I've gone a bit crazy the last little while. It wasn't planned, but things just kind of ended up stacking up...
In order of wallet melting progression:
1) After years of humming and hawing over upgrading the bookshelf speakers in my bedroom/office system (Paradigm Mini Monitors v6), I gave in and ordered myself a pair of Sonus Faber Lumina II Amator editions. Always wanted to try the brand and the front porting on these makes sense with the corner placement I have to use. Curious to see if I like the voicing on these or not.
2) My pre-order of the Unfolded Circle Remote Two came up. I reserved one about 2 years ago when URC decided that home users could no longer access their programming software and it looked like I was going to need some alternative going forward. URC has since loosened it's policy and I can program again, but went forward on the Remote Two anyways since I may need another at some point in the mid-term future anyways.
3) The speakers in the bedroom/office system are kind of obstructed by monitors, audio rack, etc due to being a bit crammed in there. The stands were 30" models. I ordered myself a set of Sanus 36" stands as well as set of 7" angled stands. By lashing the two together, I've raised the bookshelves speakers enough (about 42" now) that the tweeters clear clutter and angle down to ear level pretty nicely.
4) The hand-me-down AVM 50 I use in the bedroom system has a 20 year old DAC in it, so the generally glowing praise for the Topping D70 Pro Sabre, I decided to give it a shot.
5) I've been thinking about replacing the AVM 50v in my liviing room with something that can handle 4k/120 video switching and simplefy control a bit. I had been thinking about a Marantx Cinema 70 but the measurements in review here were not very enticing. Anthem had a seasonal sale on and a semi-local shop was willing to knock a bit more on top of it, so I picked up an MRX 540 8k to use as a pre-processor in that system. It's a step down in gear "level", but it's 15+ years newer in the DAC and has similar specs overall in other areas so I went for it. it appears to be a much better solution than the Marantz and ended up being around the same price at the time.
6) A new REL s/510 for the living room system to replace an aging Entery 12" ported sub that really wasn't pulling much weight in the system anymore (the mains are measuring as extending lower currently).
7) A pair of new club/sofa chairs for the theatre room to replace some of the older one who's finish has been failing and peeling off the last few years. The price of furniture these days is painful

but they should be nice - even if I couldn't affort full leather and had to do a leather match instead.