So just what is it that bothers our maga folk about transgender particularly?

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Audioholic Warlord
Can you point me to a post that makes you think that?
$2 billion damages from Floyd riots, Biden dementia, Democrats need a message/policy etc. The 10 year NPR member is the giveaway. You have to understand though my exposure to you is minimal.


Audioholic Warlord
You were saying what I was thinking. It isn't logical.

I remember the prayer where Trump looked like he was napping. Also when guests wanted to do a prayer, but he was more interested in his election map victory over Hillary.
Can't forget Brian Killmeade asking on behalf of the religious vote what Trump's favorite verse in the Bible is?

I love them all!

(ie he hasn't read it.)

Killmeade's express was priceless.


$2 billion damages from Floyd riots, Biden dementia, Democrats need a message/policy etc. The 10 year NPR member is the giveaway. You have to understand though my exposure to you is minimal.
Can you debunk any of those points? On the Floyd riots I was pointing out the asinine CNN article talking about 'mostly peaceful' with burning inferno's of property in the background. How does that make someone a Republican?

So Biden is at the high point of his cognitive game? Really? I don't know if he has dementia or not. @TLS Guy asked that question and he's a surgeon. I have serious reservations about Biden's mental capacities in the role of POTUS. I remember the 2nd half of Reagan's 2nd term quite well. How does that make me Republican?

My wife is a professor and very liberal compared to me. She's is absolutely convinced Biden is suffering serious cognitive decline. She also wants to know what the Democrat party is thinking.

YES Democrats need to do a better job messaging. I think they are improving in many aspects as the last election for both the Executive and Legislative branches proved.

I have been a 10 year NPR donator (monthly on my checking account). And yes I'm fucking tired of tuning in and it's either, D, the E, or the I. I like Gustav Holtz, Maurice Ravel, and George Bizet also. But I don't want to hear only those three every time I tune into my local classical station.

You sound like you have a very inflexible filter.
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Can't forget Brian Killmeade asking on behalf of the religious vote what Trump's favorite verse in the Bible is?

I love them all!

(ie he hasn't read it.)

Killmeade's express was priceless.
There's a video at an abortion protest and a protester is holding a sign with a bible verse. Someone asked him didn't god kill all of mankind save a few?

The look was also priceless.


Seriously, I have no life.
Is Bill Maher still a liberal technically?
I think he considers himself a Libertarian more than Liberal.
There's a video at an abortion protest and a protester is holding a sign with a bible verse. Someone asked him didn't god kill all of mankind save a few?

The look was also priceless.
But the animals were saved via Noah and the Ark.

If all of mankind had been killed, the animals would never have the internet, but the World would never have had any wars like the ones humans caused.


Audioholic Jedi
Gender dysphoria is the whole issue. Politics have nothing to do with it. Or at least it shouldn't but unfortunately is right now. In ways that it should never have. And now people are reacting to it but as you've noticed in this thread not just MAGA I've also noticed in this thread liberal conservative and independent aligned individuals expressing the same concerns and sharing the same common ground.

That common ground is thar the current model of major body altering surgeries and hormone therapies that have long term effects complications and a dependency on medical care for the rest of theyre life should not be encouraged or pushed on children before they're of legal and adult age. Discussion should be done with the proper professionals which is not teachers expressing it from they're own personal experiences and biases in a classroom a classroom where children can be influenced that are not really in that spectrum. And ESPECIALLY not in a classroom where parental consent is not been obtained
So put it in perspective, how many people actually undergo such major body altering surgeries and hormone therapies? Parental permission isn't involved across the board or ? How do teachers have a particular say in surgeries and hormone therapies?


Audioholic Warlord
Can you debunk any of those points? On the Floyd riots I was pointing out the asinine CNN article talking about 'mostly peaceful' with burning inferno's of property in the background. How does that make someone a Republican?

So Biden is at the high point of his cognitive game? Really? I don't know if he has dementia or not. @TLS Guy asked that question and he's a surgeon. I have serious reservations about Biden's mental capacities in the role of POTUS. I remember the 2nd half of Reagan's 2nd term quite well. How does that make me Republican?

My wife is a professor and very liberal compared to me. She's is absolutely convinced Biden is suffering serious cognitive decline. She also wants to know what the Democrat party is thinking.

YES Democrats need to do a better job messaging. I think they are improving in many aspects as the last election for both the Executive and Legislative branches proved.

I have been a 10 year NPR donator (monthly on my checking account). And yes I'm fucking tired of tuning in and it's either, D, the E, or the I. I like Gustav Holtz, Maurice Ravel, and George Bizet also. But I don't want to hear only those three every time I tune into my local classical station.

You sound like you have a very inflexible filter.
My experience is both criticize each other but rarely do they criticize themselves. That's all I was basing you on.

