

Audioholic Ninja
Buckle-meister said:
Well, 'had it coming' simply means that something is inevitable. 'Deserved it' is an altogether independant statement.

For example, I knew a long time before it happened that London would be attacked. Most Londoners expected it. The Police even stated that it was only a matter of time. That it was inevitable. I also knew that it would be the tube that was targeted. I'm sure we'd all agree that all the innocents that died didn't deserve it.

Didn't you know that America had had plenty of warnings about an attack immediately prior to the events of 9/11?
Ah, I don't think so, Robbie. "Had it coming" in no way translates to "inevitable". It's a very specific idiom that proposes deservedness. An idiomatic synonym would be "Asked for it". I admit that part of his point agrees with what you say...that innocent people did not deserve it. But it's his postulate that THE USA DESERVED IT. And then by inference, the innocent people just happened to get in the way. Was it inevitable? Maybe.

But calling George Bush the "worlds biggest terrorist"? BS. You don't comment upon that name calling, by the way. Why is that? You suggested he was only expressing his opinion. Would you react likewise to me if I gave my opinion that JC is likely Canada's biggest idiot?

The red chiclet comment? I don't judge him by his chiclet...I think you know I'm well above that kind of thing, Robbie. Some people never look inward and evaluate themselves. It was my way of suggesting that perhaps he should look and see what it is he's doing that alienates others. You ask why the sarcasm? Why not?


Senior Audioholic
Buckle-meister said:
Didn't you know that America had had plenty of warnings about an attack immediately prior to the events of 9/11?
Oh no no no....America didn't have credible warning sources about the attack BUT we do, though, have credible sources that Iraq has WMD and STD (Serious Terrorist Disease)...that's why we go after the bastards there.

And just in case you wonder..We didn't have enough credible warnings that the levies by New Orleans were showing signs of breakings before the disastrous Katrina.

Oh, and one more thing...we didn't have enough resource to send the National Guards on time to save those poor people...(several states were ready at that time, but well you know, Bush doesn't like black people...eeeeeyy..that's Kanye talking..)

But we do, though, have enough money to keep our troops morale high in the field...Long live our troops!!..and we do have enough resource to at least send some more there.

Hmmm..what else...

Let me take you for a tour on:
Examples of articles not respecting the power and rights of our president: (don't laugh, this is not funny!:mad: ) (it can't be happening:confused: ) (this is absurd, eavesdropping is to protect the people in the long run, see: we know that buckle meister is transporting his whiskey from his bar to his couch;) ) (i don't believe any of this s**t:mad: ) (another lie:mad: )

lie :mad:

lie :mad:

lie :mad:

No way our president really lies to us...!!!:mad:

Hey Robbie, let's see how long this threads going to last. Anybody upfor a bet of $.25? How many pages this thing will go on? :D
Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck

Do you know why the world, or most of it, dispises America? It's the arrogance. Arrogant that you believe you are right. arrogant to believe you can do what you want, push around who you want, and try to make people believe what you believe. And to top it off, your government censors EVERYTHING to make you believe it's all OK.

This is the perception of other countries. believe it or not. I can not travel the world without a Canadian flag on me or i am perceived to be American. That is truly a shame and i am truly sorry for you, the people as I don't think you are bad , just your policies sometimes and for the most part, it's the madman at the helm. he's got balls? C'mon. he's plain and simply a bloody moron who id destroying the once greatest country in the world right before your eyes. And yes, that is name calling and 90% of the world thinks he is one too.

If you ask me, the country winning the War on Terror is the Chinese. yes China. As the USA spends trillions and trillions, sinking into more financial dispair( which is what the whole idea behind the WTC attacks and hitting the economy) the Chinese are becoming THE financial superpower, developing technology etc and in 10 years will dominate the globe. Don't laugh. think about it.

So, for your perusal, i give you this link. Read it. Every point made has substantiation.

