Audioholic Ninja
Buckle-meister said:So what you're saying is that you'd like 'his' children to be educated for selfish reasons rather than because they should be educated for their own sake?![]()
I said that because of the selfish things other people have said in this thread. Appealing to something as elevated as "morality" will not work with many people. Education is good for the children, and their education is good for me. It is a win-win situation, which is something that many people seem to fail to grasp. If people are fine with paying for other's education for altruistic reasons, I have nothing to say against it. I simply meant to point out the fact that there are good selfish reasons to want it as well.
As you do not live in the U.S., perhaps you are not aware of the mythology of this backward country, in which many people foolishly believe that they are not part of a society, and that society does not affect them. Many people here believe that people are alone as individuals; never mind the fact that the vast majority of them are totally dependant on others for their survival, and would starve to death in a very short period of time were it not for the actions of others. So the good of society is not always thought of as a goal; people often look to their own good. I simply mean to show people that their own interests are intimately tied to those of others. I am sorry if there was a misunderstanding due to societal differences.
(As a side note, we have never produced a philospher even remotely as good as your best, David Hume.)
Buckle-meister said:No, working was not 'a stupid thing to do'. Regardless of the fact that working should've given you experiance (presumably you are encouraged to find work in the field you're studying in?) that not working wouldn't, the fact of the matter is that aid is by definition for those who need it. Whether or not people abuse the system is an altogether separate matter.
You presume incorrectly. The work has nothing to do with one's education; it is all about earning money to go to school (in the context of my original statement).
Buckle-meister said:That's a rather all-encompassing statement. Are you sure you're standing on solid ground?![]()
Do you have anything useful to suggest that might have been wrong with what I said, or are you just trying to say that I am wrong without bothering to explain yourself? Do you seriously believe that teachers should not be allowed to fail students? If so, what, exactly, does "passing" even mean?