera):

Sorry. I didn't really clean up for the shot, so pardon any dust!

I was surprised that it's actually a touch smaller than the A308 Integrated it replaced. Also seems to run a bit hotter now that it's been going for a while and breaking in a bit. I'm not a big suscriber to burn in, particularly on electronics, but I do tend to give things a few hours before judging too critically.

I wasn't expecting too much of a difference between the two, but after settling in for a couple hours, it does seem like there's a touch more fine detail in the upper midrange to highs as little things seem to stand out just a smidge more. I know... Audio memory and all that. Still, it's a welcome find.
Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Audioholic Chief
Holo Audio Cyan2 DAC. It’s only been a few days but this is the best sounding DAC I’ve listened to in my room. I’ve
auditioned a number of DACs. I also liked the Eversolo A8 and would have kept it but I kept losing the connection to my wI-fi. I couldn’t A/B test both because of the connection issues but I did with the A8 and A6 and I preferred the A8. I like separate components so I can tinker, tweak and upgrade equipment. A fun part of the hobby for me. I decided I didn’t need a screen I couldn’t see from my listening chair and I didn’t need a unit with a preamp, just a DAC. Was looking to stay under $2K. I usually only buy equipment I can buy, test and return if necessary but I took a chance on the Cyan2 and I’m glad I did. $1328 delivered so less than the A8. So far so good.


Holo Audio Cyan2 DAC. It’s only been a few days but this is the best sounding DAC I’ve listened to in my room.
Congrats. Always great when you really enjoy your new piece of gear.

Out of curiosity though, did you mean the Eversolo Z8 instead of A8? The Z is the dedicated DAC model and the A is the full streamer unit. One uses ESS and the other AKM for its DAC configuration. Granted, they'll probably sound pretty close but the AKM is often reported (subjectively) to be slightly softer at the top end.
Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Audioholic Chief
Congrats. Always great when you really enjoy your new piece of gear.

Out of curiosity though, did you mean the Eversolo Z8 instead of A8? The Z is the dedicated DAC model and the A is the full streamer unit. One uses ESS and the other AKM for its DAC configuration. Granted, they'll probably sound pretty close but the AKM is often reported (subjectively) to be slightly softer at the top end.
The A8. It’s a great sounding unit and is loaded with features. I haven’t heard the Z8.
Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Audioholic Chief
I only asked because you mentioned not needing the streamer bits and the cost. The Z8 is cheaper and more of a "just a DAC" unit.
No problem you’re right. I was taken in my the cool look of the screen initially but after trying a few including the Cambridge Audio I realized the screen was fine but not that useful For my setup. Would be great if I needed a desktop setup.

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