I can't believe this conversation still continues, and I can't believe I'm still reading it. I guess it beats the latest bi-amp or bi-wire thread.
Evolution is not a fact in the sense that it can be easily confirmed by direct observation with our unaided senses. In the same thinking, an electron is not a simple fact. We cannot observe a single electron. It is an idea (more formally, it's a theoretical construct) that explains observable electrical behavior rather well.
If we had a DeLorian equipped with
all the options, we could travel back and forth in time, and we might be able to directly observe evolution happening. Just the same, animals and plants have clearly changed over time. We have constructed an idea, Evolution & Natural Selection, to explain how this happens. So far, it works rather well to explain things. Natural Selection is alive and well today. Just ask yourself how ISIS's model of suicide/terrorism can be expected to take over the world if they can't out survive those who they wish to defeat. (See how evolution and the Paris terrorist attacks are related.)
I am only playing the smartass editor here

. Evolution is not a fact, but it is a very widely accepted explanation for what we can observe. I have never met an honest scientist denies it.
We meet many more people why claim bi-wiring is a benefit when there is no evidence to support them. I guess I'd rather argue with Evolution non-believers than with bi-wire guys.