WmAx said:
Different sonic signatures? If so, these will be easily measurable/predictable, and they will be correlatable with existing perceptual research that shows the measured difference is within an audible threshold.
hi cris,i can see your sceptical so i'll give it a shot explaining what i have found out to be true but im not an expert so bear with me as i may screw up some spelling's & such.
measurable yes

predictable no
if you "really" want to measure these difference's you will need alot more than a radio shack spl meter,these differences can in fact be seen using an accoustic analizer or even a quality pro equlizer with a built in analizer function with the ability to save setting's & a mic,also in order to see these difference's you cant use a reciever,pre/pro or any other device that add's anything to the signal or processes the signal in any way,either amp's with their own gain control's need to be used or a passive preamp,either of the 2 will work fine but the signal from the cd player to the amp must remain unaltered with controled & measured wattage's.
several model's are there for the asking,dbx 20/20,mcintosh aa2 ,just to name a few,the dbx is a pro eq with a built in analizer function & the mcintosh is strictly an accoustic analizer but both are used for room & system analasis,i think rive's audio & also accuphase both make variation's of theese too but im not positive.
btw,i own the dbx 20/20 & it's analizer function is so sensitive that i can see on the display when my dog walk's thru the room while the music is playing at level's over 110db.
also for arguement's sake let's use two different mcintosh amp's,one 100 watt solid state & one 100 watt tube amp,the reason i chose mcintosh for both amp's is they both have power level meters that are calibrated the same way or if that seem's strange substitute any other amp & use a seperate watt meter in it's place.
start with the solid state amp,combine it with a cd player,pick a spot in or near your listening posistion & place the dbx 20/20's mic where it's pointing tword's the center of the speaker's,now remember that both amp's have gain control's to be used as volume control.
the analizer isnt affecting the sound in any way as it is not hooked up between the amp & cd player its only getting it's information thru the business end of the microphone & showing the result's on the display,also the dbx will show what is in the "audible threshold"
start the cd playing then after the music is going hit the analize function on the dbx,turn the gain control on the amp up to a desired wattage,let's just say 20 watt's,commit these setting's to memory in the dbx.
now to test the tube amp repeat these step's using 20 watt's again from the tube amp & saving these analized setting's to memory on the dbx,now compare the two different setting's that were commited to memory & you will see in person that each amp has it's own sonic signature,not nessacarly better only different.
the same type test's can & will show visable difference's in two dirrerent amplifier's with spec's that are very close together with both amp's being solid state,take a pair of mcintosh mc1000 watt solid state monoblock's & compare them with a pair of musicial fidelity 1kw 1000 watt monoblock's & you will also see difference's in performance level's.
one amp might present a stronger bass while the other amp might produce stronger mid's or high's while both amp's were running the same amount of power but no matter what visable difference's will be there & you will be able to see them plain as day & the result's will show that the difference's are infact within the audible range.
i dont preach this to be the bible of hifi but it's an easily checked fact if anybody really care's enough to line up all the gear & spend an hour or two comparing .
part of what i was talking about in my response above was also finding out what gear work's best with other gear,some gear sound's like hell when teamed up with certian gear & other gear that sounded great on one rig might not sound as good on another & rated spec's are only a part of putting together a great sounding rig,keep in mind that oponion's about what sound's great differ widely but none the less difference's can be measured & seen if you care to take the time.
have a nice weekend.