I sure hope not all Americans share your beliefs.

BTW, THEY didn't start it. Mr. Bush uses Iraq's so called involvement in 9-11 to justify invading (not liberating as you are made to believe) Iraq.

I would read it quick before your government finds the web site and shuts it down as all the others that tell the truth do.
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Audioholic Field Marshall
rjbudz said:
"Had it coming" in no way translates to "inevitable". It's a very specific idiom that proposes deservedness. An idiomatic synonym would be "Asked for it".
If Johnny Canuck had written 'asked for it', I would have interpreted it exactly the same way as I did 'had it coming'. You must interpret his words in the way that seems appropriate to you. Have you never said something which has been interpreted the wrong way by another?

rjbudz said:
...calling George Bush the "worlds biggest terrorist"? BS. You don't comment upon that name calling, by the way. Why is that?
Why is calling George Bush the 'worlds biggest terrorist' **? Plenty of people around the world protest against him with exactly this slogan written on their banners. They obviously believe it to be true. As to why I didn't comment on 'that' name calling, to be honest it never registered, probably because Mr. Bush's not actually present having dialogue on a one to one basis with others.

Just to be fair: Bad Johnny Canuck! Bad! :D

rjbudz said:
You suggested [Johnny Canuck] was only expressing his opinion. Would you react likewise to me if I gave my opinion that [Johnny Canuck] is likely Canada's biggest idiot?
As far as I am concerned, anybody can think anything they like about anything else. But having an opinion is one thing, expressing it through name calling is quite another. It's not particularly mature wouldn't you say?

rjbudz said:
The red chiclet comment? I don't judge [Johnny Canuck] by his chiclet...I think you know I'm well above that kind of thing, Robbie. Some people never look inward and evaluate themselves. It was my way of suggesting that perhaps [Johnny Canuck] should look and see what it is [Johnny Canuck]'s doing that alienates others. You ask why the sarcasm? Why not?
Didn't your parents ever teach you not to answer a question with a question? :rolleyes: Johnny Canuck does not alienate me, so where exactly does that leave us? Is Johnny Canuck wrong because he is in the minority? What if, just if, Johnny is right and everyone else is wrong? If you cannot accept this as a possibility, then I'm afraid you have a little soul-searching to do yourself.

Masak Aer, I'll get to you once I've read your post properly. ;)


Audioholic Field Marshall
masak_aer said:
STD (Serious Terrorist Disease)...
I'm sure glad you defined STD for me. It's not what I was thinking it was. :D

masak_aer said:
Examples of articles not respecting the power and rights of our president...
Interesting links. If any of us knew the extent of what our governments got up to, it would no doubt scare us silly.

And yes, I did find the first link funny. All of it. :)


Audioholic Ninja
Buckle-meister said:
As far as I am concerned, anybody can think anything they like about anything else. But having an opinion is one thing, expressing it through name calling is quite another. It's not particularly mature wouldn't you say?
Oh yes, I would indeed call it immature. That's why I didn't do it (except to suggest it as an example to you)...but he did. I'm still really puzzled how you see Johnny Canuck calling Bush "the worlds biggest terrorist" to be an opinion and not name calling...and the potential of me calling JC "the world's biggest idiot" to be name calling and not an opinion. Me thinks your liberal ways have biased your ability to be rational and logical about this point, my friend.
Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck

"world's biggest idiot"?? Why because i state my opinion. Why do you think yours is right amd mine is wrong? That's the arrogance I am speaking about.

Truthfully, you sound brainwashed to me. No worse than Iraqis being brainwashed to blow themselves up. You believe what you want, as do they. That's what war is about. Two people not seeing eye to eye over the same thing. Just like us here.



Audioholic Field Marshall
Johnny Canuck said:
...for your perusal, i give you this link. Read it. Every point made has substantiation.
Johnny, at least some of the information in your link is incorrect:

No steel frame buildings had ever before in history collapsed either from fires or planes hitting them.
The above text is correct in the strictest sense, but it's clearly intended to mislead people. No steel framed building ever had such a large sized high speed fuel laden plane collide with it.

