
Full Audioholic
Your posts comprise two elements - your message, and your delivery.

I grade on both. Vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, and spelling all figure into the final score. Obviously, the central theme/thought is primary but this is wrapped in rags or shimmering silk.

Your posts are all I know of you. Do you come across as insightful or insipid? That's for you to decide.


miklorsmith said:
Your posts comprise two elements - your message, and your delivery.

I grade on both. Vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, and spelling all figure into the final score. Obviously, the central theme/thought is primary but this is wrapped in rags or shimmering silk.

Your posts are all I know of you. Do you come across as insightful or insipid? That's for you to decide.
I's be'a tryin', but I's can only do's so much. :p


Audioholic Warlord
miklorsmith said:
Your posts comprise two elements - your message, and your delivery.

I grade on both. Vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, and spelling all figure into the final score. Obviously, the central theme/thought is primary but this is wrapped in rags or shimmering silk.

Your posts are all I know of you. Do you come across as insightful or insipid? That's for you to decide.
And you are....who? And why should I try to impress you? Your speaking as if you are a higher being then us.

When I read this thread, I was was shown the true nature of some members. Basically, it's people complaining, because they have a firm grasp of the English language, while others struggle. If you wanted to be portrayed as a arrogant, stuck up prick.... congratulations, the image is complete.



Kiclowsmith you vely good at engles, but tell you wat, u idiot and engles u know will b dead. Me told u engles not me native tongue. u vely smart for engles but engles soon not fisrt langage here in amelika.


Alright, miklelowsmith, this is my steam vent against you. yeah i think you think you are too good for the rest of us. please do not put me down as i said english is not my native tongue. and please idiot answer the question instead of mocking people, idiot again.


u know idiot mclelorsmack i'm very short temper, i'll probable smack already if u were in my presence. and who cares clint alredy ban me for a week from this forum. and i don't care but u idiot u'll heard from me.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
uh guys ... i dont think smith had directed that post to a single person. (I know it looked like it was directed at naisphoo) he was stating a fact.


Audioholic Ninja
miklorsmith said:
Your posts comprise two elements - your message, and your delivery.

I grade on both. Vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, and spelling all figure into the final score. Obviously, the central theme/thought is primary but this is wrapped in rags or shimmering silk.

Your posts are all I know of you. Do you come across as insightful or insipid? That's for you to decide.
Once again, thank you for understanding my original intent. While one is not literally "grading" posts, you are making subconscious judgements about a person as you read his or her post. Miklorsmith, I know that you already understand this, but I wanted to reiterate your point in a different way.

Sheep said:
And you are....who? And why should I try to impress you? Your speaking as if you are a higher being then us.

When I read this thread, I was was shown the true nature of some members. Basically, it's people complaining, because they have a firm grasp of the English language, while others struggle. If you wanted to be portrayed as a arrogant, stuck up prick.... congratulations, the image is complete.

I didn't start this thread to brag about my grasp on the English language (which, in the big picture, isn't anything to brag about) but rather to vent my frustrations about the school systems ignoring the slipping language abilities of the students, the parents not paying attention, and the general way in which kids in my generation don't seem to care if they're speaking correctly or not. A few people such as Hi-Ho and Miklorsmith (and others, of course) have grasped the substance of my argument. You, like many others who have posted, seem to think that I am complaining about English in the forums or making fun of people who aren't great typists. If you would like to continue this path of misunderstanding then be my guest. However, please take with you the knowledge that I am not trying to belittle anyone here because of their English abilities.


Audioholic Warlord

I didn't start this thread to brag about my grasp on the English language (which, in the big picture, isn't anything to brag about) but rather to vent my frustrations about the school systems ignoring the slipping language abilities of the students, the parents not paying attention, and the general way in which kids in my generation don't seem to care if they're speaking correctly or not. A few people such as Hi-Ho and Miklorsmith (and others, of course) have grasped the substance of my argument. You, like many others who have posted, seem to think that I am complaining about English in the forums or making fun of people who aren't great typists. If you would like to continue this path of misunderstanding then be my guest. However, please take with you the knowledge that I am not trying to belittle anyone here because of their English abilities.
I was not referring to you. You could have been clearer in the beginning with your intent, and stated it was not related to the forums.

