

Senior Audioholic
Award-Winning Professor Cites "Stupidification" in Schools
According to Professor Donaldo Macedo, director of the Applied Linguistics Graduate Program, schools do not always serve the best interests of their students. Combined with media and other social institutions, educational institutions often stifle critical thinking by creating a pretext of equality and perpetuating ignorance through what Macedo refers to as a process of "stupidification" or forced submission of the mind

Ok...I'm not the first...:(


Audioholic Ninja
Johnny Canuck said:
The USA was destined to be attacked and although innocent people do not deserve to die, you had it coming.
There is a rule of thumb I like to use. It's called the 140 Rule. Whenever I see shear stupidity I remind myself that for every person with an IQ of 140 in this world, there is someone with an IQ of 60...or two people with 80. Balance is not necessarily a bad thing.

But I think your level of ignorance (and hate) has thrown everything out of whack. You have caused me to change my rule to the 160 Rule. You are truly the stuff out of which terrorists are made.


Johnny Canuck said:
Why are they "terrorists"? It's David vs. Goliath and sorry to say, blowing themselves up or flying planes into buildings is what the so called terrorists use as weapons. They do not have the resources the USA has. This is war. They are fighting back. they are not terrorists. The USA was destined to be attacked and although innocent people do not deserve to die, you had it coming.

As a Canadian, I see from the outside looking in and your president only tells you what he wants you to hear. If anybody's a terrorist, it's George W. Bush. Mass murderer. Chemical weapon user. Single handedly destroying your economy. By this time next year our dollar will be on par with yours and just 2 years ago, it was at $.69.

Terrorist:"One who utilizes the systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve political objectives, while disguised as a civilian non-combatant. The use of a civilian disguise while on operations exempts the perpetrator from protection under the Geneva Conventions, and consequently if captured they are liable for prosecution as common criminals."

"Use should be restricted specifically to references to people and nongovernmental organizations planning and executing acts of violence against civilian or noncombatant targets."

"a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities "

That's why there terrorist, now **** off and die. *******
Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck

What the?????? You obviously took my comments all wrong. Or maybe I said it wrong. in no way did i say the USA deserved that. Far from it There are countries against our western beliefs and we can not make them change to our idealogy so there's bound to be a conflict. Do you think only the USA has the right to wage war? The world thinks the USA are bullies so somebody actually stands up to you and they are "terrorists"? How many "innocent" people have died in Iraq at the hands of the US , accidently "getting in the way"? Do you not think their families were not destroyed as well as those who's familys were ruined forever on 9-11? Wake up man! It's bad for both sides innocent people died.

Again, not on anybody's side. I am Canadian and am not involved emotionally in the conflict as you may be and would expect you to be patriotic and supportive of your president while at war.. Still doesn't mean it's right.

this isn't really the place for us to be discussing this. this isn't a politics board, it's A/V.

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This is all getting wacked. No one is going to convince anyone else of his/her political beliefs. Let's just all agree to disagree and let the matter settle.

Mods, I motion to lock down this thread.


Audioholic Warlord
Wow furry, I think someone already tried that one. Don't think it worked. I can't remember who though....:rolleyes: :)

Sheep said:
rable rable rable rable rable rable rable rable rable rable.

Thats all I'm reading. :)

Do we really need ANOTHER war thread?

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
bla bla bla

no its ble ble ble

and i cover my ears and sing duuu aaa diiii, diii di di dum di di do!


Audioholic Ninja
Johnny Canuck said:
What the?????? You obviously took my comments all wrong. Or maybe I said it wrong. in no way did i say the USA deserved that. Far from it
WE TOOK THE COMMENTS WRONG? In no way did you say the USA deserved it?! Shall I post your exact sentence again? You said, "You (us) had it coming (9/11)".

That's a nice color chiclet you have there, by the way. Kind of a glowing red. I wonder who is getting it all wrong here. Hmmm. When one questions the integrity of the world, one should start with oneself.

And you and furrycute now want to not discuss politics? You got your shots in and suddenly think this is the wrong place? Then I would suggest that you help yourselves...there is wisdom in keeping your political opinions to yourselves.


rjbudz said:
And you and furrycute now want to not discuss politics? You got your shots in and suddenly think this is the wrong place? Then I would suggest that you help yourselves...there is wisdom in keeping your political opinions to yourselves.
Fine, bring it on. It's the weekend anyways.


Johnny Canuck said:
What the?????? You obviously took my comments all wrong. Or maybe I said it wrong. in no way did i say the USA deserved that. Far from it There are countries against our western beliefs and we can not make them change to our idealogy so there's bound to be a conflict. Do you think only the USA has the right to wage war? The world thinks the USA are bullies so somebody actually stands up to you and they are "terrorists"? How many "innocent" people have died in Iraq at the hands of the US , accidently "getting in the way"? Do you not think their families were not destroyed as well as those who's familys were ruined forever on 9-11? Wake up man! It's bad for both sides innocent people died.

Again, not on anybody's side. I am Canadian and am not involved emotionally in the conflict as you may be and would expect you to be patriotic and supportive of your president while at war.. Still doesn't mean it's right.

this isn't really the place for us to be discussing this. this isn't a politics board, it's A/V.

Were you born stupid or did it just hit you one day?

