Evil is as evil does.. Providing relief for cities and states is imo a good idea and a political debate... Not giving enough relief to people based on "target" income from last year or two yrs ago is evil.. I'll overlook your shortsighted remark that " i fail to understand " i could say that about every single working class guy duped into voting trump..this universal idea that extra help for local govt "is evil" is pure rhetoric, based on political spin..forcing people into homelessness is evil...
Relief for which cities- friends of the admin, or all?
The cost of the protesting that was anything by peaceful will be a hard pill to swallow but many won't see the effects until the cost of whatever they buy increases or their insurance rates increase. That's gonna leave a mark.
Unlimited government spending affects everyone, but doesn't hurt those making the most. They're all for it until the point where they actually see their wealth slipping away and that's an easy way to make their money leave the country. Cities and states need scrutiny as much as anyone since there's never an end to the ways they find/look for to spend money, even if they're spending it foolishly. Requesting money "because we got it last year and don't want to risk not getting it this year" is a bad way to operate a government.
Forcing people into homelessness IS evil, so is forcing people to give up their when the government makes it impossible for them to collect rent. I'm not referring to people with enough rental income to support a small city, I mean people who own a duplex and lose renters or the rental income they need. Nobody asked for COVID and its spread occurred globally without any one person at fault (unless someone gave the order to cover up its existence, as has been mentioned), whether you want to believe that, or not. It happened in the US, it happened in Europe, Great Britain and other places- if people had stayed home, kept their distance and washed their hands, it wouldn't have killed as many in the US as it did.
Shortsighted? I don't think so, we perceive things differently but still need to look at our own 'side' to find faults. Ignoring them is how things go very wrong, in a hurry.