Thoughts and prayers for Paris, France.


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai

It's obvious that particular cross had been rigged with a low-yield tactical nuclear dirty bomb set to blow when the local KKK lit it on fire in the front yard of a promising young black Prosecutor that was in the midst of a trial in which one of the local KKK members was being tried for assaulting a promising young Asian Architect...

or something like that...
If you want to have a good time with old comic covers or oag s, go to the website,


Audioholics Whac-A-Mole'er™

Now we know who'd be the bottom in that relationship...



Audioholic Jedi
Again, what exactly would you have the US government do? It may be a real war, but it is far from a conventional war. We're playing chess against an opponent where we don't know where the majority of his pieces are.
The mistake is the navies and air forces do not hold ground, only infantry. Ground needs to be held, lots of it.


Audioholic Warlord
The mistake is the navies and air forces do not hold ground, only infantry. Ground needs to be held, lots of it.
OK, which ground should that be - Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Mali, Nigeria, Libya...? They - and other countries - are all suffering from the presence of Islamist extremist groups of various iteration. Should I assume you mean Iraq/Syria? Then, stay there for another 10-15 years, maybe even in perpetuity? I don't know that the American (or any other western nation) public has any desire to go down that road again.

If it was as simple as invading and killing or rounding up all the bad guys, why have we had troops in Afghanistan for the last 14 years? Mark, I fully appreciate your frustration with the situation - I'm there too. However, it isn't all black and white - it's a thousand shades of grey.


Audioholic Ninja
To lack faith in a higher power means you don't believe you have a soul and that is not something that sits well with me at all ...
We are all just energy and it's entirely possible when we die our consciousness rejoins a larger energy group. Don't need a soul or higher power for that. That said, I'm firmly in the I don't know category. I don't embrace or shun religion because it's entirely possible it's correct.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Audioholic Jedi
OK, which ground should that be - Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Mali, Nigeria, Libya...? They - and other countries - are all suffering from the presence of Islamist extremist groups of various iteration. Should I assume you mean Iraq/Syria? Then, stay there for another 10-15 years, maybe even in perpetuity? I don't know that the American (or any other western nation) public has any desire to go down that road again.

If it was as simple as invading and killing or rounding up all the bad guys, why have we had troops in Afghanistan for the last 14 years? Mark, I fully appreciate your frustration with the situation - I'm there too. However, it isn't all black and white - it's a thousand shades of grey.
Unfortunately the world may already be at war. The Pope said a couple of days ago, that the world is at war. He may well be right.

At the moment we are facing a huge threat to our civilization. Even the UN has raised the call to arms.

This is a piece from a British MP, who like Churchill used to, has just taken enormous risk and gone to the front.

Events are moving fast now. Brussels is on lock down today.

The French fear biological and chemical attacks. This just on the wire.

"Security stepped up around water supply sites amid reports of stolen biohazard suits from Paris hospital
Paris has stepped up security at key water supply sites to the capital following warnings by the prime minister that the country could not rule out “chemical or biological weapons” in the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks on the French capital.

The higher security comes amid reports of a worrying unexplained theft of chemical and biological protective suits at a top Paris hospital, write Henry Samuel and David Chazan.

"Chemicals" were also among an "arsenal" reportedly discovered by police in a flat in Molenbeek outside Brussels, from where the Paris strikes are thought to have been planned and prepared.

Eau de Paris, the capital’s state-run water company, has banned access to six sensitive sites to all but key personnel."

To answer your question about which ground should be held, the answer is an awful lot, and anywhere that radical Islam is operating beyond the writ of law. This will take the cooperation of a huge number of counties, from Europe, Russia, and Americas and certainly another great mobilization of the English speaking peoples as happened twice last century.

If you ask how long, for the occupation following control then a long time. Likely colonial administrations will be required for at least a hundred years and may be longer.

I hope I'm wrong, but I fear events are likely to proceed quickly.

It was 37 days from the assassination of the Hapsberg Archduke in Sarajevo to the maelstrom of the First Wold War, and the "Lights went out across Europe." That was the way Sir Edward Grey put it.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
ISIS has no moral concerns with using any of those approaches. I have little faith in th UN, after all they can't simply say ISIS has committed genocide.


Audioholic Warlord
To answer your question about which ground should be held, the answer is an awful lot, and anywhere that radical Islam is operating beyond the writ of law. This will take the cooperation of a huge number of counties, from Europe, Russia, and Americas and certainly another great mobilization of the English speaking peoples as happened twice last century.

