Hey, I've got an idea...
Why not cut military spending by 50%, give everyone a 20% tax break, and then double the amount of spending for all social services and schooling, etc.
Then STILL come out ahead?
In the world of hundred dollar bills it seems people are pretty darn hung up on the nickles and dimes.
A person who falls into bad luck through NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN - In my opinion, deserves a helping hand. Unemployment taxes and other taxes help to pay for that. I don't disagree with them as long as the government tries to actually hold someone accountable for the money they receive.
Picking on any individual, or using any single individual as a standard by which to judge all others is simply a lousy and short-sighted way of doing things. There will always be people at both ends of the spectrum, and a whole lot of people right in between the two. Some who want a job, are willing to work, but aren't looking as hard as they should. Those who find a job, but realize they will earn LESS by taking that job then by staying on welfare, etc.
That last group is one that drives me nuts... Actually the policy drives me nuts. A person who is willing to work, so they pay taxes, should definitely be getting more for their efforts instead of less. Those who either put forth no effort, or very little, and are capable, deserve the least... or actually NOTHING. Those who want to contribute but can't... through no fault of their own need, and I believe deserve, a bit to get by on. But, this should fall a bit on family members as well.
I imagine some day my father may be old and sick and may need to live with me. He's family, and my door is open to him if, or when, he needs it.
Brian is a tough example simply because I don't know him. There are people who know him who will defend him because he is a good guy, and all indications are that he IS a good guy. But, his brain seems to work, he seems to be able to type alright... not sure of his age, but it does seem that if the government wanted his burden on them to be less, then they could help him find a job that is suited for him. Brian choosing not to take that job may well be his own decision and at that point it all comes into question. Not necessarily Brian though - anyone. Anyone given the chance to do more who refuses... what do they really deserve?
Sometimes you don't get the job you love, you take the job that is available.
Or perish? I've gotta wonder why they should be allowed to continue when there is no justification for it?
As for the guys working in the rain - I've gotta say that a person making a living doing hard work deserves a paycheck. They should be salaried folk who earn their money. Never - EVER - sent home without pay. You can't make the bills if you live on a erradic income. An employer also can't maintain good employees when they can't guarantee them a regular paycheck. No, I don't want them in the rain if it doesn't fix the problem. But, I don't think they shouldn't be paid either. Find something else worthwhile to do with them and their time. Train, learn, educate, clean, etc. Just so much to do, why not do it?