I found what Smith said to be very offensive. No one will be judged on this forum by how they type. You can pack that attitude up right now. What WILL happen is members will be treated with respect. No correcting grammar and spelling. If you can't read it, be polite and ask for them to re-post. So far, there have been no cases in which the grammar and spelling was this bad. Again, this whole opinion based on grammar and spelling will stop. What they type, as in the words they choose, should be the only thing ANYONE uses to judge character.



Audioholic Spartan
The intent of this thread was not to complain about the grammar and spelling of forum posters, but of course the topic turned in that direction. Topics often veer off from the original, but that is irrelevant.

I rarely see anyone comment on spelling or grammar except in threads like this; however, what miklorsmith said (directed at nobody in particular) is RIGHT ON THE MONEY. Whether you believe it or not, people are judged by the way they speak and write (minor typos and occasional misspellings excepted).

As usual there are two types of replies for this topic:
1. Those who agree that we should all work towards improving our writing and speaking skills and point out that although English is rather difficult, it can be mastered.
2. Those who say 'I don't care if I can't write or spell properly as long as you can understand what I say'. That's fine if English is not your native language or you have no aspirations beyond a low paying job. I can assure you that resumes and cover letters with poor English are discarded immediately.


Audioholic Warlord
I rarely see anyone comment on spelling or grammar except in threads like this; however, what miklorsmith said (directed at nobody in particular) is RIGHT ON THE MONEY. Whether you believe it or not, people are judged by the way they speak and write (minor typos and occasional misspellings excepted).
So, you think its alright to judge someone by the way they type? I'm trying to get that out of this forum, but comments like this are exactly why its still here. You make it sound like its alright to judge someone purely on the grammar and spelling of their posts. I know your a man of logic, and hearing this from you is shocking.



Audioholic Field Marshall
miklorsmith said:
Your posts are all I know of you.
MDS said:
...what miklorsmith said...is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.
I totally agree.

Sorry Sheep but it's true. The construction of our sentences is the only means by which we communicate here. I write differently to you; to MDS etc., and no matter how hard we might try, we reveal part of our personality through our writing style.

You may disagree with judging people based solely upon the way they place one letter in front of another. Personally, I agree with you that we shouldn't do so. But there's a fundamental difference between what should happen, and what does happen, and I'm afraid that in the real world we all of us are guilty of judging one another.


Sheep said:
No one will be judged on this forum by how they type. You can pack that attitude up right now. What WILL happen is members will be treated with respect.
The above is your own judgement that 'that attitude' is inexcusable. Not only that, you ordered (you WILL...) other forum members with authority not yours to dispense.

That is my judgement ;)


Full Audioholic
Sorry if I offended anyone - but this is the Steam Vent. My comments were not aimed at anyone particularly. I'm a little surprised Sheep takes so much offense, as I wouldn't consider him (you) unwieldly.

As to being a higher (ahem) being, well that part is true. :D Seriously though, I was trying to comment on a generic sense as "the audience". The forums provide uncontrolled public information. Everyone knows the Usual Suspects and they're sort of a known quantity. Why? We have read their posts and come to know them in this limited realm.

What about lurkers or one-time visitors? There are many more than most of us know. They are reading our writing. My point was merely that we ARE writing to an audience that DOES NOT care how we wish our posts to be read. Each post could easily be read by hundreds of individuals, all of whom have their own criteria for evaluation. My perspective was supposed to be from "The Audience".

Ikea has the worst instructions (no words and crappy pictures) I've seen. They also have excellent value. I keep shopping there. As a parallel, they have a great message but bad delivery and that's OK.

Sheep - you say my post completes my image as an arrogant, stuck up prick. I've never had anything bad to say about you, but so it goes. What have you done here? You've judged me by what I've written and demonstrated exactly what I wrote.

