No list. How could you make a list? Corvette... no, Porsche... no, Ferrari... no, Jeep... no, Rolls... no, SS 396... no, SL550...
With a list, I would have worked until I was 200.
Rather than a list, we made a budget. X income per month forever. Within that budget is my allowance. So I have to decide what is my priority toy. So let's see... would I rather have a pair of 8Ts or a pair of Phil3s & a Jeep & a boat...
We have pretty simple tastes, and already have everything we need or want. It is very difficult to come up with anything for Christmas and birthday presents. It's not that we have a lot. It's more that we don't want a lot. So our target retirement budget was not extravagant. My suggestion for retirement planning is to decide what income you will need and want, and plan for that. Include a reasonable discretionary allowance for you and your spouse. Then as long as you live, you can have fun discovering, re-prioritizing, planning for and buying your next toy... without any disagreements about somebody spending too much.