What New Stuff Have You Bought? If You Care To Share Thead! :)



Audioholic Slumlord
Speaking of Linux variants, i still have trouble believing how great Amazon fire tv stick is for its price. Its near perfect htpc, really. Is it super fast? No, but I wouldn't call it slow ether.


Audioholic Samurai
A bus trip to Rockefeller Plaza for a day of shopping and Dinner with a show with my significant other, boy she plans the neatest things, leaving now, peace.


Audioholic Warlord
That's what I said too after I had to sell a couple of things but yet I keep buying toys :D
Lulimet I don't need anything else till the next cyber sale lol. I'm quite happy with my setup so far. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Yes sir. I recall you heard them and liked them? I think you even linked them when I inquired about horn speakers. :)
That was not me - they do look and seem nice - however, they do not call my name.
What I linked was JBL.

Enjoy the adventure.


Audioholic Jedi
My apologies to afterlife... I have no intention on hijacking your thread.. I will start a new thread in the TV section if you guys want to continue the conversation there as I am enjoying the debate.. :)

And back on topic...
since someone broke into my car and helped them selves to my old equipment...
Here is 150 dollars worth of christmas money that I wasn't planning on spending
Damn man, sorry to hear it. MY house was broken into last year and they got a lot of stuff too. Sucks that people can do things like that.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Mine will be her tomorrow. Can't wait. Did not see it in the theaters.


Audioholic Warlord
Mine should be here today. Curious to try out my new 3D ability.


Audioholic Warlord
7 bucks yesterday, so why not.


New Rebought this the other one got ruined by salt water. :(
walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai
Just got these cables delivered from Amazon. Don't even remember ordering them, the Guinness must have hit the buy button. Now I just realized they are made by Monster.



Audioholic Overlord
Just bought a used Pioneer Elite PD-C5. It's a compact single disc CD player that uses Pioneer's famed stable platter transport mechanism. It's form factor is very close to that of my Teac AG-L800 Tripath powered receiver. It should arrive tomorrow.


Full Audioholic
Damn man, sorry to hear it. MY house was broken into last year and they got a lot of stuff too. Sucks that people can do things like that.
While it sucked I would have to say getting my work stuff stolen doesn't even compare to a home invasion. A few years ago my brother got his apartment ransacked (and found out his girlfriend was pregnant on the same day). I remember how sick I felt for him that day and for a while after that, and that wasn't even my house. When I realized that some thugs swiped my duty belt and stab vest, I was honestly more worried about getting reprimanded at work for losing the vest, which i didn't... There is just a whole icky, ugly, violated feeling that comes with a home invasion thats just hard put into words. I dont place a ton of value into material possessions, so it was easy for me to get over the belt and vest... but ughh the feeling of having someone in my house going through and trashing the most intimate details of my life... I've only had to feel it second hand, and that was enough of an experience to hold me over for this life....
I feel for you J...


Audioholic Jedi
While it sucked I would have to say getting my work stuff stolen doesn't even compare to a home invasion. A few years ago my brother got his apartment ransacked (and found out his girlfriend was pregnant on the same day). I remember how sick I felt for him that day and for a while after that, and that wasn't even my house. When I realized that some thugs swiped my duty belt and stab vest, I was honestly more worried about getting reprimanded at work for losing the vest, which i didn't... There is just a whole icky, ugly, violated feeling that comes with a home invasion thats just hard put into words. I dont place a ton of value into material possessions, so it was easy for me to get over the belt and vest... but ughh the feeling of having someone in my house going through and trashing the most intimate details of my life... I've only had to feel it second hand, and that was enough of an experience to hold me over for this life....
I feel for you J...
Some items that were taken were family heirlooms or personal for us and those things can't be replaced, but the rest of the stuff was of little consequence. "Things" can be replaced, so there's no real value in them to me either. The real issue was that violation and uneasy feeling it leaves you with. The fact that a person can do that to another person baffles me. They got at least 12 other houses in our subdivision too.


Full Audioholic
Did they catch the guys?? Maybe they are on the yard that I work on... :)


Audioholic Overlord

Some items that were taken were family heirlooms or personal for us and those things can't be replaced, but the rest of the stuff was of little consequence. "Things" can be replaced, so there's no real value in them to me either. The real issue was that violation and uneasy feeling it leaves you with. The fact that a person can do that to another person baffles me. They got at least 12 other houses in our subdivision too.
I do not know what I would do if this happened to me. I'm feeling sick just from reading you two talking about it.

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