rjbudz said:
"Had it coming" in no way translates to "inevitable". It's a very specific idiom that proposes deservedness. An idiomatic synonym would be "Asked for it".
If Johnny Canuck had written 'asked for it',
I would have interpreted it exactly the same way as I did 'had it coming'.
You must interpret his words in the way that seems appropriate to you. Have you never said something which has been interpreted the wrong way by another?
rjbudz said:
...calling George Bush the "worlds biggest terrorist"? BS. You don't comment upon that name calling, by the way. Why is that?
Why is calling George Bush the 'worlds biggest terrorist' **? Plenty of people around the world protest against him with exactly this slogan written on their banners.
They obviously believe it to be true. As to why I didn't comment on 'that' name calling, to be honest it never registered, probably because Mr. Bush's not actually present having dialogue on a one to one basis with others.
Just to be fair: Bad Johnny Canuck! Bad!
rjbudz said:
You suggested [Johnny Canuck] was only expressing his opinion. Would you react likewise to me if I gave my opinion that [Johnny Canuck] is likely Canada's biggest idiot?
As far as I am concerned, anybody can think anything they like about anything else. But having an opinion is one thing, expressing it through name calling is quite another. It's not particularly mature wouldn't you say?
rjbudz said:
The red chiclet comment? I don't judge [Johnny Canuck] by his chiclet...I think you know I'm well above that kind of thing, Robbie. Some people never look inward and evaluate themselves. It was my way of suggesting that perhaps [Johnny Canuck] should look and see what it is [Johnny Canuck]'s doing that alienates others. You ask why the sarcasm? Why not?
Didn't your parents ever teach you not to answer a question with a question?

Johnny Canuck does not alienate
me, so where exactly does that leave us? Is Johnny Canuck wrong because he is in the minority? What if, just if, Johnny is right and everyone else is wrong? If you cannot accept this as a possibility, then I'm afraid you have a little soul-searching to do yourself.
Masak Aer, I'll get to you once I've read your post properly.