

chicagomd said:
Sweet mother of God, please tell me you joking. (The below are cut and pasted from )

How about WMDs:
..."You remember when [Secretary of State] Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons....They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two.* And we'll find more weapons as time goes on, But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong. We found them." -WP, "Bush: 'We Found' Banned Weapons. President Cites Trailers in Iraq as Proof, " May 31, 2003

*At the time of this statement, no such weapons were found, and no such weapons have been found to this day. On this point as well as the use of the captured trailers as biolabs, the WP said this in the above article: "U.S. authorities have to date made no claim of a confirmed finding of an actual nuclear, biological or chemical weapon. In the interview, Bush said weapons had been found, but in elaborating, he mentioned only the trailers"
At the time, his advisors and the intel community were telling him Iraq had WMD. I wouldn't call that a lie and I've already argued that point in another post, not doing it again. Same thing with the trailers, they were believed to be mobile processing units which we all found out later not to be true.

I'm not trying to defend him, the president and his decisions affect my job / well-being more than probably anyone here, but can you honestly think quotes from the BBC and a site called bushlies isn't spinning the facts just a bit??


Buckle-meister said:
Does the BBC 'spin the facts'?
Oh yes it does. But BBC does a LOT LESS spin than Foxnews.

In fact I trust BBC more than I trust most domestic media.


nibhaz said:
If this is what you truly believe the sole objective of the War in Iraq is all about then I have two suggestions for you depending on where you live.

1.If you live in the US you need to arm yourself now and begin stockpiling supplies so you are prepared to revolt against the US government.

2.If you live outside the US you need to arm yourself now and begin stockpiling supplies so you are prepared when America comes to secure all of your natural resources.


Ever heard of democracy? Free elections? So now the conservatives are in power, and we are no longer allowed to disagree with our government's policies anymore?

I'll speak with my vote during the next election. And hopefully enough people will wake up and throw these "conservatives" out of office.


Senior Audioholic
One thing for sure now, my head is spinning faster than the cpu fan.:confused:


Question: Why has the "terror alert level" not been raised after the election? Before it went up and down everyday...:confused:


nibhaz said:
2.If you live outside the US you need to arm yourself now and begin stockpiling supplies so you are prepared when America comes to secure all of your natural resources.
We have already secured agreements with many central Asia republics on stationing U.S. military bases on their soil. And just by sheer coincidence, many of these central Asia republics hold the world's second largest chunk of oil reserves next to Middle East.


sts9fan said:
Question: Why has the "terror alert level" not been raised after the election? Before it went up and down everyday...:confused:

Ever heard of lame ducks?;)


Senior Audioholic
That's because it is "AFTER" elections. What's the point of raising it up n down after you have been elected?:p


Audioholic Ninja
furrycute said:
We have already secured agreements with many central Asia republics on stationing U.S. military bases on their soil. And just by sheer coincidence, many of these central Asia republics hold the world's second largest chunk of oil reserves next to Middle East.
Come on furry. You are picking and choosing your facts. These were there long before long ago, in fact, we were ASKED to be there in most circumstances. But here's a tidbit, the U.S has troops permanently stationed in more than 7,000 garrisons in 142 countries. I don't think we can zero in on the middle-east and say AHA! OIL interests. You can bet ALL of those countries AND the U.S. are doing it for SELF-INTEREST. What a surprise.


Republican Poster Boy
furrycute said:
Oh yes it does. But BBC does a LOT LESS spin than Foxnews.

In fact I trust BBC more than I trust most domestic media.
That has to be the single most absurd thing I have heard this year so far. Really, thanks for the good laugh though, you made my day:) :) LOL The BBC pillar of truth. Good lord I would not were to start on them.


Audioholic Chief
furrycute said:

Ever heard of democracy? Free elections? So now the conservatives are in power, and we are no longer allowed to disagree with our government's policies anymore?

I'll speak with my vote during the next election. And hopefully enough people will wake up and throw these "conservatives" out of office.
Why yes, I have, but the accusations that you are spouting off suggest we are being ruled by a tyrant, thus we a no longer a republic. If this is in fact the case, than it would be your obligation as a citizen of the republic to overthrow said government. However your postulations are merely one sided and hollow, and thus do not carry the weight necessary to cause the people to revolt.


This administration has already abused its powers far beyond what the Constitution allows.

While we still have a democracy, it is our duty to vote these people out of office.


rjbudz said:
You can bet ALL of those countries AND the U.S. are doing it for SELF-INTEREST. What a surprise.

So according to this line of logic, it is in our self interest to invade a soverign nation under false pretenses, lose tens of thousands of our own serviceman, kill hundreds of thousands of citizens of that soverign nation, just so the big oil companies of our country can make hundreds of billions of dollars on conquered oil?


jeffsg4mac said:

That has to be the single most absurd thing I have heard this year so far. Really, thanks for the good laugh though, you made my day:) :) LOL The BBC pillar of truth. Good lord I would not were to start on them.

The BBC is a lot more credible than most U.S. domestic media.

Not a single domestic news media company questioned the WMD accusation leveled at Iraq, only BBC and European media did. And as punishmnet for upholding the truth, our glorious leader decided to re-label the French fries into "freedom" fries.


Audioholic Ninja
furrycute said:
So according to this line of logic, it is in our self interest to invade a soverign nation under false pretenses, lose tens of thousands of our own serviceman, kill hundreds of thousands of citizens of that soverign nation, just so the big oil companies of our country can make hundreds of billions of dollars on conquered oil?
"False pretenses"? What do you know that the rest of the world doesn't? The entire world knew Iraq possessed WMD. Remember, they gassed a few thousand of their own. "Lose tens of thousands of our own servicemen"? 2,000, get your facts straight. "Kill hundreds of thousands of citizens of that soverign (sic) nation"? 30,000 by our hand and that of insurgents. "Just so big oil companies of our country can make hundreds of billions of dollars on conquered oil"? You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Show us all some facts to back up what you're saying here.

You just go off spouting untrue exaggerations and believing the left agenda all you wish. It is as pernicious as the rightwing's to the average citizen...who is getting more and more fed up with it. Pay attention to NIBHAZ's wisdom.
Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck

Why are they "terrorists"? It's David vs. Goliath and sorry to say, blowing themselves up or flying planes into buildings is what the so called terrorists use as weapons. They do not have the resources the USA has. This is war. They are fighting back. they are not terrorists. The USA was destined to be attacked and although innocent people do not deserve to die, you had it coming.

As a Canadian, I see from the outside looking in and your president only tells you what he wants you to hear. If anybody's a terrorist, it's George W. Bush. Mass murderer. Chemical weapon user. Single handedly destroying your economy. By this time next year our dollar will be on par with yours and just 2 years ago, it was at $.69.

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Audioholic Field Marshall
Here's something I've been wondering about: What is it exactly that allows a country potentially to impose sanctions, or failing satisfactory results from them invade another country in order to prevent that country from developing nuclear technology which may or may not lead to nuclear weapons being manufactured?

What is it exactly, when the country potentially imposing the sanctions or declaring war actually has developed nuclear technology itself and indeed has nuclear weapons in its arsenal?

What is it?

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