If you ask how long, for the occupation following control then a long time. Likely colonial administrations will be required for at least a hundred years and may be longer.

I hope I'm wrong, but I fear events are likely to proceed quickly.

It was 37 days from the assassination of the Hapsberg Archduke in Sarajevo to the maelstrom of the First Wold War, and the "Lights went out across Europe." That was the way Sir Edward Grey put it.
That sounds be an awful lot of territory. What has our occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq accomplished and how will it prevent terrorist attacks in Europe or North America? I agree that the situation is serious, but if we're going to take drastic action, we have to be sure it has hope of making progress. It will take convincing the masses in the affected countries to rid themselves of this menace. But, with so many divisions amongst those people, it would perhaps take someone like Lawrence of Arabia to unite them against tyranny. Speaking of Lawrence, a lot of the problems in the middle east right now can be blamed on the Allied Powers ignoring his opinions during the post-WW1 peace talks. The arbitrary borders that were drawn at the time practically guaranteed that there would be trouble.
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Audioholic Warlord
Is there any escape from this?
This is the gratitude the Swedish nation gets for taking more refugees per capita than any other country in the world, City of Malmø receives more refugees than all of Norway.

It should be called for more severe punishments now, it has to stop!

Police in Sweden have arrested a man who is accused of preparing terror attacks on the Swedish capital, a day after Sweden had raised the terror threat level because of the attacks in Paris.

Iraqi national Mutar Muthanna Majid, 22, was detained late Thursday during a police raid on a center for asylum-seekers in the city of Bolinden, in northeastern Sweden. On Friday he was interrogated by Swedish authorities.

“The arrest took place in a calm manner and an interrogation of the person is planned,” the Swedish Security Service (Sapo) said in a statement on Thursday as cited by The Local. It later reported that Majid was a member of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terror group, and suspected of having fought in Syria.

Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist said the authorities are hunting for more suspects but did not go into further details.
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Audioholic Overlord
That sounds be an awful lot of territory. What has our occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq accomplished and how will it prevent terrorist attacks in Europe or North America? I agree that the situation is serious, but if we're going to take drastic action, we have to be sure it has hope of making progress. It will take convincing the masses in the affected countries to rid themselves of this menace. But, with so many divisions amongst those people, it would perhaps take someone like Lawrence of Arabia to unite them against tyranny. Speaking of Lawrence, a lot of the problems in the middle east right now can be blamed on the Allied Powers ignoring his opinions during the post-WW1 peace talks. The arbitrary borders that were drawn at the time practically guaranteed that there would be trouble.
Several interesting points to be made here:

When we occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, we took every precaution to not harm civilians. Yes, there was some collateral damage but on the whole, we did our part to minimize it.

the people we are fighting specifically target civilians.

Another point is that our soldiers wore uniforms so they were easily identifiable.

Our enemy today hides among civilians and in mosques. They run out, strike, and then scurry back into safe haven by hiding among civilians.

Finally, we need a Winston Churchill and instead we're stuck with a Neville Chamberlain.
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Audioholics Master Chief
That sounds be an awful lot of territory. What has our occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq accomplished and how will it prevent terrorist attacks in Europe or North America? I agree that the situation is serious, but if we're going to take drastic action, we have to be sure it has hope of making progress. It will take convincing the masses in the affected countries to rid themselves of this menace. But, with so many divisions amongst those people, it would perhaps take someone like Lawrence of Arabia to unite them against tyranny. Speaking of Lawrence, a lot of the problems in the middle east right now can be blamed on the Allied Powers ignoring his opinions during the post-WW1 peace talks. The arbitrary borders that were drawn at the time practically guaranteed that there would be trouble.
The occupations have made these situations worse not better. You can't bomb an ideology. You need to change the mindset from within by educating the masses there is a better way of life where all people are equal and free. This really needs to happen among the peoples in the country, NOT through an outside military influence IMO.


Audioholic Overlord
The occupations have made these situations worse not better. You can't bomb an ideology. You need to change the mindset from within by educating the masses there is a better way of life where all people are equal and free. This really needs to happen among the peoples in the country, NOT through an outside military influence IMO.
That sounds good in theory but when they covertly export their ideology into other countries by posing as innocent refugees and the like and use violence to make their point, perhaps it's time to rethink that touchy-feely strategy and destroy the hive.

Collateral damage be damned. It's either them or us.


Audioholics Master Chief
That sounds good in theory but when they covertly export their ideology into other countries by posing as innocent refugees and the like and use violence to make their point, perhaps it's time to rethink that touchy-feely strategy and destroy the hive.

