Jurassic World, Fallen kingdom, Dts:X
For me, good sound, iffy script. A waste of Jeff Goldblum, Toby Jones, Ted Levine and James Cromwell. Justice Smith and Isabella Sermon, just irritating.

Lot of homage moments and a distinct deja vue with the Lost World.
Rain, thunder, aquatic moments, in fact the whole opening sequence.

Brontosaurus entrance, volcano rumbles, Pterodactyls and the capture of Blue. Nice overhead with the Triceratops. Pterodactyls, the volcano and a dust storm. Bit of a gap.

Ankylsaurus and the rest of the auction plus the escape. The Indoraptor

. Poor Ted Levine and Toby with his Trump moment.

Blue's escape and explosion. Indoraptor, Indoraptor, carnage rain and thunder. If you love something set it free, and who knows may be another sequel in the offing. $1.3 Billion box office gross says yes.
Perfectly good drinking film, no attention required. Overall, Dts:X as good as most of the Atmos, but not the best.