Those in the front pew can't fan themselves quickly enough. Lots of hot air in here.
Lol, You would come and throw some cold water on us huh?
I'm no where's near the Science level of some of the other guys on AH. I do know enough to get myself in Trouble though.
lol I feel that
@aceinc should stick around he brings to AH what this forum is All about. He is Knowledgeable, after all this is the internet anyone can be anybody that's the Magic. Would surely be a very Boring place to hang out in if we All drank the same Kool-Aid. I like the Ole Chap, Hsve you checked out
@ErinH Thread yet? Dude went and Got a sit down with Dr. Toole! I watched some of the video going to try a sit through the rest tonight. Plus he's added even more videos from some of his other chats. Don't know if you had the time to read Gene and Bruno's Article. AH has some of the very best on audio.