Do you think only the USA has the right to wage war?
They started this war or did you already forget??

The world thinks the USA are bullies so somebody actually stands up to you and they are "terrorists"?
:confused: So if they don't agree with our foregin policies it's ok for them to declare a jihad on us and fly civilan commerical jet's into civilian building killing thousands of CIVILIANS??

How many "innocent" people have died in Iraq at the hands of the US , accidently "getting in the way"?
There is no offical estimate. We don't just "shoot" Iraqi's cause they get in the way. There is a thing called "Rules of Engagement" that every soldier is required to know.

Do you not think their families were not destroyed as well as those who's familys were ruined forever on 9-11? Wake up man! It's bad for both sides innocent people died.
I am awake are you? I know first hand how this affected the Iraqi population...who said war was ever good? Doesn't mean it's not necessary

Again, not on anybody's side. I am Canadian and am not involved emotionally in the conflict as you may be and would expect you to be patriotic and supportive of your president while at war.. Still doesn't mean it's right.
Doesn't mean it's wrong either. Just because we now have a leader with a backbone, we got to see who truely are our allies.

I'd rather be killing them there then in my neighborhood.


Matt34 said:
There is no offical estimate. We don't just "shoot" Iraqi's cause they get in the way. There is a thing called "Rules of Engagement" that every soldier is required to know.

May lai ring a bell?


Audioholic Chief
Matt34 said:
Ah yes, let's start the Iraq/Veitnam comparison.:rolleyes:
Matt, he is not worth it. furrycute is just spouting off about things of which he has know idea about. He is stuck in the past, or he’s just too wrapped up in his own self loathing, defeatist world where doing nothing and appeasement to reward the terrorist for their actions will solve the problem.

They don’t believe that rules of engagements exist. In their world American soldiers are brutal killers that don’t show restraint in an effort to restrict collateral damage. That’s because they don’t have the balls to find out what it’s really like for them selves. Armchair quarterbacking is close enough for them. They’d be singing a different tune after witnessing an IED going off in the middle of their convoy and not having a single shot fired because no one can confirm an enemy target among the crowed street.


Audioholic Field Marshall
rjbudz said:
WE TOOK THE COMMENTS WRONG? In no way did you say the USA deserved it?! Shall I post your exact sentence again? You said, "You (us) had it coming (9/11)".
It maybe subtle, but there is a distinction between 'had it coming' and 'deserved it'.

rjbudz said:
That's a nice color chiclet you have there, by the way. Kind of a glowing red. I wonder who is getting it all wrong here. Hmmm.
Why have you resorted to sarcasm? Why not just call Johnny Canuck names outright? A red chicklet doesn't mean that Johnny Canuck has 'got it all wrong here'; it simply means that more folk disagree with him than not. Are you judging a person based on a little red coloured square on an internet website?

Matt34 said:
Were you born stupid or did it just hit you one day?
Well at least you just come out and say it. :rolleyes: But then, why exactly do you feel the need to resort to name calling in the first place? Why not discuss in a civilised (albeit heated) way?

Matt34 said:
I know first hand how this [war] affected the Iraqi population...
Could you describe how has it affected it please? I am genuinely interested in knowing.

Matt34 said:
Just because we now have a leader with a backbone, we got to see who truely are our allies.
Does your list of allies include Britain?

Matt34 said:
I'd rather be killing them there than in my neighborhood.
Why? If you're going to kill someone, what difference does the scenery make?

nibhaz said:
They’d be singing a different tune after witnessing an IED going off in the middle of their convoy and not having a single shot fired because no one can confirm an enemy target among the crowed street.
Them and us eh? What would you do?
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Audioholic Field Marshall
furrycute said:
"The Joint Strike Fighter engine is being built by General Electric and England-based Rolls Royce, and the plan to dump them as suppliers has triggered intense lobbying, including a handwritten note from British Prime Minister Tony Blair to Bush."

Golly! A handwritten letter from Tony Blair to George Bush. Must've been pretty important. :rolleyes: I wonder if that was sent 1st Class Post. :rolleyes:


I wonder if Blair should have hired Abromoff (however his name is spelled).:D

Oops, that would have really worked about a month and half ago.:D That Abromoff dude has gotten real cozy with those "fiscal conservatives." DeLay even gave up running for the Majority leader after the Abromoff scandal broke out. Wow, DeLay must have been real cozy with Abromoff.

With powerful friends like these, I really do wonder who Abromoff pissed off to have his behind dragged out like this.


Audioholic Ninja
Buckle-meister said:
It maybe subtle, but there is a distinction between 'had it coming' and 'deserved it'.

What would that be, Robbie (especially in the context of that entire post)? Elaborate please.


Audioholic Field Marshall
rjbudz said:
What would that be, Robbie (especially in the context of that entire post)? Elaborate please.
Well, 'had it coming' simply means that something is inevitable. 'Deserved it' is an altogether independant statement.

For example, I knew a long time before it happened that London would be attacked. Most Londoners expected it. The Police even stated that it was only a matter of time. That it was inevitable. I also knew that it would be the tube that was targeted. I'm sure we'd all agree that all the innocents that died didn't deserve it.

Didn't you know that America had had plenty of warnings about an attack immediately prior to the events of 9/11?

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