.....Fly, the guys in their 20's were good and experienced riders, but you are correct, a V-Max simply will beat a 600 crotch-rocket to 120 mph....at 120, a crotch-rocket will come into the element of why they were made....speed....now, an experienced rider on a 750 or larger crotch-rocket, will turn me every way but loose, from the raising of the lean-to-stands on....
.....the V-Max was first brought out in 1985....the goal for it's inception was to break 10 seconds in a quarter from standing start...the best that could be done, STOCK, was 10.1 and 128 mph....crap, they decided to launch the line anyway, haha....for 5 years the V-Max stood alone at the top of upright-sitting motorcycles and a rep grew....then in about '90-something-early, here came the crotch-rockets....an inline 4 with a HIGH redline, HIGH horsepower, LIGHT moly-tubing framing, FIBERGLASS, and aluminum wheels....Fly, why wouldn't they run?....anyhow, I bought a '92 V-Max brand-new in April of '93....was told the reason they don't sell that well, is because people are afraid of them....and they damned-sure better be, I'll add....likta' lost it twice early on, Fly, on US highways....here's the first time....the fairly sharp turn 1/2 mile ahead of me was after a nice straightaway of 1/2 mile....I wrapped it going into the straightaway, and all of a sudden, the curve was close and I was doing about 125...two quick down-shifts and a hopping back tire later, I had to bank a hard right around the corner and I was now at probably 60-70 or so....if a car had been coming in the other lane, which I was now in, I would have had no choice but to straighten up and sail into a ditch about 20 feet wide by about 10 feet deep....a ditch with rocks, and NO water.....a car didn't appear in the other lane and I made it ok....let us now also note, had a leaking SAND TRUCK been around that corner 10 minutes ahead of me, I would never have had the ditch option....I would have been suddenly sliding on the pavement with the downed V-Max sliding beside me the instant I banked hard right.....sliding together into the ditch....at about 60-70....rocks, no water....boys, I got off the thing, sat down on the ground, had an ultra-light, and reviewed the situation high atop The Mountain Of Digestion, haha....true happening....oh, gave the '92 to Greg, son-in-law about a year ago, and found a 2002 with 1200 miles sparkling on a showroom locally....I took it out quick, haha....for 2/3's of what a new one lists at....I keep on crippling through life, haha....