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Audioholic Samurai
Did everyone see the stable genius in action the other night when he claimed the great lakes were at record deep levels?
He is as dumb as Sarah Palin but has the right genitalia to be taken seriously and he is better at conning people. It's sad so many fell for it.

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Audioholic Spartan
OK, so what happens if he's impeached? Will Congress allow Pence to move up and Pelosi be VP, or will they have Pence removed?
My understanding is that to remove VP Pence from office he would have to be impeached and convicted, and I dont's see anyone talking about that.


Seriously, I have no life.
Why he isn't? Remember this little one before the NRA got to him. Confiscate the guns first. Then the NRA got to him and that was over. By the way confiscating the guns first is wrong, and that is coming from someone that believes in smart gun control.

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I'm not a fan of the NRA, as it is- the original idea was fine, but they have too many gung ho idiots.

I don't think anyone needs full-auto weapons, bump stops or the other items that make it possible to fire hundreds of rounds in an extremely short time, but if someone wants to collect/own guns, I want them to be secured in a way that someone who doesn't know how to access them can't just break a piece of glass in a display case, grab and go. I do want people to be able to protect themselves but I don't want them hiding guns throughout the house without some way of making them safe in case someone breaks in and finds them. I know people who do that- they're paranoid and in one example, he buys ammunition in ridiculous quantities, thinking he'll need it when the SHTF, but it's mostly full metal jacket, not hollow point. We already had the conversation.

I don't know of any way to control guns that doesn't harshly penalize legal gun owners but those who would commit crimes with guns (who don't suddenly snap) don't care about legal ownership- they use the regulations against society. I also think this is one area where some way of determining sanity needs to exist WRT who should be able to get a gun, parts, etc. The stigma of mental illness is so strong that nobody wants to discuss it and they definitely don't want it attached to them but something has to be done. I can't see how anyone who commits a mass murder could be considered 'of sound mind' but putting them in an institution allows them to be released after they're determined to be 'sane', whether through treatment or medication. Then, when the person stops taking their meds, they go off the rails again.

I think I have mentioned someone who lives around the corner from me in other threads as 'the hillbilly' because he has late-night parties, shoots off fireworks, has a mullet, wears a baseball cap backward, etc. He's in the House of Corrections, for being in possession of a hand gun while drunk- he came around the bend a bit too fast in his pickup truck when another car was heading in the opposite direction after the rain and took out a light pole across the street from my house. I looked out, saw that he was walking normally and decided to listen to the Police scanner app on my phone- one of the first things I heard was "CCP is current" and I watched as the officer had him perform the drunk tests. Once the breathalizer had finished, I watched as he was put in handcuffs. Yesterday, I looked in the state's database for circuit court cases and they called it 'operating a weapon while intoxicated'. He has two drug offenses, as well- hopefully, this will be cause to take his guns. If not, maybe the call that came in where he threatened suicide while drunk, while waving a hand gun, will help them reach the conclusion that he shouldn't have them.

I don't like the guy and I don't want him in the neighborhood if he's allowed to possess guns. I have heard that he has an AR-style weapon, too.

I don't want to be here if something sets him off.


Seriously, I have no life.
My understanding is that to remove VP Pence from office he would have to be impeached and convicted, and I dont's see anyone talking about that.
Or, they could get him to step down- I think they could be successful if they were to hound him the way they have gone after Trump. I don't see him being defiant to any degree close to DT. Gerald Ford is the only person who was never elected as VP or POTUS and he reached the latter position because Nixon stepped down. Neither Ford nor Pence were electable on their own but IMO, Washington DC was nowhere near as divided, vindictive or corrupt as it is now, on both sides.


Audioholic Samurai
She made in because she is as dumb as orange fat slob.

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Seriously, I have no life.
As a car salesman I enjoy watching his tweets and comments to the press. His tactics are the exact same as remedial negotiations but he is very effective. It’s comical to me as everyone plays right into his hand and gets angry. Just remember, when emotion is high reasoning is low.

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People who agree to his terms seem to react with "Don't tell me I signed this and you let me!".

Ever the movie 'Used Cars'?


Audioholic Spartan
I don't think anyone needs full-auto weapons, bump stops or the other items that make it possible to fire hundreds of rounds in an extremely short time, but if someone wants to collect/own guns, I want them to be secured in a way that someone who doesn't know how to access them can't just break a piece of glass in a display case, grab and go.
That is just common sense that most agree with. Even a super majority of NRA members support stricter gun controls.

I do want people to be able to protect themselves but I don't want them hiding guns throughout the house without some way of making them safe in case someone breaks in and finds them.
Not owing a gun is much safer than having one. Two thirds of firearms deaths in USA is suicide, and half of the suicides are by firearm. Over 80% of child (upto age 19) firearm suicides involved a gun belonging to a family member. Then there is large a number of children injured by a firearms.

If one actually cares about ones family one should really think twice before acquiring firearms, as well implement safe/secure storage. Training how to care for and use a firearm should be a compulsory before allowed to owning one.


Seriously, I have no life.
Stores all over Washington, DC and the surrounding areas are reporting sudden shortages of Sanford Sharpie King Size markers.

Trump says its a national emergency, and calls on the CIA to cough up its special stash of "highlighting markers".

View attachment 28864
"So big, it redacts whole pages".

