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Audioholic Samurai's what you guys can try....totally safely, I assure you.....

....disable your surrounds and rears by taking the + wire at the post of the receiver away from it's securing and bend the + wire down so it is touching nothing....and if it were touching the back of the cabinet, it doesn't's not attached to the amp section....turn the sub/s off..... now have mains and center, and that's all we want here....

.....your mains and center are rated at either 4 or 8 ohms, doesn't matter which one....let's say all three speakers are rated at 8 ohms.....

.....cross-wire the center speaker at either end of the speaker-wire to the center, and make it now have 8 ohm speakers for mains, and a 16 ohm center have one curcuit of 8 ohm load to the mains, and one curcuit of 16 ohm load from the center....two completed curcuits, so we add the ohmages together, 8+16 and divide by two curcuits....your amp sections, I'm going to say plural even though the center is mono and wired by one two-sided speaker wire, are both now seeing a 12 ohm load.....

.....put a CD on the spinpad of your source CD player....turn the volume of the mains and center up to comfortable levels....hear something different?..... rears upon first being wired in series got a little louder, so if you need to, put something under the front bottom-edge of the center speaker to elevate it and send it's sound up higher, not directly aimed at you....this is called, sipping off the edge of the dispersion cone...'s a different sound, and I notice the main difference in the midrange voices....and highs actually, also....but the result is the mains, now flavored by the center, come to life....feel your receiver for excess heat if you must, but, I promise you, the amp sections are now running cooler at 12 than they were at 4 with the three speakers wired in parallel one-deep rendering two curcuits of parallel.....

....guys, no need for rebuttal except for legit questions....I came to this site first, with a legit question about a particular brand and size of speaker-wire, and Ninja came to my rescue....I made a comment about Bose 901's that was backed up by experience and how my Bose 901's were used for six damned years....I was immediately attacked by many who tried to tell me I didn't hear what I heard.....

.....any of you want to try this with your mains and center, go for it....otherwise, you fish in Lake Ignorance on this particular matter....gone for awhile, getting a headache over this one.......


Audioholic Samurai
.....Gentlemen, I report a good meal and ultra-light following for dessert, and cup of coffee close at hand as I speak.....

.....Buck, you made the statement I should get it on the level of the laymen....that has affected my attitude more than anything else....thank you, my friend....but I can only plead guilty to being a 56 year-old person that has been SEVERLY into sound systems since age 17 or so....and we seem to continue to hit in spurts that which we loved at 17, don't we?....

.....I wanted to know what was going on producing that wonderful sound in that 8-track threesome I bought at Wal-Mart in 1963....I asked a lot of questions through the years and bought a lot of equipment and even built a little equipment....I installed crossovers in three-way speaker enclosures knowing exactly what they were doing to the woofer, mid, and tweet....I tried experimentations with parallel-wiring and series-wiring....

.....I ain't a damned bit smarter than anyone here, Buck, I just been going down the audio equipment path for let's say 40 years, too lazy to figure out things, going to people I knew and asking questions.......

.....I typed one up night-before-last at has some stuff in it I said this afternoon, but I don't want to edit's about parallel and series wiring....if you get totally lost early, sorry, but skip the rest, I guess....and you people might think I've posted long up to this one, haha....

.....I told someone in a private message I came here not to promote or refute, but to help and enjoy being here myself, basically....I want to get along with that person very much, and state that door-pass-of-honor again....

.....I'll post the one about paralleling and series'ing here next on this Accoustimass thread, haha.....

.....oh yeah, I'll be spelling it "curcuit" in this one coming also, instead of "circuit"....hell, I been to Circuit City a million times......


Audioholic Samurai
.....guys, I haven't posted really long up until this one, take it or leave it.... do you wire speakers in series? take a single speaker wire FROM, the Positive, (+), amplifier-section Post, TO, the Negative, (-), post of the speaker....then attach a single speaker wire to the other post of the speaker, the Positive, (+), post of the speaker, and hold the second piece of wire straight up in the can now go left, and return to the negative post of the amp section, and have completed one CURCUIT, or go on to the negative post of a second speaker, attach a single wire to it's other side, and have the same option concerning the wire leaving that speaker for either the third speaker, or a return to the negative post of the amp section to have completed ONE curcuit of two speakers wired in series...with me?.... can take "every" 8 ohm speaker in the World, (remember, thats's an enclosure with multiple speaker elements and a crossover), and wire EVERY ONE of them in a SERIES configuration and ONLY present ONE 16 ohm load of resistance to an amplifier section, "IF", you've not completed the one curcuit by going to the amp negative terminal post until from the LAST's the theoretical part....the amplifier section should be able to produce sound from EVERY SPEAKER in that one curcuit and only see 16 ohms of resistance, and run cool....staggering thought......

