What do you think of current taxes?



Sheep said:
How exactly did you kill them? Bullets, foot, hummvee? :)

Stomped on them a few times, the ground gave to much to get a one-hit kill on em.:p


Audioholic Ninja
Matt34 said:
Stomped on them a few times, the ground gave to much to get a one-hit kill on em.:p
It's a good thing Uncle Sam issues you hearty combat boots.


Audioholic Warlord
Jason said:
It's a good thing Uncle Sam issues you hearty combat boots.
Those spiders are not a threat to humans.

They have no venom, the can only run 10MPH (top speed), they can't jump, they don't scream (I think). All they do is bite you. Which is really a kiss of death as the superior human will just stomp the truck out of it afterwards.



Audioholic Ninja
Sheep said:
Those spiders are not a threat to humans.

They have no venom, the can only run 10MPH (top speed), they can't jump, they don't scream (I think). All they do is bite you. Which is really a kiss of death as the superior human will just stomp the truck out of it afterwards.

That would be Jackson.


Sheep said:
Those spiders are not a threat to humans.
Which is really a kiss of death as the superior human will just stomp the truck out of it afterwards.


.............or scream like a little girl.:p


Where is a flip-off smiley when you need one?

Ah, here it is....


Audioholic Warlord
majorloser said:
And for those who thing that their local city government is so poorly run, their streets are in such bad shape or the employees aren't doing a good job, I challenge you to attend one council meeting, one board meeting or any government meeting and speak up.

Everybody wants more from there government but doesn't feel that taxes should go up. Like I said before, try to run your personal budget based on a plan from last year with no increase in income.

Guess what, when you don't have the money to do those projects you're left with a choice: Fire employees or take on less work. Oh but you can't do either of those things. Unions say the people stay and the taxpayers say they must have those projects. But don't you dare raise the taxes or fees.

Let's see: Oil prices went up, Darn asphalt is made of oil; steel prices went up, there goes the guardrails; cement went up 50% last year, there goes the sidewalks; landscape plant prices double, damn we had 4 hurricanes that wipe out the biggest nurseries in the US; alluminum prices skyrocketted, there goes those new streetlights...........
Ah - So we are in agreement... It's a lousy situation that departments are put in. It is a silly and unrealistic way to do things. Yet, why aren't you making the connection that it could and should be changed? This is the entire crux of everything that I have said.

It is not the military giving those at the bottom a chance... it is them TARGETING those at the bottom instead of having a program that goes after all, equally, in a way that targets the best to get the best and have the best - equally. I believe that it can't happen, but would like to see it happen... somehow.

As well, I would like to see much more accountability at EVERY level of the system. Employers who can't fire employees is silly. Unions that have jobs that protect those who are incompetent or lazy... pure insanity. Teachers not expected... or allowed - to teach and fail students who don't measure up... total lunacy!!!

Everything is clearly not perfect and I'm not trying to complain, I'm trying to find out what is wrong, explain what I think is wrong, and learn - so I can have a better understanding of what the issues are. :D
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
It is not the military giving those at the bottom a chance... it is them TARGETING those at the bottom instead of having a program that goes after all, equally, in a way that targets the best to get the best and have the best - equally.
This has been done discussed to death since Korea. recruiters go where recruits will find the most likely recruits. And historically the poor neighborhoods have the highest concentration of people "looking for a way out" (the A#1 reason given for "why join the military?"). Wealthy white neighborhoods (and yes, they are mostly white in this country) = more kids going to college, less kids to enlist.

The one big exception is a NAVY recruiter, which I have never seen. maybe they target coastal towns (where people are more likely to like boats).
Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic
Hey Brian...

...why not invest in a pair...It's the Steam Vent remember...nearly anything goes...why PM me?...let everyone see that you have nothing.

In answer to your asinine question re: my mistakes...For any I may or may not have committed, I never went crying to anyone for help...and no, spit-for-brains, I'm not the fool in any of this...I'm responsible for all my actions and I pay the consequences...

Perhaps instead of patting them on the head, try telling Mr. Stiffie, the tramp and their little b@stard that everything isn't okee-dokee and there is a price for every action...maybe if someone had done just that prior to the event, they wouldn't now have to suffer the repercussions.



