

Senior Audioholic
Whatever the reason eye for an eye...a kill for a kill doesn't make us better than the terrorists we're fighting against. I still believe in the court of law and the court of God. The iraqis (the insurgents) attack us/our troops for their own reasons and it might as well be right for them too. But to chase 'em just to kill and revenge them..can't be justified in any way. Revenge don't make you superior and always right.
My point is, the true reasons for us to go to war have been twisted in such a ways that we aren't even sure what we are actually fighting for in the first place. We have been told many things, either right or wrong, either 20% right or 20% wrong that we don't know what we should really do. There will be always biases on either sides.
What I expect from the politicians (excluding the forum members) are to take a moment of silence and think back. Please please don't sacrifice our men in the field just for greed and power. If it is for a good cause, look for ways to end this as soon as possible. If you still have your heart healthily attached (is Cheney included?), consider the families left behind by the troops. War on terrors, i agree but if it is for any personal/political gains, i'd say: Shame on You!:mad: .

can this be the fastest growing thread?;)
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Senior Audioholic
Buckle-meister said:
Here's something I've been wondering about: What is it exactly that allows a country potentially to impose sanctions, or failing satisfactory results from them invade another country in order to prevent that country from developing nuclear technology which may or may not lead to nuclear weapons being manufactured?

What is it exactly, when the country potentially imposing the sanctions or declaring war actually has developed nuclear technology itself and indeed has nuclear weapons in its arsenal?

What is it?
See my post on Israel, Syria, and North Korea...
There are reasons for US not to attack you:
If you are a friend, you're spared.
If you don't have enough oil, you are saved.
If you don't say in public you don't give s**t about USA, you are saved.
If you are a country so big and strong and can fight back as fiercefully, you are not in the picture to be attacked.
If U.S. develops and has nuclear warheads, biochemical weapons, etc..etc..Who have the guts to say in front of our face? Not to mention attack us?

U.S. have long used the U.N. and the Security Council to serve its purpose, at least please pay your membership dues on time!..Lol:D


Audioholic Field Marshall
A terrorist never thinks of himself* as a terrorist...

*In the interests of political correctness, 'herself' maybe inserted as appropriate.


Audioholic Field Marshall
masak_aer said:
There are reasons for US not to attack you:
If you are a friend, you're spared.
If you don't have enough oil, you are saved.
If you don't say in public you don't give s**t about USA, you are saved.
If you are a country so big and strong and can fight back as fiercefully, you are not in the picture to be attacked.
If U.S. develops and has nuclear warheads, biochemical weapons, etc..etc..Who have the guts to say in front of our face? Not to mention attack us?
Which apply to Britain? :)


Senior Audioholic
Buckle-meister said:
I see. Interesting. :D
So you see, we got at least 3 reasons not to send our troops there and take your bottles of precious whiskey there.:D (if you sneak your bottles by a mobile transport unit, we'd know it;) though we might mistaken it as you sneaking out WMD to another country:D ).


Audioholic Field Marshall
masak_aer said:
So you see, we got at least 3 reasons not to send our troops there and take your bottles of precious whiskey there.:D (if you sneak your bottles by a mobile transport unit, we'd know it;) though we might mistaken it as you sneaking out WMD to another country:D ).
I experiance Whisky's Malt Distinctiveness on an almost weekly basis and let me tell you; it's sheer torture. :rolleyes:


Senior Audioholic
Buckle-meister said:
I experiance Whisky's Malt Distinctiveness on an almost weekly basis and let me tell you; it's sheer torture. :rolleyes:
Hahahaha...a torture any man would die for...


Senior Audioholic
Buckle-meister said:
Fellow police nation of the world. Hmm. Yes.
Shall we invite the Germans? They can bring their own beer..


Senior Audioholic
Buckle-meister said:
Wait a second. What do you mean 'misery'? Who you callin' miserable punk? Huh?! :eek:
Unhh...Ashley Simpsons?


Audioholic Samurai
Johnny Canuck said:
Why are they "terrorists"? It's David vs. Goliath and sorry to say, blowing themselves up or flying planes into buildings is what the so called terrorists use as weapons. They do not have the resources the USA has. This is war. They are fighting back. they are not terrorists. The USA was destined to be attacked and although innocent people do not deserve to die, you had it coming.

As a Canadian, I see from the outside looking in and your president only tells you what he wants you to hear. If anybody's a terrorist, it's George W. Bush. Mass murderer. Chemical weapon user. Single handedly destroying your economy. By this time next year our dollar will be on par with yours and just 2 years ago, it was at $.69.


your post has got to be the most f#@%#d up thing ive ever heard,i had to re read your post several times to make sure i wasnt seeing things.

we had it comming:mad: i see you covered your a$$ with the innocent people didnt deserve to die comment but it dont cut it,tell that s#!t to all of us who lost loved one's when the "so called terrorist's" blew the s#!t out of thousands of lives,but oh wait! it's really just a david & goliath kinda thing & they had no choice. BULLS#!T.

they are not terrorists their just fighting back! that has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard,up yours!


Senior Audioholic
highfihoney said:
[they are not terrorists their just fighting back! that has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard,up yours!
"Stupidification" in the action...(stupidification = process of making people stupid). Now i can say i coined that word.:D


Audioholic Field Marshall
masak_aer said:
"Stupidification" in the action...(stupidification = process of making people stupid). Now i can say i coined that word.:D
You didn't just coin it; you invented it. Ooooo.


Senior Audioholic
Ok..can someone tell me how i can submit it to Merriam-Webster?:D

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