The war on MJ users is total Bulls$#@. Thats it NOW I am done with this....
You have good veiws why would you wish to be done with this ?
All of us wanting to be done with stuff is the reason our government has been allowed to create these unfair & unfounded laws,in the 70's we protested the he!! out of this issue & brought it to the point where the president anounced to the nation that he planned to legalize mj.
Not until a member of Jimmy Carters staff was caught up in a cocaine conspiricy did the president change his veiws,with the political machine structured the way it is he had no choice but to back down against legalization or commit carrer suicide.
With exception of one poster in this thread everybody here approves of legalization to some extent so why be done with it,why should people be persecuted to the extreme over a drug that has been proven for decades to be FAR LESS troublesome & addictive as alcohol, so we can all sit back & not have to worry abour our collection of new toy's ?
Since ive become involved in this issue im ashamed at the man ive become,trading every ideal i ever had for the quest for a new vcr,better stereo,bigger house,then stood mute on s#!t i know is terribly immoral & wrong,all because i didnt want to jeapordize my little collection of toys.
Joe Schmoes post shows this thinking in action,grown men worring about simple things like being in the preseance of a mj user,how frikken sad is that, but not without good reason,it's because he knows how devastating the penalties are for such a small thing,a guy can be financially ruined & or kiss his carerr goodbye for being in the preseance of somebody else smoking a joint & that is flat out wrong.
If you ever want any of this to change being done with it is not the answer,speak out,write your senators & congressmen,tell them the laws suck & if they do not help change them you'll vote for somebody who will,do anything but dont be done with it.