They are designed to withstand those hazards.
True, Tall Buildings are designed for impact. But Leslie Robertson, the designer of the World Trade Centre towers never contemplated in his worst nightmares that someone would actually fly into a building on purpose. The buildings were designed against collision from a plane on the premise that the then largest airliner in service (Boeing 707) would have collided as a result of getting lost in heavy mist shortly after take-off or approaching to land. The plane would not therefore have been flying anything like as fast as the fateful planes were and the damage caused would have been enormously less. Remember; Energy=mass*acceleration, so if the speed comes down, the impact energy drops. Unfortunately, the converse is true.

On 9/11 three of them fell, and fell perfectly straight down. Why do you think demolition experts spend weeks planting charges and timing the explosions with millisecond precision? To make sure the buildings implode and fall straight down, just as the three WTC towers did. That perfection does not happen by accident.
On the contrary, the impact of the collisions, whilst sealing the building's fate at a local level, could never have come close to causing global instability in the sense that it would have been toppled. It is a testament to Leslie Robertson's design that the buildings collapsed in the controlled manner that they did.

Further, the timing of the falls are indicative of linear controlled demolitions, not accelerating natural gravitational collapse. An engineering failure of this magnitude would normally demand an exhaustive study as to the mechanism of failure to ensure it never happened again, but all the evidence was quickly whisked away and melted down thus ensuring the cause was never discovered.
Not sure where this came from. Structural experts from around the world have modelled the events of that day and have arrived at a broadly similar conclusion as to the collapse mechanism. There are to be sure disagreements about the specifics, but broadly, they agree.
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Audioholic Field Marshall
rjbudz said:
Oh yes, I would indeed call it immature. That's why I didn't do it (except to suggest it as an example to you)...but he did.
But he did? As in did too, did not, did too, did not? :rolleyes:

rjbudz said:
I'm still really puzzled how you see Johnny Canuck calling Bush "the worlds biggest terrorist" to be an opinion and not name calling...and the potential of me calling JC "the world's biggest idiot" to be name calling and not an opinion.
Let me clarify. Johnny Canuck thinking that George Bush's 'the worlds biggest terrorist' and your thinking Johnny Canuck is 'the world's biggest idiot' (you appear to be branching out here; he was only Canada's biggest idiot before :rolleyes: ) are potentially your opinions. Johnny Canuck stating his opinion by writing that George Bush's 'the worlds biggest terrorist' and your stating yours by writing that Johnny Canuck is 'the world's biggest idiot' is name calling. See? If you want to differentiate between them on the Forum, you need to use one of that awful acronym IMO. :D

rjbudz said:
Me thinks your liberal ways have biased your ability to be rational and logical about this point, my friend.
You are of course free to think as you will. That is your right. You'd be wrong though. :D


Audioholic Ninja
Johnny Canuck said:
"world's biggest idiot"?? Why because i state my opinion. Why do you think yours is right amd mine is wrong? That's the arrogance I am speaking about.

Truthfully, you sound brainwashed to me. No worse than Iraqis being brainwashed to blow themselves up. You believe what you want, as do they. That's what war is about. Two people not seeing eye to eye over the same thing. Just like us here.

Well, Johnny. I didn't call you the world's biggest idiot except as an example to someone else who was thinking illogically. But now that you mention it, it's not a bad description. And let me turn it around...why because I state my opinion about you is mine wrong and yours is right? That's the arrogance you were talking about. You were stating all kinds of opinions that you believe are irrefutable. You don't think THAT is arrogant, eh?

