Why are they "terrorists"? It's David vs. Goliath and sorry to say, blowing themselves up or flying planes into buildings is what the so called terrorists use as weapons. They do not have the resources the USA has. This is war. They are fighting back. they are not terrorists. The USA was destined to be attacked and although innocent people do not deserve to die, you had it coming.
As a Canadian, I see from the outside looking in and your president only tells you what he wants you to hear. If anybody's a terrorist, it's George W. Bush. Mass murderer. Chemical weapon user. Single handedly destroying your economy. By this time next year our dollar will be on par with yours and just 2 years ago, it was at $.69.
your post has got to be the most f#@%#d up thing ive ever heard,i had to re read your post several times to make sure i wasnt seeing things.
we had it comming

i see you covered your a$$ with the innocent people didnt deserve to die comment but it dont cut it,tell that s#!t to all of us who lost loved one's when the "so called terrorist's" blew the s#!t out of thousands of lives,but oh wait! it's really just a david & goliath kinda thing & they had no choice. BULLS#!T.
they are not terrorists their just fighting back! that has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard,up yours!