.....one last point to readers about crotch-rockets....
.....four cylinders, whether inline or V'd, sending their exhaust to ONE outlet, now referred to as 4-into-1, is the MOST acceleration, and let's just say, "power", a motorcycle can attain....you attain what is called, "getting up on the pipe", in the higher rpm's, or I've heard it said, "the pipe coming into it's own"....you hear that first one a lot with 2-stroke dirt bikes....mine has a 4-into-2 system, and gives a great effect combined with V-Boost....
.....ALL crotch-rockets have a 4-into-1 pipe systems....and it's a FACTORY-TUNED system....add that to HIGH horse-power, (lotsa' gas), INLINE-4, (maximum revs), MOLY-TUBED FRAME YOU CAN PICK UP WITH ONE FINGER, A BODY OF FIBERGLASS ENCASING--WIND-TUNNEL TESTED, ALUMINUM WHEELS, add the pipe now, and you got a crotch-rocket....which you can buy legally for street and public highway use....yes, the one you can buy, "basically", only differs from the one you can't buy that is made for closed-curcuit, by carburating a LITTLE less gas to the one YOU can buy....(now think, "restricted to 186", for the one you can buy")....(also think nephew)....over.....