Every DVD I've played so far seems to upconvert to 1080i
Unregistered said:
I am in LOVE with my RX-Z9. The video section is setting a new standard for home theatre that is required on high def monitors with the various input standards. We have a new 6th gen 50inch plasma and it really showed up the noise in the low def signals. The RX-Z9 does amazing things with analogue and low def signals. I once read that the real test of a system isn't "The 5th Element" or "Finding Nemo" but an old, cruddy print. Well this is where the RX-Z9 just will blow you away - as all the DSP and Faroudja circuits make a difference.
We're in love with the same receiver! My new Z9 is awesome. With respect to what the Z9 does for cruddy picture signals, I'm fortunate enough to own a Loewe 38" (the best and most advanced tube TV ever made). The tube television may have seen its day, but, if you watch high-def at 1080i, or hi-res DVD on this TV (I use Zenith HD420 terrestrial), the picture will leave you speechless. Like the Z9, the Loewe has very sophisticated circuitry that does wonders for ordinary cruddy pictures. It upconverts regular signals -including non-digital to progressive.
The 1080i upconversion capability of the Z9 is amazing. It seems to work on DVD for me, but am not sure.
Every DVD I played so far with the 1080i resolution option selected has worked beautifully The only very slight problem is in resolving pitch black, with a slight splodginess apparent where the whole screen is black. It is most noticable when a picture frame ends, and there is a black transition frame, before the new frame appears. There are no other anomolies with the picture other than this black frame splodginess however, and the picture is terrific. It doesn't seem overly sharp and artificial looking and is cinema-like in appearance, a lot of detail, an depth-focus.
Yamaha are the first to adopt video processing as part of the package. This reciever has definitely established the new benchmark standard.
This baby
is well worth every penny.