"Truthfully, you sound brainwashed to me" "No worse than Iraqis...etc". Only in your case, it's by the media. Or maybe you can tell us about how you have a single-handed grip on the "truth", or inside information on all the "real" intelligence...that you were part of terrorist cell planning, or intergovernmental summit meetings, or Senate Intelligence Subcommittee meetings, or have even been to Iraq to find out how the people really feel. Have you asked one Iraqi ANYTHING? But you're too arrogant, insolent, and immature even to ask someone who has been there. (Try getting Matt34's experiences.) But you don't have to because YOU KNOW EVERYTHING, don't you, Johnny Canuck?! No, you're not arrogant.

I sound brainwashed? Right. I haven't made any statements about the Iraq situation or the war or even terrorist attacks, so what are you talking about?! On the other hand, YOU HAVE babbled incessantly about it. I have responded to what I see as your illogic and bias.

I told myself once before that your bleetings didn't deserve my respectful reading, much less response. I wish I had followed my pledge, but will from now on. As I said, you have all the makings of a true believer and the fervor of a real terrorist...lots of hatred and jealousy and blaming.
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Audioholic Chief
I know.

Buckle-meister said:
Them and us eh? What would you do?
Robbie, I already know what I would do because I've already been in that situation. I've been the "soft" target in the back of a HUMVEE, but luckily their timing was off and they hit the empty five ton truck behind me. However, with no clear aggressor among the crowd no return shots were fired in compliance with the rules of engagements. Even in less populated areas I’ve had it narrowed down to only two possible targets, but that still does not equal certainty and thus no shots were taken. I’m not saying that soldiers are perfect, or that green soldiers sometimes lose it when the s**t hits the fan for the first time, but buy in large soldiers on the ground are the true definition of “smart” weapons.

I'm sorry, but it is true that I don't hold much respect for those who spout off about things they truly no nothing about, but that is because the only way to know about a thing is to experience it first hand. (Robbie, you are not included in this statement)


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Audioholic Field Marshall
Nibhaz, thank you. Your post was as excellent as it was unexpected. I would however respectfully disagree with the following statement:

nibhaz said:
...the only way to know about a thing is to experience it first hand.
I would instead say that whilst one can know about something without experiancing it first hand, the only way to truly appreciate it is by experiancing it first hand.


Audioholic Chief
Buckle-meister said:
Nibhaz, thank you. Your post was as excellent as it was unexpected. I would however respectfully disagree with the following statement:

I would instead say that whilst one can know about something without experiancing it first hand, the only way to truly appreciate it is by experiancing it first hand.
I must concede, your rearticulation of my statement is defiantly much closer to the truth of the matter.


Audioholic Ninja
Buckle-meister said:
A potential terrorist resides within us all.
I'll grant you that while my mother-in-law may have the potential ;) , my grandmother never did. So, you're wrong. :D


Sorry for "some" of the statements I made last night, didn't have the greatest day yesterday and JC made a good target for my frustrations. I think everyone knows where I stand on the subject and I'll leave it at that.


Audioholic Ninja
Matt34 said:
Sorry for "some" of the statements I made last night, didn't have the greatest day yesterday and JC made a good target for my frustrations. I think everyone knows where I stand on the subject and I'll leave it at that.

You need apologize to no one! Ignorance is difficult to.....ignore, lol.


Audioholic Chief
I'm always introspective.

furrycute said:
Have you ever asked the question why you were there in the first place?
My understanding of the situation and the reasons as to why I was there are stated in post #7 of this thread.

furrycute said:
Would those people have taken shots at you if you were cruising down the streets of downtown Chicago?
If you do a little research, you will find that the death rate in Chicago and Iraq are statistically not that much different. Yes Iraq is higher, but hey, there is an insurgency taking place, what’s Chicago’ excuse? Despite the picture that is painted on the news, Iraq is not WWIII with s**t blowing up left and right. Hell, I’ve stood in the streets of Fallujah and purchased ice, but the media would have you believe that just showing my face in Fallujah equals a death sentence. I would not, however, suggest that Fallujah is friendly by any means.

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