Audioholic Warlord
Rock&Roll Ninja said:
This has been done discussed to death...
That is business as usual - I am simply tired of discussions by those in charge. When those doing the work are paying every day and all are forced to suffer in some way - from the government employees to their managers to the average taxpayer who is asked to give more, yet given no decision making ability at all.


Audioholic Ninja
Since it was brought up in the wrong thread and is a good discussion topic...


I've gotta say that I don't mind paying taxes at all. I drive roads, I go (went) to schools, my kid(s) will be, etc. I use public resources and I want them to be good. I want my country to be defended, I want a lot of things and I have no problem paying my fair share.

I agree, and I do not have children. But I do want your children well educated, as one of them might be my doctor one day, and then it will matter very much for my quality of life.

As for paying for defense, I have no problem with that, but I do have a problem with paying for offence, which is what we are doing at the moment. I resent paying for a war that is the result of figments of Bush's imagination. But I will say no more about that as I do not wish to divert the topic too much.

What I do have problems with:
1. Our area of the country has a poverty level for a family of 4 that approaches $48,000 or more. Some people just do NOT get the disparity of cost of living across this country. The going rate for new single family homes... call it 4 bedroom 2.5 bath is over three quarters of a million dollars! We all need more in this area just to pay for our 'normal' homes. Not mansions, but normal! This is not figured at all into the national tax structure. Where our $75K a year equals someone elses $35K a year.

I think it would be difficult to calculate that into the national tax structure, and any attempt would most likely end up with abuse and with severe errors, making the whole thing more unfair than it is now.

2. Social Services are a good thing, but they do not have enough policies in place to protect from abuse. There are those who are misfortunate and I am happy to help those out. But, someone who is not trying - who is LAZY deserves the karma they have earned. Not a handout.

Frankly, it would probably be cheaper to simply give everyone a "handout", whether they needed it or not, just not enough of one to live luxuriously. That way, the administrative costs could be kept to a minimum (you would only need to determine that the person is real and alive). The fact that your taxes would be higher to pay for it would be offset by the fact that you would be getting the "handout".

Additionally, right now, the system will cut off people who want to work and can only get a crappy job. Now, if your choice is to work and get less than not working, what would you do? Especially if you have children to feed? If everyone got enough to avoid starvation no matter what, but not enough for luxuries, then people would be motivated to work if they can, because they want more than they have. Even a crappy job would be an addition to one's income.

When I went to college, I remember the financial aid system was set up such that working all summer and saving money meant that one would be given less aid. So working was a stupid thing to do, unless one spent every penny and would then qualify for the same aid as someone who didn't work! (What I decided to do was simply to go to school during the summer months, too, so that I would be able to take more classes.)

3. The top income level paying more doesn't bug me, as long as they are all paying it and that it applies to their area. A flat tax somehow sclaed for cost of living across the country seems like a good way to do this. Adjustments can be made for the lower level incomes as necessary - but they should be forced to ask for it so they can be held accountable as well. Less deducations, more accountability.

Other people's opinions?

I think the top level income people should be paying the most, and they should not have deductions to weasel out of paying their fair share, which is what often happens now. I say that there should be NO DEDUCTIONS AT ALL.


Audioholic Ninja
Rock&Roll Ninja said:
And how exactly did we go from "Poor people starve to death" to "poor people = fat people" in 50 years?!?! Unbelievable!


The reason that many poor people are fat is that bad, fattening food is cheap and readily available. The price for fast food has not kept pace with inflation, and if you are the working poor with two jobs to make ends meet, you may end up eating too much fast food for your own good because that is about all you have time for, and is about all you can afford.


Audioholic Ninja
highfihoney said:
my example was to show how lazy & unqualified management personal in our government operate on a daily basis but its not their fault alone,50% of the blame for wasteful spending can be laid at the feet of the hourly employee's too, if a supervisior was to ask these road workers to go do something else that was constructive they would surely be confronted with the old (thats not my job) speech & thats where sitting around reading playboy magazines comes into action,thats not my job & you cant make me!

this is how local & state employee's operate weather they be salary or hourly,once a person signs on as a government employee they are set for life & they know it too,unqualified & lazy personel cant be fired,at best they just get transfered to some other department.

this type of behavior is extremely previlant in our government & has caused alot of cities/states to outsource such things as garbage disposal & maintance of city buildings, this type of poor work ethics & poor quality workmanship has also caused most states & cities to outsource all of their road work (except patching) to outside contractors who can & will be held accountable for costs & quality,things that government employee's cannot be held accountable for.

just because a guy reports for work does not mean he is deserving a paycheck.