I personally couldn't care less how a particular member writes, or certainly types. If you all recall during the Great Mulester Debate, I put in a strong vote in favor of the Mule sticking around. Graciously he has, and he's put a little more effort into typing sentences and conveying coherent thoughts. I'm glad he's still here and providing us the fresh air that he does.

And, of course nobody's literally "grading" posts, this was merely a convenient term to get the idea across.

Again, sorry for any ruffled feathers. Or maybe not, maybe the "Steam Vent" is happily humming a little tune to itself this morning.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
Sheep said:
So, you think its alright to judge someone by the way they type? I'm trying to get that out of this forum, but comments like this are exactly why its still here. You make it sound like its alright to judge someone purely on the grammar and spelling of their posts. I know your a man of logic, and hearing this from you is shocking.
I say it has to do with the inner workings of the brain more than anything else. It's a subliminal process. Whether you are consciously thinking of it or not, you are judging people all of the time based on their writing along with many other attributes.

I'd say you weren't being completely honest if you said that you did not judge people differently, at least initially, based on the way they write. It's reality in the job world. A person with good language skills is much more likely to get the job.

What's your first though when you see a sentence like the following?

"i need sum help dudes my spks arnt working"

Like this?

"I have a problem with my speakers. They are not working and I do not know what is wrong with them..."
Last edited:


Audioholic Samurai
Hi Ho said:
I'd say you weren't being completely honest if you said that you did not judge people differently, at least initially, based on the way they write.

What's your first thought when you see a sentence like the following?

"i need sum help dudes my spks arnt working"
.....of course, you can't help but make a discernment about the poster when you read such a sentence....but, what you do at that point is what's important....do we come here to belittle posters, or to help posters?....I'd say "most" people who didn't make it very far up the educational ladder suffered conditions that dictated such, and surely, no one is more painfully aware of any deficiencies than the poster himself....to respond with any form of ridicule is not what this site is about....to answer the question of the poster should be job one, and a well versed and dictionally correct response can be educational and enlightening also....I say it's never too late to learn, and attitudes are everything.....


Full Audioholic
Good point, Mule. First impression is involuntary, which was my point, sort of. Subsequent reactions are fully within control and should not be used in a negative or condescending way.


Audioholic Field Marshall
miklorsmith said:
First impression is involuntary...Subsequent reactions are fully within control...
Knowing that first impressions are involuntary permits control of them after the event.


Full Audioholic
Kind of; perception is what it is. You can smile at someone you think is a complete dolt, or you can choose to berate them. Either way, they're still a dolt.


Audioholic Warlord
You may disagree with judging people based solely upon the way they place one letter in front of another. Personally, I agree with you that we shouldn't do so. But there's a fundamental difference between what should happen, and what does happen, and I'm afraid that in the real world we all of us are guilty of judging one another.
So, you agree with me, but I am still wrong....

All it takes is a little self determination. Come on Buckle, you can do it! :)

Good point, Mule. First impression is involuntary, which was my point, sort of. Subsequent reactions are fully within control and should not be used in a negative or condescending way.
This is what I have been saying the whole time.

What's your first though when you see a sentence like the following?

"i need sum help dudes my spks arnt working"
I am thinking about how I can help him resolve his problem. Yes I will notice his spelling and such, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to help him. I will still give him the same advice I would give a well-versed member.

I'd say you weren't being completely honest if you said that you did not judge people differently, at least initially, based on the way they write. It's reality in the job world. A person with good language skills is much more likely to get the job.
I am not saying you can't judge people. Just don't let it show up on these forums. Everything we do in here is reflected on audioholics and everything they have worked so hard on. If we start teasing members (not saying it happens), what will happen to their image?

Stop talking about jobs, that is completely left field. We are talking about human contact, not sucking up to the boss. :rolleyes:



Ah, so what you know of somebody is by what they write and how they compose the statements (I'm screwed).

Jaxvon: I understood your original problem. Your generation basically doesn't want to grasp the basics of proper English. Rest assured that the attitudes will change when they enter the professional world. I admit when I'm talking to friends and family I don't put as much thought in how I communicate. With age and wisdom(?) I've learned to think before I open my mouth. That's a VERY tough lesson for somebody learn.

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