yamaha Avr with electric current on body



Audioholic Jedi
well the seller says hes authorized.how can i supposedly ask him and do u think he will tell me the truth?and one more thing.the other guy who has same issue bought from another amazon fulfilled seller.so are they all selling grey market items.then for sure this is a bigger scam that amazon is involved in.

secondly if hes unauthorized then isnt amazon guilty here and can they anymore say that they dont have any part in this to play?
lastly i dont know if u know the way stuff works here,mostly sellers take people on a ride in india becuase they very well know people wont normally take them to court and would go ahead with the repair till they meet sm mad people like me who will go to the extent of taking a legal action.

after the consumer forum thru which i wud be sending my legal notice sent a formal mail to yamaha music india they happened to call me today afternoon after being in hibernation for this long.I have sent them all the data i have and have asked them to refund/replace or take it back for free as i am not ok with a repair and i have this strong feeling that this is certainly going to end up in court coz they wont refund/replace and i wont be giving up without a fight

and since u have been telling this i have also put this forward to yamaha and they said they will verify with the serial
number.when they get back i will definitly update here.see i have nothing against or for a particular company but if they confirm that this is made for india then surely this is a really grave issue not becuse
of the voltages etc but its a big question mark on the so called quality of recent yamaha products
I think you have come up with the correct route to pursue this matter. Yes, please keep us informed. If that dealer is not authorized then it will be difficult. If he is not you should report all these facts to Amazon. If he is authorized, then Yamaha should replace your unit. As I said before this is not a repair issue, but a replacement issue most likely.


Audioholic Slumlord
aah sorry voltage i meant.
i was standing on tiled floor but neverthless thats not a reason.my avr is definitly a faulty unit.and so are some yamaha avrs.thing i have now understood is that the phrase that yamaha is built like a tank is not apt anymore.this wud need to be conveyed to users who may in future ask and i think yamaha owners have to warn them that the quality is not that good as we thought it to be.there is clearly smthng very badly messed up at yamaha which it probably is aware about and wont admit or its really making huge cuts to its quality testing.otherwise u wont have so many random bad pieces everywhere.
Their RX-A1080/2080/3080 do seem to have very good build quality.


I think you have come up with the correct route to pursue this matter. Yes, please keep us informed. If that dealer is not authorized then it will be difficult. If he is not you should report all these facts to Amazon. If he is authorized, then Yamaha should replace your unit. As I said before this is not a repair issue, but a replacement issue most likely.
everything depends on yamahas response.
now theres another part to this story.after the purchase i had asked the dealer for a proper bill and not the amazon one.he did watsapp and mail me the same.i happened to mail it to yamaha ofcourse using that same form and they said this will get warranty.now i am not sure that would they have given me a warranty if the seller wasnt authorized.u wud think this guy has a lot of ques...but i seriously wish i didnt have to rack my brains so much and would have had a sound sleep if i hadnt purchased this item.

just two hours ago i have called and informed amazon about this thing but then again all this is just hearsay and amazons behaviour lately hasnt been much encouraging.

now cmng to replacement.i would consider myself uber lucky if they even once mention that and also dont replace with a refurbished piece.


Audioholic Slumlord
I actually I do have one of those AVO meters. It is an interesting story as to how I obtained it.

I had an itch to own one a few years ago, and won a bid on eBay. I was contacted by a guy that I over bid. Well it turned out he was an expert collector/restorer of AVO meters who resided in the UK.

He told me that the AVO meter I had purchased was a very rare one, and wanted it to complete his collection. So he asked me if I would let him have it and it return he would restore a WWII RAF version of the AVO meter that he had in his possession. I agreed, and somewhat to my surprise this immaculately restored RAF AVO meter arrived from the UK. It was immaculate in every way and contained all the original attachments. It is simply beautiful. I love to think it serviced hurricanes and Spitfires and probably did. It has all its military markings. It is a gorgeous piece. I must take some pictures of it for you.
You are lucky to have one in such good condition. I guess you must also know that in those days (my U days, actually even years later..:)), people rarely used the term multi-meter/tester. They just say AVO...regardless if what make it was, it's a bit like the "Xerox" thing. I mean in British ruled/influenced places, obviously. Regardless, they are so well built, big, heavy and sturdy like a tank.


Their RX-A1080/2080/3080 do seem to have very good build quality.
well no one can dispute that but that doesnt mean you make craps just below ur premium line.my model shud be the upper mid range if am not wrong.even if it was a entry model this is not a defect that shud be there period.and we still dont have data if avaentage users have this as some who i have talked to and the sellers personal devices too had this voltage on them and they werent aware till i raised it with them.
i hope i am wrong but i have this lingering doubt that this is at yamahas end.This is also one of the reasons i am going legal on them because i wanted to get yamaha involved directly than some random seller so that even if they dont accept the flaw they atleast internally are aware so that they dont mess up upcoming models in future and so that probably no one else had to go thru wat i have over these past few weeks trying to piece all this together.


