Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)



Seriously, I have no life.
You can believe in all day he voter fraud you want... To be taken seriously as systemic , someone, anyone, with credibility needs to present evidence that can be verified... So far crickets... But conspiracy theory is a wonderful thing to believe in... The goal posts are always movable...
In order to make sure it can't happen, the practices need to be defined for ALL registration, what can happen at polling places )well-defined now), etc. The voter ID card really isn't the issue so many make it- who DOESN'T need some kind of ID card?

The rules for going to and being at a polling place are easy to teach- put up billboards, if necessary. They do that here. Whether it does any good, I don't know but it shouldn't be so difficult. Put up placards at the polling places, anything. Radio spots telling people to take water with them and if they need to eat, a snack....


Audioholic Ninja
You can believe in all day he voter fraud you want... To be taken seriously as systemic , someone, anyone, with credibility needs to present evidence that can be verified... So far crickets... But conspiracy theory is a wonderful thing to believe in... The goal posts are always movable...
A id seems logical.


Audioholic Ninja
that's tough on old people of color or low income people who can't afford to drive.. an id *is* needed to register , so i'm not sure the id debate is anything but racism and place-ism...i'm not against id's in general as it pertains to voting as long as the govt provides it *for free * seeing that voting is a constitutional right .. kinda like the 2nd amendment.. .. seems odd this id thing pops up in a year the (sore) loser wrongfully accused the postal service of incompetence and talked of vote "dumps" that a whole buncha trumpies "saw" but somehow couldn't document via picture or video on their phones .. the same buncha trumpies had no problem documenting their own crimes during the insurrection...
you can receive a free photo ID from the Department of Human Services. And the overall majority of US citizens have a soc security number as its also a way to obtain a ID card free of charge.
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
In order to make sure it can't happen, the practices need to be defined for ALL registration, what can happen at polling places )well-defined now), etc. The voter ID card really isn't the issue so many make it- who DOESN'T need some kind of ID card?

The rules for going to and being at a polling place are easy to teach- put up billboards, if necessary. They do that here. Whether it does any good, I don't know but it shouldn't be so difficult. Put up placards at the polling places, anything. Radio spots telling people to take water with them and if they need to eat, a snack....
so, are you of the opinion that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from trump via fraud?


Audioholic Spartan
so, are you of the opinion that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from trump via fraud?
I agree with highfigh that voter ID should be required. It's actually weird that it isn't required. The polling place laws in Georgia... shame on them. As for whether the election was stolen from Trump, there's no supporting evidence. Trump's own Homeland Security staff said the election was "the most secure in history". Trump lost because of who he is, what he says, and what he does, and he probably lost the Senate for the Republicans while he was at it. The most incompetent presidential candidate since George Wallace.
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
I agree with highfigh that voter ID should be required. It's actually weird that it isn't required. The polling place laws in Georgia... shame on them. As for whether the election was stolen from Trump, there's no supporting evidence. Trump's own Homeland Security staff said the election was "the most secure in history". Trump lost because of who he is, what he says, and what he does, and he probably lost the Senate for the Republicans while he was at it. The most incompetent presidential candidate since George Wallace.
All other social political disagreements aside, I am glad you are not crazy!


Seriously, I have no life.
i can tell you first hand that i lived without an id for about 20 years.. i know you won't believe it , but it's true , i had a job for a vast majority of that time .. it wasn't till a few years about 2005 when i finally opened a bank account that i needed id.. i can tell you right now many poor people don't bother because they don't drive .. they find ways around needing it .. it isn't a corrupt thought , it's economics.. once again.. as far as out right fraud goes, we get to the question.. how do you fix an issue that exists only in the demented mind of a dethroned tyrant wanna be and his mindless flock?
How is avoiding an ID about 'economics'? What is the cost for getting an ID? The time and effort to go, plus transportation. That's a BS argument- Are you afraid the big, bad gub'mint is gonna come and take you away?

