If so much as one features fails, I would hate to take all 66lbs of it out of the rack and lug it to the service center.
Why would a feature be more prone to fail on the Z-9 than any other receiver/processor? In fact, one advantage of Japanese electronics is their limitless resources to methodically do debugging and system testing of products prior to release. Yamaha has some of the highest reliability in the consumer electronics market for home theater equipment. If I am not mistaken, don't they have a 5 year warranty on this piece?
For the brand new price of a Z9, you can have an excellent FM tuner, separate pre/pro and multiple power amps.
Yes you can have a all of these things and less. Unfortunately most dedicated pre/pros at close to the asking price of the RX-Z9 lack some of the essential features that make up a Z9:
1) .5dB step size channel trim setting
2) .1ft stepsize digital delay compensation
3) active i.link for DVD-A/SACD / DD/DTS
4) Component video upconversion with OSD
5) PLIIx and configurability
6) THX Ultra2 certification
7) Lip Sync Correction
8) Stereo Subwoofer Output with independent digital delay compensation and level control
9) DSP processing - enjoyable with some source material
10) Burr Brown 1792 Differential DAC's for all channels (these are some of the best in the industry)
However, a receiver is not for everyone, so one should definately look at all options after defining what their needs are.