Great post but we are currently stuck with the 2 party system. I didn't think either candidate would make a good President in our last election.
We're only stuck so long as we keep clinging to the idea that a vote for someone other than a two party candidate is a "wasted" vote. Of course, it would help if there were a good and viable third party candidate to vote for. But even IF you got a 3rd party President, BOTH sides of Congress would likely snub him/her. What I'm saying is it's time for a new third party that will obscure, obfuscate and ultimately wipe out one of and/or both of the other parties as fringe groups, because in my opinion, you've got two parties that now turning into extremists.
I consider myself a moderate person, conservative in financial areas and bit more liberal when it comes to social type things because I don't believe any human being has the right to tell another human how to live, what to think, etc. outside of them causing harm to another human being (i.e. My rights should end where yours begin and vice versa). Having the state tell people they can't do certain things while they can do other things that are equivalent (e.g. Smoking weed versus drinking alcohol, both DRUGs and yet you can drink yourself to death in every state but until recently, weed would get you arrested or fined in almost every state. Why? Because someone somewhere says they think you are NOT an adult and have NO RIGHTS over your own body. I say I don't care what you do in your home as long as it's not harming someone else (i.e. children need protecting from crazy SOBs, etc. Drinking while driving is bad because it impairs judgment and could harm others who have a right to be as safe as possible while driving or riding on public roadways).
This is not rocket science. We shouldn't have to have thousands of laws spelling out every little thing. In the Bible, "God" only had 10 Commandments (whether one believes in that God or a literal version, etc. etc. is another question, but it doesn't matter in terms of the story). Everything else was from Moses when he saw mankind couldn't think well enough to follow those BASIC things. And therein lies the problem. If you made a simple law of not harming others (the ENTIRE basis of Buddhism, for example to combat the negative effects of Karma that result from harming others), people will look for any excuse, any loophole, any opportunity to do what they want, harmful or not because people are ultimately self-centered bastards who don't give two craps about anyone but themselves. And THAT is the real heart of the problem and why the political system is screwed up in this country.
In principle, the system is for and by the people. In reality, it's for the people that get elected to help themselves to whatever they can get, however they can get it. Whatever the forefathers envisioned for the future, they clearly didn't have enough foresight to put in things like term limits or have another body determine the rules affecting Congress and even their pay (who else gets to vote themselves a pay raise? Who else can exclude themselves from insider trading? Etc. Etc.). These people believe themselves to be better than their fellow man. They think we're stupid and they're probably right because we put up with it and do literally nothing about it.