mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
highfihoney said:
if people who live under those type conditions cant count on the usa to stand up for them then they are truly screwed:(
sh*t that's screwed up.
that i would like to see the US whoop some a$$. over there in africa.


Audioholic Chief
highfihoney said:

excellent posts:) you mentioned africa in your post & not knowing how bad it would be to live as they do under an iron thumb,i have seen a little of how those people suffer & its not good by anybody's description.

the company i work for recently had a project at one of the embassys in africa & locals were hired to help with labor,the government over there has VERY STRICT rules as to what & how you pay their people,less than $1 usd each day for 8 hours labor.

the men hired were really nice people who worked very hard each day with no shoes & never a bite to eat at lunch or break time & still for less than $1 usd each day,we got tired of watching these local men work for next to nothing so we all decided to pay them more out of our own pockets & gave them $50 each at the end of the day.

the next day we were all gathered aside & told by embassy officials that by giving the men that much cash we had unknowlingly caused civil unrest within their tribe & cost 1 man his life,it seems he was killed for his $50 bill,we later found out that all the money we gave them was taken by their tribal leader to buy weapons with.:mad:

if people who live under those type conditions cant count on the usa to stand up for them then they are truly screwed:(

Thanks, Hifihoney.

Your story is certainly the kind of perspective I was talking about. I can't come close to imagining what it's like to live like that.


Robbie, do you have an opinion on the topic or are you just going to continue to contradict everything other people post?

Originally Posted by rjbudz
What do you think it is? Or should be?

You're doing it again.

The pot calling the kettle black.


Senior Audioholic
mike c said:
sh*t that's screwed up.
that i would like to see the US whoop some a$$. over there in africa.
See my post on why America will not attack you (read: your country). Sadly, all the terrible things have long been going on in Africa, genocide, hunger, diseases....:(


Audioholic Field Marshall
alandamp said:
I think what I'm trying to say is that maybe we should look at this from the most simple perspective. What is to be gained by invading Iraq? Don't overlook the completely obvious answer. A better way of life for millions.
I understand and agree about a better way of life for millions (eventually), but I'm more than a little wary of the argument that 'it doesn't matter if a wrong is comitted so long as it's for the greater good'. One would have to tread extremely carefully with this line of thinking.

nibhaz said:
Now, now Robbie, a pensive chap such as you, surely knows that the concepts of right and wrong are more grey rather than black and white. Thinking and acting only in absolutes severely limits one from taking the proper course of action in many situations. It’s not so much the action, but rather the intention that is important.
Again, I understand and agree with what you are saying. In many circumstances, perhaps even in the majority of them, what is right and what is wrong is certainly a grey area. But not always. There are truths out there which are not up for question. In addition, as with Alandamp's premise, I'd personally be very wary of broadly stating that intension outweighs action in importance.

alandamp said:
He's like Steve Carell in The 40 year old Virgin. He's trying to keep the focus on you :p .
Who? Me with Rjbudz, or Rjbudz with me?

Matt34 said:
Robbie, do you have an opinion on the topic or are you just going to continue to contradict everything other people post?...The pot calling the kettle black.
Well, I asked the question in the first place because I was interested in finding out what others thought on the matter. Instead, it is I who am asked!

As for 'the pot calling the kettle black', this effectively brands me a hypocrite. Yes, I am, as are we all. The only question is degree. Let us examine what we've accomplished:

I have asked a question on which I already had an opinion, but asked from having an interest in seeing who agreed and who did not. Now the question has been answered by me, and not a single person has given an opinion. Nice. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Samurai
nibhaz said:
I finally got a red chiclet today for this thread…didn’t see that one coming, LOL! :rolleyes:

same here:) ,i got a red one too for this thread:eek: :) mine told me to stay in canada,i live by detroit.
Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck

I seriously don't understand how I can be branded ignorant, immature etc for my comments. I sure as hell don't know everything and never said I did.

We can all agree Saddam was a ruthless dictator.

