Sooooo in reading the chatter about external amplifiers, in a 15.5x31x9 "sealed" room w/ MLP @ 14' from the front wall and little less than 12' from LCR, using Polk LSiM707s, 706c, and 703s (and 4 700-LS ceiling speakers) and 2 Monolith 15" ported subs, 65/35% music to movies listened at loud but below reference levels; I would likely benefit from using external amps?
The whole pre-amp mode is awesome but has made my purchasing decision more difficult. I am one whole believes sound is affected by the ability of an amplifier to have a good grip on the drivers (sat through of demo of this years ago using a receiver on its own and an older Adcom amp which I promptly purchased) of the speakers and also a low noise floor.
So does a 4700 with a Monolith 5X and two BasX A-150s provide a better opportunity for quality sound than a 6700 on its own? The 4700 has a couple of features I like that the 3700 doesn't so it has come down to those two. the 6700 scenario is of course less expensive, especially if I sell my one A-150 too. And for the same money I could add an external 2-channel amp to the 6700....... you see how this goes?

Help me end the maddness.