While it sucked I would have to say getting my work stuff stolen doesn't even compare to a home invasion. A few years ago my brother got his apartment ransacked (and found out his girlfriend was pregnant on the same day). I remember how sick I felt for him that day and for a while after that, and that wasn't even my house. When I realized that some thugs swiped my duty belt and stab vest, I was honestly more worried about getting reprimanded at work for losing the vest, which i didn't... There is just a whole icky, ugly, violated feeling that comes with a home invasion thats just hard put into words. I dont place a ton of value into material possessions, so it was easy for me to get over the belt and vest... but ughh the feeling of having someone in my house going through and trashing the most intimate details of my life... I've only had to feel it second hand, and that was enough of an experience to hold me over for this life....
I feel for you J...