Here's an example of a good reason for a photo ID- someone got my credit card number and bought something at, then went to their store that's not far from my house for pickup. The store required no ID for them to receive the items, yet they may have never seen this person before. The store manager looked at the transaction number shown on the bank app in my cell phone, but wouldn't let me see the video because of privacy concerns for the "customer". I almost never hand my card to anyone and if I had seen the person, I may have been able to ID them but it's ATT's policy to f&ck the cardholder when this happens. This wasted a chunk of my time, the Police seemed to have decided it wasn't worth their time to pursue and the asspipe may still have my name and company name, which means they can easily find my address and other info about me. All, because one turd decided to use someone else's card number and another decided that asking for ID is too much bother.

You have posted that you can't work- can you not file for disability?


Seriously, I have no life.
It's not about avoidance... Where did i say that? .. Its about not having one more expense when you only have $10 in your pocket for the whole month...*or whatever* the financial situation may be.. How many dead broke people have credit cards ?.. I don't want to be rude here but grab a clue dude.. Not all of us have those opportunities.. All those " get a job / start a business " comments are laughable to the chronically poor.. Every option you gave me supposes a risk that i don't have a support system for.. I start a business and it fails my money is gone , i go homeless.. Credit is not happening , never had any .. Never needed it.. I pay cash... How does this stuff not sink in with people? Poor is a real thing..
i am on disability .. That's been my point the entire time...EVEN THOUGH i qualify, have an injury since birth, worked 25 years in the workforce, now have a body that is used up.. Disability pays me just enough to not qualify for housing here ( other than subsidized housing).. And if i do save any money i lose Medicaid, which at this point i desperately need for my condition , not even taking into account my ongoing skin cancer issues... I guess i haven't been clear.. But there it us both a favor and save yourself the torment of thinking you can suggest a fix, sorry the fix is systemic and federal benefits increases are the fix..
YOU wrote that you didn't have an ID for 20 years, which means you avoided getting one.


Audioholic Samurai
Kinzinger is in the news again for speaking the truth.

Given that Trump is the biggest loser in almost 100 years (i.e. the first president since Hoover to lose the House, the Senate, and the White House in one term), it's amazing how much control Trump still has over the GOP.

Trump is the Pied Piper gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats.

>>>"[Trump] revels in score-settling, so most of these folks have smartly just tried to keep their heads down. Cheney has taken a different approach, and while it’s super commendable, he will take great pleasure in seeing her removed from power,” Brendan Buck, who served as an adviser under former House speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), said of Trump. “They’ll all have targets on their back, but Cheney really sent up a flare to attract his ire, and I’m sure they’re watching and learning.”<<<



Audioholic Spartan
Kinzinger is in the news again for speaking the truth.

Given that Trump is the biggest loser in almost 100 years (i.e. the first president since Hoover to lose the House, the Senate, and the White House in one term), it's amazing how much control Trump still has over the GOP.

Trump is the Pied Piper gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats.

>>>"[Trump] revels in score-settling, so most of these folks have smartly just tried to keep their heads down. Cheney has taken a different approach, and while it’s super commendable, he will take great pleasure in seeing her removed from power,” Brendan Buck, who served as an adviser under former House speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), said of Trump. “They’ll all have targets on their back, but Cheney really sent up a flare to attract his ire, and I’m sure they’re watching and learning.”<<<

A warning to House Republicans before the upcoming vote to remove Cheney from her leadership position today?

>>>"More than 100 Republicans, including some former elected officials, are preparing to release a letter this week threatening to form a third party if the Republican Party does not make certain changes, according to an organizer of the effort.
The statement is expected to take aim at former President Donald J. Trump’s stranglehold on Republicans, which signatories to the document have deemed unconscionable.
“When in our democratic republic, forces of conspiracy, division, and despotism arise, it is the patriotic duty of citizens to act collectively in defense of liberty and justice,” reads the preamble to the full statement, which is expected to be released on Thursday.
The effort comes as House Republican leaders are expected on Wednesday to oust Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming from their ranks because of her outspoken criticism of Mr. Trump’s election lies."<<<
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Audioholic Spartan

>>>"Charlie Dent represented Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional District in the U.S. House from 2005 to 2018. Mary Peters was secretary of transportation during the George W. Bush administration. Denver Riggleman represented Virginia’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House from 2019 to 2021. Michael Steele is a former chairman of the Republican National Committee. Christine Todd Whitman was governor of New Jersey from 1994 to 2001.

