MDS said:
That is called 'damning with faint praise'.
You are being quite ambiguous.
Sorry, I don't see it that way.
Look at what I said,
you are both 18 - Brian's typing skills are not up to par (as mine are not either, I think I said why). But in no way would I judge him for typing badly..
If you are speaking of the 'wet behind the ears', man you must be kidding.
Have we all not, had this said to us.
I mean when I was 13, I heard it from a 20 yr old.
This goes on from ages 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23+++++++++
Heck a 50 year old could come and say that to me now.
Would I take offense, surely NOT.
By chance, I did call Jaxvon to double check that he did not take that comment the wrong way.
Now, what do you honestly think he said. He has plenty of commen sense, more than others around here.
Including me.......