If your take is not to police, fine. The UN was setup to insure not one of its members would be harmed by a nation or ideal and we carry that message to all countries. The situation in Iraq was no different than Bosnia. A leader was killing his own people. By evoking China or North Korea you assuming we do nothing in these countries. While military action isnt prudent with china, it may come down to that some day. China persecutes many, however they haven't gassed thousands of their citizens that we know about , Hussein did. China may be ruthless but there havent been reports of mass genocide (if there were, we go in). If we are to be the leader of the free world, so people like you and i can speak their minds, we must do what is right. By taking in refugees we are a great nation, by taking in refugees that can stay "put" we are a smart nation. The Iraq war wasnt about
al qaeda, the premise was WMDs which we were duped into and the majority of the US bought. Regardless , their leader was killing 100K of his own people. Im sure you can see this, Im sure that the liberal hype isnt justification for not doing the right thing. If we all continue to allow the unacceptable, our lives will be governed by animal farm
Think about this: US will support whatever will fit them economically, and so will probably most other countries, this is not criticism, just the hard truth, as I see it.
China illegally invaded a whole country (Tibet), and still keeps it under their ironfist
In Lhasa, hundreds of people were killed by snipes on rooftops, the crime they were doing was a peaceful protest against the invasion.
Why did not US protest back then?
I guess Norway, Sweden and Denmark did not protest too...
Actually, no countries in the western world opposed this, ias I remember; I guess it would be like putler suddenly decide to invade Finland, and no-one would protest....