The Republican Party made a grievous error this week in ousting Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) from the House leadership for telling the truth about Donald Trump’s “big lie,” which has wreaked havoc in our democratic republic by casting doubt over the 2020 election.
Cheney rightfully struck back against party leaders and warned about the GOP’s dangerous direction. She is not alone.

Alongside dozens of prominent Republicans, ex-Republicans and independents, we are announcing “A Call for American Renewal,” a nationwide rallying cry against extremist elements within the GOP, and highlighting the urgent need for a new, common-sense coalition.
We urge fellow Americans to join us.
Our alliance includes former governors, members of Congress, Cabinet secretaries, state officials, seasoned political strategists and grass-roots leaders dedicated to offering a hopeful, principles-based vision for the country — and ensuring that our votes have decisive impact in key elections across the United States.
We want to give voice to the millions of Americans who feel politically homeless and mobilize them to help chart a new path forward for our country.

It is time for a rebirth of the American cause, which we will pursue in partnership and loyal competition with others committed to the preservation of our Union.

Tragically, the Republican Party has lost its way, perverted by fear, lies and self-interest. What’s more, GOP attacks on the integrity of our elections and our institutions pose a continuing and material threat to the nation.
The Jan. 6 insurrection was a wake-up call for many who had remained loyal to the party, even while harboring concerns about its direction.
Many have since left. The GOP has effectively become a privileged third party, ranking behind independents and Democrats in voter registration.

Meanwhile, Republican legislators are trying to impede voting rights across the country as a last-ditch effort to retain power.
We will not wait forever for the GOP to clean up its act. If we cannot save the Republican Party from itself, we will help save America from extremist elements in the Republican Party.

That means hastening the creation of an alternative: a political movement dedicated to our founding principles and divorced from the GOP’s obsessive cult of personality around a deeply flawed (and twice-impeached) man, whose favorability ratings are reportedly tanking in key swing districts around the country.
We will fight for honorable Republicans who stand up for truth and decency, such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney, to name a few.


Audioholic Chief

>>>"Charlie Dent represented Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional District in the U.S. House from 2005 to 2018. Mary Peters was secretary of transportation during the George W. Bush administration. Denver Riggleman represented Virginia’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House from 2019 to 2021. Michael Steele is a former chairman of the Republican National Committee. Christine Todd Whitman was governor of New Jersey from 1994 to 2001.

The Republican Party made a grievous error this week in ousting Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) from the House leadership for telling the truth about Donald Trump’s “big lie,” which has wreaked havoc in our democratic republic by casting doubt over the 2020 election.
Cheney rightfully struck back against party leaders and warned about the GOP’s dangerous direction. She is not alone.

Alongside dozens of prominent Republicans, ex-Republicans and independents, we are announcing “A Call for American Renewal,” a nationwide rallying cry against extremist elements within the GOP, and highlighting the urgent need for a new, common-sense coalition.
We urge fellow Americans to join us.
Our alliance includes former governors, members of Congress, Cabinet secretaries, state officials, seasoned political strategists and grass-roots leaders dedicated to offering a hopeful, principles-based vision for the country — and ensuring that our votes have decisive impact in key elections across the United States.
We want to give voice to the millions of Americans who feel politically homeless and mobilize them to help chart a new path forward for our country.

It is time for a rebirth of the American cause, which we will pursue in partnership and loyal competition with others committed to the preservation of our Union.

Tragically, the Republican Party has lost its way, perverted by fear, lies and self-interest. What’s more, GOP attacks on the integrity of our elections and our institutions pose a continuing and material threat to the nation.
The Jan. 6 insurrection was a wake-up call for many who had remained loyal to the party, even while harboring concerns about its direction.
Many have since left. The GOP has effectively become a privileged third party, ranking behind independents and Democrats in voter registration.

Meanwhile, Republican legislators are trying to impede voting rights across the country as a last-ditch effort to retain power.
We will not wait forever for the GOP to clean up its act. If we cannot save the Republican Party from itself, we will help save America from extremist elements in the Republican Party.