My point is, and you all seem to be missing it, why does the USA think they can just go in and take him out? What right do you have? Yes, the USA acts like the world police and that's why so many dislike you. Why do you think you can flex your muscle and just go into a country and change it to your beliefs? The people of iraq are not free. They hated saddam, but they hate the USA more. The people of Iraq never asked for your help.

Now your soldiers, young kids with their whole lives ahead of them, are dying over there, or coming back home as permanent head cases for what? For nothing! You don't belong there.

In Canada, we have unbiased news, the CBC, which tells the truth. it's not government censored like CNN.

I am not a terrorist and I was extremely disgusted to hear those comments. I too love freedom and thank God everyday I live in a free country. I just can see past my own nose unlike some here.


Audioholic Warlord
OK, I've had about enough of this. Everyone used to be friends on this forum, and now because of some stupid topic, they hate eachother.

Your arguing a point that will never be resolved. Neither side will cave, its just slinging mud in every direction.


You should not have started this thread. You knew it would turn into this. And if you didn't, you haven't been to the steam vent in a long time.

Enlisted members,

Its great that you are fighting for a cause, a greater good if you will, but not everyone is going to agree with it. Accept it.

People apposing the war,

You can't start targeting the enlisted members just because they are out there fighting. Last time I checked, they are doing more then you.

Regarding name-calling and judging,

Even though this is the steam vent, it does not mean under any circumstances that you can go around attacking members or calling them commy's, redneck's, etc etc. Just because someone if not from the same country does not mean they are open for ripping. I am surprised a moderator has not stepped in and banned you. That is just plain disgusting.

Now, everyone drop the subject.

Grow up, and shut up.

Last edited:


Audioholic Samurai
Sheep said:
OK, I've had about enough of this. Everyone that used to be friends on this forum, and now because of some stupid topic, they hate eachother.

Your arguing a point that will never be resolved. Neither side will cave, its just slinging mud in every direction.


You should not have started this thread. You knew it would turn into this. And if you didn't, you haven't been to the steam vent in a long time.

Enlisted members,

Its great that you are fighting for a cause, a greater good if you will, but not everyone is going to agree with it. Accept it.

People apposing the war,

You can't start targeting the enlisted members just because they are out there fighting. Last time I checked, they are doing more then you.

Regarding name-calling and judging,

Even though this is the steam vent, it does not mean under any circumstances that you can go around attacking members or calling them commy's, redneck's, etc etc. Just because someone if not from the same country does not mean they are opening for ripping. I am surprised a moderator has not stepped in and banned you. That is just plain disgusting.

Now, everyone drop the subject.

Grow up, and shut up.

wise words!

im out of this thread, thanks for the reality check sheep:)
Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck

Agreed Sheep. Let's all just agree to disagree. This is an A/V forum, let's get back to discussing A/V. :)



Senior Audioholic
Johnny Canuck said:
Agreed Sheep. Let's all just agree to disagree. This is an A/V forum, let's get back to discussing A/V. :)

As for me? :D . I never said I hated anybody here. I've long established that I love HiFi and all others that have different opinions. I believe as well that this thing will not get personal (as we are all mature adult:D , I hope..hehehe). Any discussions on religions, beliefs, and politics will somehow lead into very steamy stuff. I knew it from the beginning I started posting my opinions with high hopes that everybody doesn't take it too personally. You can be mad but keep your heads cool. After all, we just voice our opinions no matter how diverse they are.

At least we learn something here. We started with hot steamy exchange of words but we should end it with a toast of friendship (Buckle, time to serve your whiskey:rolleyes: ). See how this small discussions like this between "friends" can turn ugly? So we have to understand how all the wars can start just because of different beliefs. We just have to accept it.
I personally apologize if I did offend anybody here. I never consider anybody here as enemies or opponent that i have to take down. No no no..never! For me, it is just a discussion after all. I just want to see how much different we all are and indeed we are.