.....try that paralleling, and you've got one ohm of resistance at the fourth pair of speaker terminals, and you're already past what your amp section can handle without achieving thermal cutout in minutes if not's a hint....individual curcuit the end of four speakers paralleled, you have four curcuits of parallel, that are governed by the laws of paralleling which includes accumulation of completed all 4 parallel curcuits represent 1 ohm since we're stacking individual curcuits and have gone accumulative by the laws of, at this point, you can add one more speaker wired in one-deep series configuration, and bring the "overall" ohmage factor of five speakers on one amp section to "4"........1+1+1+1+16, which will be a total of 20....divide that by the number of speakers? this case yes, but you need to think in terms of the number of completed can add forty speakers wired in one-curcuit configuration on top of the four curcuits of parallel, and you would only have one circuit added, and we've established the one curcuit of series-wired speakers would represent ONE 16 ohm load of resistance to be averaged in with the other four curcuits of parallel....and guys, it wouldn't matter if ALL the wires were to two amp posts....add all the series, "CROSS-WIRED-LAND", haha, speakers you want with ALL of them wired to the posts and it don't matter....16 ohms of resistance from each completed curcuit....remember that parallels stack, and would have to be balanced out, only, with series curcuits....which brings me to,.....

.....I still say something is going on inside your surround have two amp sections, with seven powered of them is mono with one two-sided speaker wire, or at least, Danny's center-speaker only had one two-sided wire....

.....let's forget the center-speaker, and look at 6 others....if three 8 ohm speakers are being powered by one amp section and all are wired normally, which means three indiviual circuits of parallel on that amp section, that one amp section is now seeing two ohms of resistance....both amp sections are pushing three speakers, also....let's bring the center-speaker back into the mix, and hook it up at the amp section's posts, "normally", establishing a curcuit of you see the problem at hand? least one of your amp sections just went to 1 ohm of resistance seen....1+1+1+1=4 divided by four curcuits....

.....and how "one" plus wire could be powered by "both", amp sections, is beyond me, but technology may have achieved that, and I am most curious how the center is powered....anyhow, at least one of your amp sections is now heating up toward thermal cutout seeing 1 ohm of resistance....

.....regular receivers used to be able to take 4-16 ohms of resistance seen, and at least one of your amp sections is now at one ohm of threw a series wiring curcuit somewhere in the mix....let's say your mids are wired in series one-deep....and let's say the center channel is being powered through technonogy through both amp would STILLl present ONE wiring curcuit to both amp sections, and that says fire and smoke, haha, this is not the way you want to strap your amp, haha....that's where I feel it is just one amp section being used for the center speaker....

....anyhow, let's say it is a parallel curcuit to both amp now have four curcuits to BOTH amp sections....BOTH amp sections are now seeing a 1 ohm load.....wire one of the curcuits in series, and you would THEN have 2+2+2+16=22 divided by four curcuits....5 and change....what?....what was that from the back of the room?....oh, ok....the guy who owns the hi-end audio repair shop has not sat at the workbench in probably 15 years....your surround designated speakers COULD have crossed-wiring upon arrival at the terminal posts of the surround section, "inside" for thought....

.....I ain't gonna' quit until I figure your surround receivers out, you bunch of smelly tin-eared Neandertholistic Heatherns....paw the ground twice if it fits.......


Audioholic Samurai
.....hang on a minute, let me look....OK, yeah, I'm on the Accoustimass thread.....

.....Guys, Guess What!! the morning I'm driving about 25 miles to a fish farm armed with a 5 gallon plastic bucket....I have known the guy since 1976, and he's been in fish farming all his adult life....I had no idea he had ranged from goldfish and bait minnows, with his ponds and equipment, to also taking on, ahem, "JAPANESE KOI", (APPLAUSE SIGN), "AND THE GUY LIKES ME!!!!", haha....

.....seriously, he is going to let me pick from what they can seign (sp-?) up....and he said they were about 4-6 inches long.....babies that will grow only as big as their aquarium conditions allow....I can feel the green from here, guys....I'm telling myself no more than six and probably four....and I get to pick 'em....

.....yeah, I continue to struggle on through this life, arf....over.......


Audioholic Samurai
......this is Private mule reporting a successful venture to the country....I chose 5, all about 4 inches long....he said, "oh, how about six bits apiece?"....(that's 75 cents for a total of $3.75)....I insisted he take a 5....he said he didn't want to rob me....I stared into space for a second, and then we both laughed.....

.....oh, I had one jump out of the half-full bucket on the way home....he was pretty much dry feeling when I found him getting the bucket out of the back floorboard....he couldn't have been out of the water for very long, because his mouth was still moving trying to breathe....I grabbed him quickly and headed/RAN for the aquarium....10 seconds later, I held him underwater with his head right in front of an 800 powerhead pinching his mouth open, to shotgun some air to those gills for about four 20 second applications....he is moving around nicely at the time of this report calling me Daddy, haha.....Japanese Koi, a buck apiece, have you ever heard of such?.....

.....yeah, half-full....optimist.....


Audioholic Samurai
.....four questions..... not this Accoustimass thread been mostly about motorcycle talk?....