That means hastening the creation of an alternative: a political movement dedicated to our founding principles and divorced from the GOP’s obsessive cult of personality around a deeply flawed (and twice-impeached) man, whose favorability ratings are reportedly tanking in key swing districts around the country.
We will fight for honorable Republicans who stand up for truth and decency, such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney, to name a few.
Bye bye gop....


Audioholic Warlord

>>>"Charlie Dent represented Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional District in the U.S. House from 2005 to 2018. Mary Peters was secretary of transportation during the George W. Bush administration. Denver Riggleman represented Virginia’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House from 2019 to 2021. Michael Steele is a former chairman of the Republican National Committee. Christine Todd Whitman was governor of New Jersey from 1994 to 2001.

The Republican Party made a grievous error this week in ousting Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) from the House leadership for telling the truth about Donald Trump’s “big lie,” which has wreaked havoc in our democratic republic by casting doubt over the 2020 election.
Cheney rightfully struck back against party leaders and warned about the GOP’s dangerous direction. She is not alone.

Alongside dozens of prominent Republicans, ex-Republicans and independents, we are announcing “A Call for American Renewal,” a nationwide rallying cry against extremist elements within the GOP, and highlighting the urgent need for a new, common-sense coalition.
We urge fellow Americans to join us.
Our alliance includes former governors, members of Congress, Cabinet secretaries, state officials, seasoned political strategists and grass-roots leaders dedicated to offering a hopeful, principles-based vision for the country — and ensuring that our votes have decisive impact in key elections across the United States.
We want to give voice to the millions of Americans who feel politically homeless and mobilize them to help chart a new path forward for our country.

It is time for a rebirth of the American cause, which we will pursue in partnership and loyal competition with others committed to the preservation of our Union.

Tragically, the Republican Party has lost its way, perverted by fear, lies and self-interest. What’s more, GOP attacks on the integrity of our elections and our institutions pose a continuing and material threat to the nation.
The Jan. 6 insurrection was a wake-up call for many who had remained loyal to the party, even while harboring concerns about its direction.
Many have since left. The GOP has effectively become a privileged third party, ranking behind independents and Democrats in voter registration.

Meanwhile, Republican legislators are trying to impede voting rights across the country as a last-ditch effort to retain power.
We will not wait forever for the GOP to clean up its act. If we cannot save the Republican Party from itself, we will help save America from extremist elements in the Republican Party.

That means hastening the creation of an alternative: a political movement dedicated to our founding principles and divorced from the GOP’s obsessive cult of personality around a deeply flawed (and twice-impeached) man, whose favorability ratings are reportedly tanking in key swing districts around the country.
We will fight for honorable Republicans who stand up for truth and decency, such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney, to name a few.
Cheney isn't the reasonable moderate as she is now being portrayed.


Audioholic Spartan
Cheney isn't the reasonable moderate as she is now being portrayed.
Totally agree, from what I've heard and read about her for some time. At least she has a spine and some integrity.

Should I be an US citizen in her district I would not vote for her (or any current GOP candidate for that matter), but at least I would not have to worry that she will enable and support a coup.
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Audioholic Chief
Cheney isn't the reasonable moderate as she is now being portrayed.
She never has been moderate, if you may recall she was/ is as anti Obama as they get , she just hit her bullshit limit in regards to the great pumpkin ( aka DT)


Audioholic Spartan
I remember a former boss sayings like Republicans criticize their own more than Democrats. Obviously put under the test they've failed miserably under Trump. Democrats do things based on feelings while we're the rational and moral ones. We believe in the sanctity of life but can't wear a mask cause that's too much to ask. I call it a built-in excuse for politicians: their mortgage depends on it, but the regular GOP voter doesn't. It's bizarre why none of them can come out and say Yeah we really fucked up with Trump. We need to do some House cleaning. We'll be better for it in the long run. Or the post-riot silence. The hypocrisy is too much.


Audioholic Spartan
Cheney isn't the reasonable moderate as she is now being portrayed.
I’ve never seen her portrayed as a moderate. She is quite conservative on most issues, especially fiscal ones. I agree with her often. Not always, but often.
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