I also hope that everybody here can end this with warm ending, sit down and relax..;)


masak_aer said:
I also hope that everybody here can end this with warm ending, sit down and relax..;)
I concur, I really do enjoy this forum and hope to continue to make friends here despite our different views on politics, religion and women.....they are all inherently evil anyways.:D


Audioholic Samurai
Sheep said:
You should not have started this thread. You knew it would turn into this. And if you didn't, you haven't been to the steam vent in a long time.

the best comment that sheep wrote was this quote above,as soon as i read the thread i knew it would come to fighting but like a hungry bass i just couldnt resist,i had to bite:) ,i think we all knew what was going to happen:D

for the record i am not mad at anybody nor did i serve anybody up with a red chicklet nor will i ever.

ok on to the next topic,my audioquest cables sound better than regular speaker wire:p


Senior Audioholic
This is what I like...i'm still waiting on the rest of the folks that have contributed here to say something nice..at least nobody's going to leave this thread with any hard feelings. ;) ..


Audioholic Field Marshall
Funnily enough, I disagree

Johnny Canuck said:
My point is, and you all seem to be missing it...
No, not all. I see quite clearly the point you are making.

Johnny Canuck said:
In Canada, we have unbiased news...
Johnny, there is no way on earth that Canadian news is exempt from bias. It may or may not have less than American networks, but it certainly will be biased to an extent.

Sheep said:
OK, I've had about enough of this.
You've had enough of this? Apart from a couple of posts off the thread topic, you've had nothing to do with this.

Sheep said:
...because of some stupid topic...
The topic is not stupid. Governments from around the world spend billions on it. Are they foolish to do so?

Sheep said:
Neither side will cave, its just slinging mud in every direction.
I disagree. There is a world of difference between arguing and 'mud-slinging'. 'Mud-slinging' is simply arguing got out of hand. The fact that the moderators did not see fit to close this thread proves that the thread never reached this 'critical mass'

Sheep said:
Wonderbird, You should not have started this thread. You knew it would turn into this. And if you didn't, you haven't been to the steam vent in a long time.
Yours is not the right to tell people what they should or should not do. It is up to the moderators and/or administrator to decide the appropriate course of action regarding the fate of any thread. Nobody forces people to post. If people are not prepared to post and have their opinions either contested, or overthrown, they should not post in the first place.

Johnny Canuck said:
This is an A/V forum, let's get back to discussing A/V.
If this was just an A/V Forum, there wouldn't be a need for a Steam Vent Category at all.

masak_aer said:
Any discussions on religions, beliefs, and politics will somehow lead into very steamy stuff. I knew it from the beginning I started posting my opinions with high hopes that everybody doesn't take it too personally. You can be mad but keep your heads cool. After all, we just voice our opinions no matter how diverse they are.
Exactly. If you cannot post without precisely this mentality, you should not post at all.

highfihoney said:
the best comment that sheep wrote was this quote above,as soon as i read the thread i knew it would come to fighting...
I do not agree. The topic of the thread was obviously always potentially explosive, but if it was inevitable that it would 'come to fighting', it was only from a lack of self-control on the part of the participants. Even before Sheep posted his most recent post, the thread's heat had fizzled out.

And no, I am not attempting to needlessly keep this thread going.


Audioholic General
I'm not going to post my opinion, I'm pretty sure I've made it clear before, but I did want to say something and I wasn't sure a PM would be the best way.

Just wanted to say good luck and keep your head down Matt.


Senior Audioholic
Buckle-meister said:
And no, I am not attempting to needlessly keep this thread going.
That's cool enough for me...i don't know about others. Somehow, everybody reaches a point where all the shouting, name calling, accusations, and egos seize to matter. This is what we call voicing opinions. They can be debated, or questioned but we are not here to judge anybody's views as right or wrong. It may be right now but it might be proven wrong later. Just like science, it is always right, no matter how stupid it can be, until somebody come forward and prove (scientifically of course) it is wrong. Remember, our earth was flat until that "guy" said it's round. We have to keep ourselves together..we aren't politicians who get paid to think about all this. If i get paid probably i'll spend more time talking n discussing this thing.

This is a good thread for us to learn how to express ourselves. I like this thread. This thread has succesfully shown us that this topic is very sensitive that can even bite among friends but we have also succesfully showed to others that we can still keep our heads cool. No matter how different we are, we are still buddies. We have shown to the leaders of the world (very small one) that all these differences of views and opinions doesn't have to end with wars.

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