Sorry if I offended anyone - but this is the Steam Vent. My comments were not aimed at anyone particularly. I'm a little surprised Sheep takes so much offense, as I wouldn't consider him (you) unwieldly.
As to being a higher (ahem) being, well that part is true.

Seriously though, I was trying to comment on a generic sense as "the audience". The forums provide uncontrolled public information. Everyone knows the Usual Suspects and they're sort of a known quantity. Why? We have read their posts and come to know them in this limited realm.
What about lurkers or one-time visitors? There are many more than most of us know. They are reading our writing. My point was merely that we ARE writing to an audience that DOES NOT care how we wish our posts to be read. Each post could easily be read by hundreds of individuals, all of whom have their own criteria for evaluation. My perspective was supposed to be from "The Audience".
Ikea has the worst instructions (no words and crappy pictures) I've seen. They also have excellent value. I keep shopping there. As a parallel, they have a great message but bad delivery and that's OK.
Sheep - you say my post completes my image as an arrogant, stuck up prick. I've never had anything bad to say about you, but so it goes. What have you done here? You've judged me by what I've written and demonstrated exactly what I wrote.
I personally couldn't care less how a particular member writes, or certainly types. If you all recall during the Great Mulester Debate, I put in a strong vote in favor of the Mule sticking around. Graciously he has, and he's put a little more effort into typing sentences and conveying coherent thoughts. I'm glad he's still here and providing us the fresh air that he does.
And, of course nobody's literally "grading" posts, this was merely a convenient term to get the idea across.
Again, sorry for any ruffled feathers. Or maybe not, maybe the "Steam Vent" is happily humming a little tune to itself this morning.