Biden's mental condition is nothing new. It was that way two years ago. Sure it's a big deal now, but if it's vs Trump it won't matter to a lot of people. They will expect Kamala or another person in the administration to fill in. Ethical? No, but again if it's vs The Headache than that's all they care about.


My experience is both criticize each other but rarely do they criticize themselves. That's all I was basing you on.
Part of my approach is I'm always defaulting to 'It's my own fault'. It's how I've adapted to work. When I'm presented with a problem 'It's my fault'. It's an ownership and responsibility approach that over the years have paid off in spades.

So when someone comes to me with a networking issue 'It's my fault'. The fault is mine to fix. The fault is mine to explain. The fault is mine to mitigate. The fault is mine instruct so it doesn't happen again.

I'm not worried the other engineer doesn't know how to subnet, how to setup multi-cast, how to setup QoS, how to setup routing protocols, how to analyze a packet capture. The fault is in my lap at this point. I don't even bother trying to assign blame. I just simply do a better job.

Most recent is an 18 hour outage, that they had two other staff engineering on it (36 man hours). They finally threw in the towel. Call me at 5:30 am and we are done and up by 7am. I walked both through correct process for root cause analysis. Document it and turn it back over to them to present to their boss however they see fit.


Audioholic Spartan
Part of my approach is I'm always defaulting to 'It's my own fault'. It's how I've adapted to work. When I'm presented with a problem 'It's my fault'. It's an ownership and responsibility approach that over the years have paid off in spades.

So when someone comes to me with a networking issue 'It's my fault'. The fault is mine to fix. The fault is mine to explain. The fault is mine to mitigate. The fault is mine instruct so it doesn't happen again.

I'm not worried the other engineer doesn't know how to subnet, how to setup multi-cast, how to setup QoS, how to setup routing protocols, how to analyze a packet capture. The fault is in my lap at this point. I don't even bother trying to assign blame. I just simply do a better job.

Most recent is an 18 hour outage, that they had two other staff engineering on it (36 man hours). They finally threw in the towel. Call me at 5:30 am and we are done and up by 7am. I walked both through correct process for root cause analysis. Document it and turn it back over to them to present to their boss however they see fit.
That's the approach I take at work. When a patient is upset or a doctor is pissed off about something I'm always like your needing something fixed right here and now I'm sorry about what happened but it's on me to make it right this is my responsibility I'll take care of this for you. Works like a charm.


Audioholic Spartan
So put it in perspective, how many people actually undergo such major body altering surgeries and hormone therapies? Parental permission isn't involved across the board or ? How do teachers have a particular say in surgeries and hormone therapies?
The issue of concern is that it's trending upwards. Now as a problem becomes mainstream it's inevitable that there will be some increase in the cases because they're is more awareness and a better chance to diagnose and address the issue.

But in a diagnosis like this which is extremely rare and affects such a small percent of the population it should only trend upward past a certain point.

You have to really watch out for this ADHD is a great example of what can happen. All of a sudden everyone is going through it and they ran into cases which may not only have been misdiagnosed but stimulant medications were being abused or leading into physical dependency or full-blown addiction.

As far as teachers it's the fact that they are teaching about it period. And they are doing it and getting busted for it. Repeatedly and not getting consent from parents. Teachers are not licensed in psychiatric care they are not qualified to teach or educate a topic like this. Especially when they are doing it by coming out in front of they're students. It introduces a ton of bias in anything they do moving forward.

The school environment especially for young children should be as gender neutral as possible based on the actual starting point of our 2 starting biological genders. This way when the child presents with problems you eliminate bias or influence as a contributing factor and its easier to make the correct diagnosis of gender dysphoria.


Seriously, I have no life.
That's the approach I take at work. When a patient is upset or a doctor is pissed off about something I'm always like your needing something fixed right here and now I'm sorry about what happened but it's on me to make it right this is my responsibility I'll take care of this for you. Works like a charm.
Part of my approach is I'm always defaulting to 'It's my own fault'. It's how I've adapted to work. When I'm presented with a problem 'It's my fault'. It's an ownership and responsibility approach that over the years have paid off in spades.

So when someone comes to me with a networking issue 'It's my fault'. The fault is mine to fix. The fault is mine to explain. The fault is mine to mitigate. The fault is mine instruct so it doesn't happen again.

I'm not worried the other engineer doesn't know how to subnet, how to setup multi-cast, how to setup QoS, how to setup routing protocols, how to analyze a packet capture. The fault is in my lap at this point. I don't even bother trying to assign blame. I just simply do a better job.

Most recent is an 18 hour outage, that they had two other staff engineering on it (36 man hours). They finally threw in the towel. Call me at 5:30 am and we are done and up by 7am. I walked both through correct process for root cause analysis. Document it and turn it back over to them to present to their boss however they see fit.
It seems that too many people want to point fingers, rather than saying "OK, let's take care of the problem first and deal with the blame later" or "I'll start now and I'll let you know when I'm done". Too many wearing blinders & concentrating on small details and not looking at the whole picture, not enough people willing to accept the responsibility.