That's the one that needs to rest on the writer's shoulder, right?


Seriously, I have no life.
Well he says he gonna close the US/Mexico border next week. He is liable to do anything dumb.
I can't wait for the stock market to dropped 3,000 points that day. The damage to the economy in just one day is gonna be very bad.

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The borders have been closed three times and the World didn't end. In 1924, the Johnson-Reed Act prevented Asians and restricted to people from the Eastern Hemisphere,as well as placing quotas on others. This lasted until 1965.


Audioholic Spartan
Or, they could get him to step down- I think they could be successful if they were to hound him the way they have gone after Trump. I don't see him being defiant to any degree close to DT. Gerald Ford is the only person who was never elected as VP or POTUS and he reached the latter position because Nixon stepped down. Neither Ford nor Pence were electable on their own but IMO, Washington DC was nowhere near as divided, vindictive or corrupt as it is now, on both sides.
Trump is not hounded but investigated, and whatever one may think of Pence no one believes he has done anything impeachable. If you don't want the VP to succeed the President you'll have to change the Constitution, but the simpler approach is just not vote on the President if you don't like the candidate.
John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
How did she make it into this?

I bet she could, if she lived in Wales, AK.
Another member brought her up. I am sure a lot of people believe she said that exact quote because, like a lot of things Trump “supposedly” said, it was spoon fed to them and they are only too happy to regurgitate false information because it fits their shallow narrative. Actually, Sarah Palin never said that - Tina Fey did while impersonating her.


Seriously, I have no life.
That is just common sense that most agree with. Even a super majority of NRA members support stricter gun controls.

Not owing a gun is much safer than having one. Two thirds of firearms deaths in USA is suicide, and half of the suicides are by firearm. Over 80% of child (upto age 19) firearm suicides involved a gun belonging to a family member. Then there is large a number of children injured by a firearms.

If one actually cares about ones family one should really think twice before acquiring firearms, as well implement safe/secure storage. Training how to care for and use a firearm should be a compulsory before allowed to owning one.
The majority of the NRA aren't the noisy ones, though. The problem is that any recommendations are met with strong resistance and over-reaction by the leader and the minority who have a death grip on their guns. They can often be spotted wearing a dinner platter-sized belt buckle with 'The Right To Bear Arms' but if you ask them to quote the whole Amendment, they usually can't. Ask them to explain it and it's like looking into a doll's eyes.

Statistically, it is safer to not own a gun but we also need to deal with the mental illness aspect of life and suicide has many causes. Family history, some kind of abuse by others, drug/alcohol abuse and lack of ability to deal with problems are frequent causes.

I want people to be required to train on a regular basis because I don't want lead flying around- not long after I bought my house, a neighbor was getting up from a nap when she heard glass break and a thump on the bed near her. It was a slug, fired from over 1-1/2 miles away. That was during a robbery by a woman who wanted someone's coat.

People who have been abused often commit suicide and it may explain the high number by people I knew in high school who did this. I couldn't understand why but now that more info has come out about a math teacher, it has become more clear.

People who would be called 'law abiding' use guns because they're effective. Criminals use them because they're effective AND because they're easy to find outside of the normal channels, usually through interstate transactions and distribution by gangs.


Seriously, I have no life.
Trump is not hounded but investigated, and whatever one may think of Pence no one believes he has done anything impeachable. If you don't want the VP to succeed the President you'll have to change the Constitution, but the simpler approach is just not vote on the President if you don't like the candidate.
Being investigated happens when people ask questions and look for details- this is not the same as media coverage and the use of investigation on behalf of and paid for by an opposing candidate and their political party.

I don't think the Constitution needs to change but I don't want to see it used as a weapon WRT office. I would also like to see candidates that are who we need, not the ones who are so ambitious they'll stop at nothing to get there and then, pick a running mate from a grab bag.

What do you recommend if you don't like anyone who's running?
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Seriously, I have no life.
That's the gun I want!
A 9mm can fire 10K feet, straight up and that's not much different from the .38 that was used in the robbery. Trajectory makes the difference, of course.


Seriously, I have no life.
Another member brought her up. I am sure a lot of people believe she said that exact quote because, like a lot of things Trump “supposedly” said, it was spoon fed to them and they are only too happy to regurgitate false information because it fits their shallow narrative. Actually, Sarah Palin never said that - Tina Fey did while impersonating her.
I know, but I didn't see the other comment.


Audioholic Spartan
Statistically, it is safer to not own a gun but we also need to deal with the mental illness aspect of life and suicide has many causes. Family history, some kind of abuse by others, drug/alcohol abuse and lack of ability to deal with problems are frequent causes.

People who have been abused often commit suicide and it may explain the high number by people I knew in high school who did this. I couldn't understand why but now that more info has come out about a math teacher, it has become more clear.
Agree, but suicide attempts becomes so much, much more deadly when firearms are involved.


Audioholic Spartan
Another member brought her up. I am sure a lot of people believe she said that exact quote because, like a lot of things Trump “supposedly” said, it was spoon fed to them and they are only too happy to regurgitate false information because it fits their shallow narrative.
Most of the things Trump "supposedly" said are actually documented in tweets, interviews, press conferences, campaigning and so on.

Actually, Sarah Palin never said that - Tina Fey did while impersonating her.
While Sarah Palin may never have said that, it is pretty much spot on :D
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