I have not read any of this thread but I have to say:
"Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck %$#@ for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some %$#@ for marijuana?" (Half Baked)
IMO, MJ is not the problem, it is the patient abusing their oxycotin perscription that needs to be adressed. I think addicting nature of opiates are much more of a concern than some plant. Painkillers such as oxycotin and other opiates are much more harmul than a bong hit. If a doctor feels that weed could help someone with depression or a speech impedement for example than I feel it should be prescribed.
What a great post & one that strikes at the heart of the real issues pertaining to medical use.
Im a position to see both sides of the coin,on one hand my medical condition & pain management needs are such that smoking mj is useless for me,i need heavy medication such as Vicoden & Oxycontin,i try to only take the Oxycontin when i cant stand it any longer & stick with Vicoden most of the time,ive tried smoking to relieve pain & in my case it does little if anytthing.
My wife's medical conditions are very different from mine,she has Fibro Mialga which entails alot of pain & as of monday she was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclorosis),she receives Vicoden,Valium,Percodan & now they want to put her on full time Oxycontin,she has recently started vaporizing mj for the mild pain & when the pain is very strong she will vaporize mj along with taking a Vicoden & there is no need to take the stronger Percodan.
Her doctors think vaporizing mj along with taking a Vicoden is a bad idea but they think putting her on full time Oxycontin is a good idea,Oxycontin is a life changing drug to all who take it regularly,there is ZERO chance of not becomming addicted with withdrawl symptoms exactly the same as heroin withdrawls.Its amazing to me at the blind stupidity & carelessness of most of the medical community,even if they believe that med mj is a good thing they will not step foward,instead most stick to the age old gateway drug lie we've all been force fed for decades,the only gateway mj causes is a gateway to the snack cuppboard not herion.
Oxycontin on the otherhand is a gateway drug straight to heroin,what happens to people when their doctors cut them off from Oxycontin,do they just take asprin & it's all good,no they dont,if they cant find the drug to buy on the street it's a well proven fact that they seek out the next closest thing which is heroin.
Whats really needed here is for the federal government for once in its existince to step the f back with it's condemnations,then the next step is for the government to allow & FULLY FUND dedicated research into medical cannibas.
If any of you guy's believe in legalization of med mj then please make a stand on this issue with your local governments.