excellent posts

you mentioned africa in your post & not knowing how bad it would be to live as they do under an iron thumb,i have seen a little of how those people suffer & its not good by anybody's description.
the company i work for recently had a project at one of the embassys in africa & locals were hired to help with labor,the government over there has VERY STRICT rules as to what & how you pay their people,less than $1 usd each day for 8 hours labor.
the men hired were really nice people who worked very hard each day with no shoes & never a bite to eat at lunch or break time & still for less than $1 usd each day,we got tired of watching these local men work for next to nothing so we all decided to pay them more out of our own pockets & gave them $50 each at the end of the day.
the next day we were all gathered aside & told by embassy officials that by giving the men that much cash we had unknowlingly caused civil unrest within their tribe & cost 1 man his life,it seems he was killed for his $50 bill,we later found out that all the money we gave them was taken by their tribal leader to buy weapons with.
if people who live under those type conditions cant count on the usa to stand up for them then they are truly screwed