Audioholic Slumlord
well no one can dispute that but that doesnt mean you make craps just below ur premium line.my model shud be the upper mid range if am not wrong.even if it was a entry model this is not a defect that shud be there period.and we still dont have data if avaentage users have this as some who i have talked to and the sellers personal devices too had this voltage on them and they werent aware till i raised it with them.
i hope i am wrong but i have this lingering doubt that this is at yamahas end.
May be you should try a low end Denon. Even the AVR-X1600/1700H shares a lot of the same key component and circuitry with their higher model brothers.


May be you should try a low end Denon. Even the AVR-X1600/1700H shares a lot of the same key component and circuitry with their higher model brothers.
well denon/marantz va yamaha was wat i was stuck on and i also had my sights set on the 2600 but then i saw many issues being reported with denons and if one googles finding issues with yamaha is a pretty difficult task.also i read abt the brighter and better musical aspect of yamaha compared to denon but wat sold me completely on yamaha was its build quality and lack of issues,partially the reason why am so pissed at yamaha.
i dont know if denon 2600h/2700h will be comparable to yamahas 685 sound wise.


today got a follow up call from yamaha and as i talk with them day after day i gett to understand that yamaha india is a bigger failure than the seller.these guys it seems on the sly wanted to get my device repaired and wanted me to submit the device for two straight days to analyse the issue.wen i asked that if they were thinking of refund or replacement then why not verify by just using a tester and why do they need to open up they had no satisfactory answer.coincidentally before the management guys called the service centre had asked to submit the device for repair.thats why i was able to connect the dots.yamaha users in india pls pray u never get warranty issues where u dont need a repair.i have had issues with sony and google devices but never have they behaved in such a manner.god this is so frustrating.


My thinking is that since this tingling is sustained, I don't think this is capacitative coupling. This sounds like a voltage that can deliver a sustained current.

The fact that a user who bought off line does not have the problem, clinches the deal for me. His unit was not intended for India. In a country that is 110/220 center tapped, at a 220 volt outlet there is no neutral at the wall plug. That is the issue here. Sure the neutral is center tapped, but that is not anywhere to be found on the receptacle.

India is still a very corrupt country, with Bucksheesh still flowing like water. Due to the British Empire, Buchsheesh is in the British vernacular, but Americans do not usually understand the word. However somewhere along the line there has been Bucksheesh at the root of the OP's problem.
needed to clarify one thing.
yamaha india called up today and confirmed that this is a legit item sourced via legit channels to be sold in inida and he mentioned that he talked to 65 servcie centres and no one till date has reported such an issue.guess hes lying abt that part because i myself am aware of two people who have excatly same issue on diff models.i can now confirm that yamaha has got serious quality issues...if not around the world then atleast in india.


people at least who get to see this and all those who commented.as days go by and more and more people comment on this issue on different forums i can find this happening with many yamaha users across regions including US.And now its seems getting a defective or non defective avr from yamaha is like flipping a coin.
Since yamaha indian atleast refuses to acknowledge that a lot of their avrs have this issue and smthng that needs attention doesnt it become imperative for us users to try and get all such complaints together take it to reditt or smwhr and if this is huge, yamaha would be forced to respond/acknowledge and atleast in future fix this flaw in their upcoming models.

anyways i am already on the path of legal challenge but still they are considering this as a one off case which we very well know isnt.wat do the moderators and fellow members have to say abt this?shudnt we be raising our voices rather than doing DIY like putting a wire and grounding it ourselves??


Audioholic Jedi
Including US? Really? Hmmm.....never usually bother touching the cases/screws of my avrs as no need to.....but now I'm going to :)


Including US? Really? Hmmm.....never usually bother touching the cases/screws of my avrs as no need to.....but now I'm going to :)
yes in US too and it seems a RX-A700.use a tester.will give u a fair idea.maybe u will have it and maybe u wont and thats wat i am saying.many of us have it and dont know smhw.can any members here who have a large following ask fellow yamaha owners across regions to check this coz i am damn sure this isnt a india specific issue and yamaha is being uber arrogant about this.


Audioholic Jedi
yes in US too.use a tester.will give u a fair idea.maybe u will have it and maybe u wont and thats wat i am saying.many of us have it and dont know smhw.can any members here who have a large following ask fellow yamaha owners across regions to check this coz i am damn sure this isnt a india specific issue and yamaha is being uber arrogant about this.
Well I have no Yamaha gear in any case nor do I usually need to touch my gear (remotes). I will check soon, tho, doubt if I will find any issues, tho.