One of the reasons for "outsourcing" jobs is graft rather than efficiency. You see, if you award a big contract to your friends, they can give you some of the money back (perhaps via legal "campaign contributions", perhaps in cash). You don't get to keep the money yourself if you are in charge and you have government employees do the work. (If necessary, you can try to screw up the government system enough so that the idea that only outside workers can do the job well enough will be believed by the voters.) Also, many outside contractors are not held accountable for their work, and often get more money for "cost overruns" when they need more money to do the job than what they said they needed in the first place. You obviously either don't live in the U.S. or you haven't been paying attention if you believe that outside contractors are held accountable.


Audioholic Ninja
Absolutely! More accurately they deserve responsibility and accountability and the state MUST have the right to enforce this.

Don't focus on the individual, but the system that allows this to happen or encourages wastefullness. There are always tasks to be done and if you can't repair a pothole, then it is a good day to pick up some litter... Which should be spelled out in the employee's responsibilities. That it IS part of their job. That when the rain comes, you will continue to get a paycheck as long as you work hard and are responsible.

The system can be improved if someone with any power wanted it to be and it would reduce costs while improving overall quality.

Teachers and the school system is an excellent example of not enough responsibility being placed on the system. Some children need to be left behind, so the rest can flourish.
Indeed, some children do need to be left behind. Of course, one can try to place them in other classes that may meet their needs, or if they are simply trouble makers who make no effort to learn, then they need to be thrown out of school until they change their ways.

And, of course, teachers need to be allowed to fail students who deserve to fail. Otherwise we end up with "graduates" who can't read and write, like we have now.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Pyrrho said:
I agree, and I do not have children. But I do want your children well educated, as one of them might be my doctor one day, and then it will matter very much for my quality of life.
So what you're saying is that you'd like 'his' children to be educated for selfish reasons rather than because they should be educated for their own sake? :rolleyes:

Pyrrho said:
When I went to college, I remember the financial aid system was set up such that working all summer and saving money meant that one would be given less aid. So working was a stupid thing to do, unless one spent every penny and would then qualify for the same aid as someone who didn't work!
No, working was not 'a stupid thing to do'. Regardless of the fact that working should've given you experiance (presumably you are encouraged to find work in the field you're studying in?) that not working wouldn't, the fact of the matter is that aid is by definition for those who need it. Whether or not people abuse the system is an altogether separate matter.

Pyrrho said:
...of course, teachers need to be allowed to fail students who deserve to fail. Otherwise we end up with "graduates" who can't read and write, like we have now.
That's a rather all-encompassing statement. Are you sure you're standing on solid ground? :rolleyes:


Audioholic Ninja
I support Pyrro. The schools need higher standards. Students that fail classes need to fail grades. Students that take all gym classes shouldn't be able to earn the same GPA as students that take hard academic classes.


Audioholic Ninja
Buckle-meister said:
Spoken like a true academic. :rolleyes:
Of course I'm protecting my own interests! Seriously though, when one looks at the way the job market is going in the US and the skills that are needed to get a job that pays enough to live on, gym classes aren't going to help you. School is supposed to educate you and help prepare you for life on your own.


Audioholic General
Pyrrho said:
Indeed, some children do need to be left behind. Of course, one can try to place them in other classes that may meet their needs, or if they are simply trouble makers who make no effort to learn, then they need to be thrown out of school until they change their ways.

And, of course, teachers need to be allowed to fail students who deserve to fail. Otherwise we end up with "graduates" who can't read and write, like we have now.
Some parents wont hear of it,having there kid repeat because its the best thing. The parents pride would be hurt. Around here,after the third or forth kids pops out,the older kid starts staying home from school to help mom babysit,that would be from 5th grade up. Lets see,school breakfast starts at 7am,parent drives up to school in pj's and curlers and dumps the kid out at 6am,of course nobody here to watch the kid. After school playground and supervision is over at 4pm,same kids still here hanging until same parent that looks the same picks them up,around dark. This doesnt change except for the amount of kids this happens to,its always growing. Parents are a wonderful thing. BTW,we had a student and parent that came in to get there free 5th grade camp paper because they didnt have the money to send them to camp. We donate every year so the needy can go. This low life parent had the custom nails going on with more gold then i own and some $$ fake hair.

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