.....did it get in the way of all this conversation being posted on other threads?.... I only comment on about one-tenth of the threads started?.....

.....did someone put a gun to your head to click the link posted?.....
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

So, what does an ounce of 'shrooms cost you where you live, Mulester? :p


Audioholic Samurai
Rob Babcock said:
So, what does an ounce of 'shrooms cost you where you live, Mulester? :p
.....Rob, they done got so high, I may have to sell an amp.....jk.....just got a call that will take me out of town for a couple of days probably.....I can hear the groans from here....


Audioholic Spartan
mulester7 said:
.....Rob, they done got so high, I may have to sell an amp.....jk.....just got a call that will take me out of town for a couple of days probably.....I can hear the groans from here....
Out of medication?
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

mulester7 said:
.....Rob, they done got so high, I may have to sell an amp.....jk.....just got a call that will take me out of town for a couple of days probably.....I can hear the groans from here....
I thought so! :D I'll hand it to you, Mulester, you do keep things lively here! Anyway, I'd rather hear about bikes that more stuff about B(l)ose crappy speakers! :p


Audioholic Samurai
Rob Babcock said:
I thought so! :D I'll hand it to you, Mulester, you do keep things lively here! Anyway, I'd rather hear about bikes that more stuff about B(l)ose crappy speakers! :p
.....Rob, if we care about something, it has our attention enough that we surely employ some gray matter toward it....

.....the little picture at the top left of your posts is pure class....Buck's picture is great with the yellow eyes flashing too, but yours has such a clean look with honor attached....

.....but, the poor guy kneeling to that woman is about to get turned every way but loose, and probably not in a good way, haha.....


Audioholic Samurai
......this is going to really be from Left field on this Accoustimass thread.....

.....Guys, if you want that marriage to last until your eyes close for the last time, with that woman respecting you more than you can imagine, and trying to win your love every day to come, love God more than her....

.....end of sermon, call the aclu....(small letters)......


Audioholic Samurai
Ya know, I'm really not sure if this thread could go any farther into left field than it's already gone. But a valid try any way.


Audioholic Samurai
NomoSony said:
Ya know, I'm really not sure if this thread could go any farther into left field than it's already gone. But a valid try any way.
.....NoMoSony, I applaud your giving validity to the attempt....I just honestly feel what I outlined is built into the vile creatures....which could be a goldmine of opportunity....

.....I'm busy with other stuff snotty sleeves now.....


Audioholic Samurai
redcouch said:
Bose is highly overrated for the price!
.....RedCouch, how do we put a price on the degree of presence?....and I'm talking about you feel like you're standing "in" the group performing, with "surround", aaaaahhh....

.....Bose is known for their presence, which many consider quite acceptable to the point of buying....but Bose, for me, doesn't have what I call for the twentieth time, "point", or what some of you guys might call, imaging....

.....some of these two-way speakers with the little woofers are amazing....the higher priced ones are usually floor-standing, even though two-way suggests bookshelf....the woofers have a couple inches of total excursion and are the basis for the two-way speaker having point/imaging that is powerful as the two elements speak as one voice with powerful presence....get that two-way speaker as seamless as possible in the crossover, and I'm just going to say you need to hear it....

.....I saw some two-way speakers one morning at a local audio retail outlet a couple of weeks ago....they were about 8 inches square, about 24 tall, and had two 6 1/2 woofers, and sat on a wooden pedestal with base....a couple only had one woofer, 6 1/2 or 8....I noticed there were many in that room that were two-way sitting on pedestals....I suspected they would have good point like mine, but didn't have time to hear them....

....Bose just don't have point....nice presence, but not point.....


Audioholic Samurai the wide-awakes....will fade soon though.....

.....some of you guys who followed me on the series wiring and parallel wiring, "circuits", attack this one.... subs have four subwoofer elements in each cabinet....two are on each end pointing out, one right behind the other, and both have to go the same direction as far as excursion movement as per a closed airspace "between" them....and don't make nothing hard out of that, by the way....

.....and, the two sides actually move the same direction excursion-movement-wise, because the two sides are backwards to each other....yes, magnets stare at each other in the middle, inside....

.....the subwoofer elements are rated at 4 ohms individually by industry standards....the four elements as a whole, are wired in a push-pull configuration, 2-and-2, and represent 4 ohms of resistance load to an amp section..... will have three circuits that total 12 that will be divided by three circuits to get 4 are the four 4-ohm elements wired?, and all three circuits are wired to the backdoor two posts + and -....

.....good luck, Gentlemen, and start the clock.....

.....the Grand Prize will be a weeks stay in picturesque, Oil Trough, Arkansas, in the lower level of a two level condo building which is situated between two beautiful swamps that haven't reported an alligator sighting in over a week.....

.....oh, the week comes complete with 1/2-off reimbursement of a Greyhound bus ticket, but ya' gotta' get home the best way you can.....
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