Well I have no Yamaha gear in any case nor do I usually need to touch my gear (remotes). I will check soon, tho, doubt if I will find any issues, tho.
thats fine and u may not and that kind of proves my point.i dont know how to bring all these users on a single platform.i dont know if anyones even interested but i guess this is smthng that ought to be highlighted not only for upcoming buyers but also for us if and wen we plan to buy a new one.we shudnt be having to take a tester to an avr shop due to yamaha.


Audioholic Jedi
thats fine and u may not and that kind of proves my point.i dont know how to bring all these users on a single platform.i dont know if anyones even interested but i guess this is smthng that ought to be highlighted not only for upcoming buyers but also for us if and wen we plan to buy a new one.we shudnt be having to take a tester to an avr shop due to yamaha.
Personally I don't think you've found a definitive issue, could be your infrastructure for all I know. I do wish you good luck, and while it's somewhat negative, the one country I always dreaded dealing with was India.


Personally I don't think you've found a definitive issue, could be your infrastructure for all I know. I do wish you good luck, and while it's somewhat negative, the one country I always dreaded dealing with was India.
nope i think we are long past the discussion on infrastructure as it cannot be that evey single person having this everywhere has an infrastructure issue.And yes its not definitive and thats why we need a lot of users and i myself cant get that.
But since its there on many i have no other explanation and i think its necessary that we dig deep into it as i hope no buyer in future anywhere has to face wat i am going thru


Audioholic Jedi

nope i think we are long past the discussion on infrastructure as it cannot be that evey single person having this everywhere has an infrastructure issue.And yes its not definitive and thats why we need a lot of users and i myself cant get that.
But since its there on many i have no other explanation and i think its necessary that we dig deep into it as i hope no buyer in future anywhere has to face wat i am going thru
You have not proved this is an issue with all Yamaha avrs in India by a large margin. Very anecdotal. I do support continuing into investigation and reporting back, tho as well as my best wishes for success in you endeavors here.


You have not proved this is an issue with all Yamaha avrs in India by a large margin. Very anecdotal. I do support continuing into investigation and reporting back, tho as well as my best wishes for success in you endeavors here.
thanks.and i cant as i am only getting few responses and the few i get either have it or dont have and if in the very few i get a say 60-40 ratio of good and bad ones then i wud want to know wat a larger sample throws up.ideally i think in a small sample wen i have atleast that many defects in US as well as india it has to be there for more and more people rt.am just thinking loudly here and thats why am requesting fellow members to please amplify and ask more and more to join this discussion and check.i sincerely hope i am wrong but every person who reports same issue is proving kind of that this is not an issue on only one or two avrs


Attached is the reply from yamaha where it refuses to accept it as manufacturing defect whereas all the while they have been saying over the phone that their devices dont have leakage current on their devices as do they in this mail too.

Yamaha was being evasive with me when i prodded as to what they want to analyse and finally when i kept asking they said wen they find the issue they will repair it.Thats wen i asked then why they had to send so many mails and waste both our times as in the call and the mail i had made it pretty clear that i dont want repair but refund/replacemnet of a defective unit.

Whats surprising is their repeated insisting that no one yet has reported any residual current implying its not there othe rthan on mine and thats because many users are doing DIY and considering its fine...we can manage when they shoul be ideally escalating this to yamaha and putting them on the dock so that they atleast dont mess up new models for upcoming users.




Audioholic Jedi
Attached is the reply from yamaha where it refuses to accept it as manufacturing defect whereas all the while they have been saying over the phone that their devices dont have leakage current on their devices as do they in this mail too.

Yamaha was being evasive with me when i prodded as to what they want to analyse and finally when i kept asking they said wen they find the issue they will repair it.Thats wen i asked then why they had to send so many mails and waste both our times as in the call and the mail i had made it pretty clear that i dont want repair but refund/replacemnet of a defective unit.

Whats surprising is their repeated insisting that no one yet has reported any residual current implying its not there othe rthan on mine and thats because many users are doing DIY and considering its fine...we can manage when they shoul be ideally escalating this to yamaha and putting them on the dock so that they atleast dont mess up new models for upcoming users.
It's probably spelled out in your warranty as to the route they've taken with wanting to have you submit it for repair rather than simply refund you or provide a new unit in exchange. Same would happen here in US I'd think, only time you get a refund/replacement on demand is thru the retailer within his specified time frame for doing so (usually 30 days or less from purchase), otherwise you're subject to the terms of the factory warranty.

One thought might be to take a clear video showing your setup/connections and your multimeter testing efforts and results and to send that to Yamaha to see if that would alter their stance....

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