Collateral damage be damned. It's either them or us.
That is the point you fail to realize. There is no collective hive to destroy. This isn't Nazi Germany.

Also that mentality isn't very Christ like. I find it a bit ironic when people who claim to be very religious want to go in with guns blazing at any moments notice. The "either them or us' mindset is one that will never assure anything other than mutual destruction.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
That is the point you fail to realize. There is no collective hive to destroy. This isn't Nazi Germany.

Also that mentality isn't very Christ like. I find it a bit ironic when people who claim to be very religious want to go in with guns blazing at any moments notice. The "either them or us' mindset is one that will never assure anything other than mutual destruction.
Hypothetically speaking, Gene, if ISIS were to use chemical or biological weapons, what ought to be the response?


Audioholic Overlord
That is the point you fail to realize. There is no collective hive to destroy. This isn't Nazi Germany.

Also that mentality isn't very Christ like. I find it a bit ironic when people who claim to be very religious want to go in with guns blazing at any moments notice. The "either them or us' mindset is one that will never assure anything other than mutual destruction.
Don't play that religion card, Gene. I gave you more credit than that. Nowhere does it say we should simply roll over and die.

Luke 22:35-39 And He said to them, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?" So they said, "Nothing." 36 Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. 37 "For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: 'And He was numbered with the transgressors.' For the things concerning Me have an end." 38 So they said, "Lord, look, here are two swords." And He said to them, "It is enough." 39 Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed, and His disciples also followed Him.

Romans 12:19 "Resisting an attack is not to be confused with taking vengeance, which is the exclusive domain of God

Romans 13:4, ". . . is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.'

We're not so much in a struggle not of ideologies but of a struggle of basic lifestyles. Underneath all that Islamic religious bullshiite, it's basically a power struggle for political control of other countries.

Like the Brain says "Like we do everyday, Pinky. Try to takeover the world."

Do you think they would hesitate to use WMD's if they had access to them?

I say take out their home countries and, and I see this as not too far off, a lot of those guns in this country will be used to defend out country from these. Yes, a lot of mosques and innocent Muslims will get hurt, but that's the fault of their own people using them as shields.

Now, they could turn it around but until they realize that by saying nothing will cost them, then nothing will change and they ARE the enemy.

As for the poor, innocent refugees, well...

Remember, it only took 19 people with box cutters to take down four airliners, both WTC towers, 3,000 lives, and part of the pentagon.

Hmmmm.. why do you think the government wants to take all our guns? Do you really think it's for OUR own good?
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Audioholic Jedi
Several interesting points to be made here:

When we occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, we took every precaution to not harm civilians. Yes, there was some collateral damage but on the whole, we did our part to minimize it.

the people we are fighting specifically target civilians.

Another point is that our soldiers wore uniforms so they were easily identifiable.

Our enemy today hides among civilians and in mosques. They run out, strike, and then scurry back into safe haven by hiding among civilians.

Finally, we need a Winston Churchill and instead we're stuck with a Neville Chamberlain.
Yes indeed.

A good letter in the UK press today.

SIR – The proposition that a nation that acts to defeat terrorism increases the risk of an attack is irrational and immoral. The reverse response is urgently required from every free nation, including ours, to buttress the principled posture adopted by François Hollande in the aftermath of the attacks in Paris.

Pitiful utterances by Labour and Lib Dem politicians and, regrettably, a few Conservatives are out of step with the British character of defiant tenacity. They are tantamount to a surrender of the precious freedom for which previous generations fought and died.

British and American public opinion is moving towards a military response far beyond anything proposed by the Prime Minister. With only 14 months left of the Obama presidency, it is likely American policy will change in early 2017 to reflect evidence that eight years of appeasement have created a power vacuum in the Middle East with horrific consequences, and that an international coalition of ground forces in Syria and Iraq will inevitably be required to ensure liberty prevails.

Philip Duly
Haslemere, Surrey


Audioholic Spartan
OK, which ground should that be - Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Mali, Nigeria, Libya...? However, it isn't all black and white - it's a thousand shades of grey.
No, not at all....
We've been informed by "very" credible sources that terrorism is fueled by Videos and/or Global Warming.

Also have been assured that ISIS is "The JV team" and they are "Contained" and also... "On the Run."
We may be drawing another "Line in the Sand" and possibly could almost mean it this time.... no kidding.
Shout out to the Keystone Cops, if they're not busy, we need the help.:D

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