Thoughts and prayers for Paris, France.



Audioholics Whac-A-Mole'er™
Let's hear what Superman has to say...


Golly..! Thanks Superman..!


Audioholic Samurai
I do respect and honor the teachings I learned in my youth.
Good. Respect and honor, even if you don't completely agree or believe now. And I have to say it's refreshing how our progressives proffer and practice those tenets so vigorously to all peoples.


Audioholic Warlord
Good. Respect and honor, even if you don't completely agree or believe now. And I have to say it's refreshing how our progressives proffer and practice those tenets so vigorously to all peoples.
I don't want to show lack of respect, but... This respect is exactly what quite many migrants are missing.
How would they expect any due respect when what is shown from their side would be something like the following:
- First of all, having no or minimal understanding of rules and habits in the country they get to
- Claiming for exceeding help and benefits, without the wish to raise a finger themselves
- Being arrogant, violent, rude, annoying, shouting, showing exceedingly disrespectful behavior
- Being a threat to society, excessive levels of violence, threatening people, knife stabbing and other horrible things

Respect to people come when it's deserved. If a guy from Africa comes, showing no respect he will certainly not get this from me! My respect to refugees are long overdue totally disappeared.


Audioholic Samurai
Respect to people come when it's deserved.
Some people don't seem to understand that respect is not a right or an entitlement. Regardless of your station or circumstance, respect must be earned. And it is earned by one's actions, not one's words or situation.

You cannot demand respect... and trying only diminishes your chance of success.


Audioholic Overlord
Let's hear what Superman has to say...

View attachment 16992

Golly..! Thanks Superman..!
This was from the days when immigrants willingly tried to blend with the American culture. They could do that and still maintain their culture and religion. The Irish, Italians, Germans, Chinese, Indian and so forth managed to do that and still maintain the traditions of their homeland and not force others to make them theirs.

Nowadays, we're faced with situations where different cultures want to carve out their own piece of the country (see "balkinization" or "mosaic") and, when their numbers get large enough, force the "American way" out of the picture. Look at Dearborn and Minnesota.


Audioholic Ninja
Every time you go through a green light or have the right of way at a stop street you operate on faith that the people perpendicular to your direction will stop.

You don't look before you go? Thats not faith, that's stupidity! All I did was quote Gene's post as that particular passage is what this is all about. So thank you for verifying your stance.

The thread is about showing respect for lives lost, not finding ways to authenticate your own belief system. Enjoy your Bose, folks! ;)


Audioholic Overlord
You don't look before you go? Thats not faith, that's stupidity! All I did was quote Gene's post as that particular passage is what this is all about. So thank you for verifying your stance.

The thread is about showing respect for lives lost, not finding ways to authenticate your own belief system. Enjoy your Bose, folks! ;)
Stance? What stance? I truly doubt you stop and look at every green light you go through and every street that has the right of way, particularly since many are blind corners and you can't see what's on the side roads.

And, as for respect for lives lost, that was derailed long, log abo,a and not by me.

BTW, there's another hostage situation in Mali with 170 hostages involved. Guess who?
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Audioholic Warlord
I totally agree with you on the above, but...who could really affirm that the very same didn't happened with the translation of the Holy Kur'am way back when?? AFIIK, Christians are not at all blasting themselves for a radical cause, are they?
My point had nothing to do with how either religion acts. It was just to clarify that different versions of the Bible aren't necessarily translations of translations of translations, etc.


Audioholic Warlord
Another outrage in Mali today. Still no US leadership.
I'm really not sure what you expect the US - or any western government - to do. Mali isn't a priority right now. The French had already done their part by driving the rebels out of the country a while ago, but they can't stay forever. We can't engage in a game of whack-a-mole, or we'll go bankrupt and drive ourselves insane in the process.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
If we could magically switch FDR with Obama, would Obama have ordered the bombing over Tokyo after Pearl Harbor?


Audioholic Overlord
If we could magically switch FDR with Obama, would Obama have ordered the bombing over Tokyo after Pearl Harbor?
I'd rather have Truman handling this situation. He knew how to bring closure to these things.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm really not sure what you expect the US - or any western government - to do. Mali isn't a priority right now. The French had already done their part by driving the rebels out of the country a while ago, but they can't stay forever. We can't engage in a game of whack-a-mole, or we'll go bankrupt and drive ourselves insane in the process.
Non sense, this is real war now, that has a high chance to be taken to American cities. Forget this is a myth we are up against a few fanatics. US leadership is badly required but sadly lacking at this time.

The longer we wait the worse this will get.


Audioholic Warlord
Non sense, this is real war now, that has a high chance to be taken to American cities. Forget this is a myth we are up against a few fanatics. US leadership is badly required but sadly lacking at this time.

The longer we wait the worse this will get.
Again, what exactly would you have the US government do? It may be a real war, but it is far from a conventional war. We're playing chess against an opponent where we don't know where the majority of his pieces are.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I'm really not sure what you expect the US - or any western government - to do. Mali isn't a priority right now. The French had already done their part by driving the rebels out of the country a while ago, but they can't stay forever. We can't engage in a game of whack-a-mole, or we'll go bankrupt and drive ourselves insane in the process.
Well, as I understand it, the Mali situation was al-Qaeda and these are Kerry's comments on that organization.

With respect to Syria, it's no doubt complicated. Iran and Russia support the Assad government. Both France and the US would like to see Assad gone not to mention Turkey and the Saudis. We know a significant source of their revenue comes from oil. Seems that everyone with the exception of the Russians is reluctant to knock out the main refineries. After all, they'd need to be rebuilt but we're also concerned about collateral deaths. Exxon or whomever could get those up in short order IMO.

We just want to target ISIS, Russia seems more pragmatic and will target various opposition groups. To my way of thinking, I'm in total awe of the overall precision of the smart weapons. However, people who belong to al-Qaeda one day, swear allegiance to al-Nusra or ISIS the next. I see Russia saying you guys are all destabilizing elements so tag you're it.

Obama says ISIS is contained, D. Feinstein the Democratic Senator from California disagrees. Pilots who have flown missions have said when they've identified potential targets, 75% of the time they've been told to back off. Reports from the ground which are unvarnished become modified when sent to their superiors to make them sound much better than they are. These get passed on to the President and the reason that they get massaged is because he wants to see what he expects. If you lived through Vietnam then you know there was plenty of bad intelligence being given. Lies. If you're a person who disagrees with the President you can expect an early retirement.

The mainstream press doesn't accurately or fully report most of this. They blame Bush for ISIS and certainly a case can be made for that. So can one for Saudi Arabia and their export of Wahhabism. So can one for Obama being so hell bent on removing troops. I mean we still have troops in Okinawa, Korea, Europe, etc. So can a case be made that Europe didn't want to pitch in and maintain a military presence.

It's complicated but some leader needs to lead and as I see it, it's not us and that's OK.


Audioholics Whac-A-Mole'er™
Well, that really depends on what religion, now.

It's obvious that particular cross had been rigged with a low-yield tactical nuclear dirty bomb set to blow when the local KKK lit it on fire in the front yard of a promising young black Prosecutor who was in the midst of a trial in which one of the local KKK members was being tried for assaulting a promising young Asian Architect...

or something like that...

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