That is sophistry Phillip. Everyone knows we have these problems. This is a typical dog whistle argument.

Let's unpack this a bit:

Education: Budgets should go toward any thing that furthers the core Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, safe, clean, school environments.

The issues of poverty and health insurance is only going to get worse as we pile more people crossing the border illegally onto the social safety hammock.

As an example: Texas alone spends close to $1 billion yearly for medical, education, housing, food, etc on illegal immigrants. I'm sure they would like to have this freed up for other issues like mental health care and reducing illiteracy rates.

On the education front I've got to ask: There is no good reason for someone in the U.S to be illiterate if they have no brain development issues. So while the # is a problem I don't think it's one of the governments making.

On the poverty rate that is ~10% and probably cross sectional with the mental illness, illiterate, and un/under insured. So that poster is counting people 2-3X. It's high by Western standards (England is 20%, Norway is .5%).

I think larger populations will have higher rates in general. I think smaller, homogeneous, are able to tackle these issues better since the group think tends to go in the same direction so quicker to act and in unison.

As a personal experience: I've been doing a free Cisco CCNA course 1/year for 5 years now. It's 12 weeks class and 4 weeks I'll answer emails for specific questions (I mostly have a video library built up for this portion). I work with clients to procure older, but 100% viable equipment for the lending library.

This is a way for someone to take a free course, spend $300 on a test, and literally start making $60K a year and be at $100K plus in five if they are disciplined.

Out of 73 students I've only had 4 go get their certificate and get into the business. I just bumped into one that dropped half way through working an $18 an hour job with almost zero benefits. What kills me is they could have totally accomplished it.

While it disheartens me to see so many struggling financially (my older brother is homeless for a whole host of reasons), my younger makes about $40K/year with two kids and entirely living on the edge of financial ruin. My parents could never get them to take anything seriously including a free education.

So I'm a believer in personal agency based on my experience.


Audioholic Warlord
That is sophistry Phillip. Everyone knows we have these problems. This is a typical dog whistle argument.
While I don't have any argument with the points you are making, I think you may be missing the point of Phillip's post - which is that anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and legislation seem to be sucking a disproportionate amount of oxygen out of the political sphere these days when compared with the other mentioned issues.


While I don't have any argument with the points you are making, I think you may be missing the point of Phillip's post - which is that anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and legislation seem to be sucking a disproportionate amount of oxygen out of the political sphere these days when compared with the other mentioned issues.
I think what will happen, like in Europe, is that the efficacy of the affirmative gender care model will come into question. New guidelines established on the facts and not fervor.

Lesbians will stop being called transphobic for having non-penile, non-xy chromosome preference, anyone that questions or has questions about the realities of sex and infinite gender identities wont' be labeled phobic and bigot and we can all get along and move along.

I never had a problem until I refused to address a male as she/her. I won't do it personally at the end of a spear and I'm not into lying either. Now non-sex related pro-nouns are a different matter. Unfortunately it makes me a bigot to some.

Signed, Your's truly, a Dem that took 4 semesters of biology and 2 of chem enough to be able to read, comprehend, and think for myself.


Audioholic Spartan
The issues of poverty and health insurance is only going to get worse as we pile more people crossing the border illegally onto the social safety hammock.
Now that is a typical dog whistle argument, to use your own words. In EU/EES we've had several large waves of refugees arriving here in the last decade but we still manage to feed them and give them health care, but of course, there are problems to be solved.

As an example: Texas alone spends close to $1 billion yearly for medical, education, housing, food, etc on illegal immigrants. I'm sure they would like to have this freed up for other issues like mental health care and reducing illiteracy rates.
We try to do all of that at the same time. And your medical expenses are ridiculously expensive with poor outcome for the population at large.

On the poverty rate that is ~10% and probably cross sectional with the mental illness, illiterate, and un/under insured. So that poster is counting people 2-3X. It's high by Western standards (England is 20%, Norway is .5%).
Poverty rates across nations depends on the definition used and should be interpreted carefully. I don't know where your numbers comes from but if your statistics is a percentage of median wage that will be misleading. What is not included in such a statistics is basic services like health care that in so many countries is universal.

I think larger populations will have higher rates in general. I think smaller, homogeneous, are able to tackle these issues better since the group think tends to go in the same direction so quicker to act and in unison.
I dunno, Europe as a whole is far more diverse than USA, and larger than USA.


Now that is a typical dog whistle argument, to use your own words. In EU/EES we've had several large waves of refugees arriving here in the last decade but we still manage to feed them and give them health care, but of course, there are problems to be solved.
You are saying refugees. I said illegal immigrants. Talk about dog whistles.
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