My objection to the film isn't based on homosexuality, but on how boring it looks to me. I'm in a spot in my life where I like explosions or comedy, or in the perfect film both. I can't care less about the fact that 2 guys are rolling around in sleeping bags under the stars. I'm not offended by gay people, either male or female. Sheep's right, they aren't going to try and hump you through the screen. I can appreciate what went into the film, the risks the actors are taking, how well shot it is supposed to be, etc, etc, etc. But since it isn't following my current requirement of firefights and chuckles it's out for me. Seriously, I know that there are those that can watch a film simply because it is artfully done, but if the story doesn't speak to you or you object to the content, or you don't want to drop $13 a ticket to cure your insomnia then you shouldn't have to see it and that's that. To each their own.