Yes, I HATE the “the piss poor TV speakers” too. This Thanksgiving you should really go in on his sound system. Say what you think just for shi*ts and giggles. I find Thanksgiving a good time to start a raging fire of a conversation with people that are annoying. (Just for my own amusement)
Side rant about Thanksgiving: three years we went to my dads friends house for Thanksgiving, there was a girl from my high school their who I always thought was super annoying, turns out our parents wok together. She’s the super competitive type. She went to Yale and I went to UCLA. She kept talking about subpar ucla was as a school and that’s were the kids that did not get into Yale went there. After a while I got pissed, highjacked the conversation to politics. I stared spewing BS about great Trump is & called her an “entitled liberal who was outta tough with middle America.”
I never thought a face could get that red. anyways I just provoked a level 10 reaction with this girl until she just didn’t know what to say. I thought it was super funny.