Why he isn't? Remember this little one before the NRA got to him. Confiscate the guns first. Then the NRA got to him and that was over. By the way confiscating the guns first is wrong, and that is coming from someone that believes in smart gun control.
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I'm not a fan of the NRA, as it is- the original idea was fine, but they have too many gung ho idiots.
I don't think anyone needs full-auto weapons, bump stops or the other items that make it possible to fire hundreds of rounds in an extremely short time, but if someone wants to collect/own guns, I want them to be secured in a way that someone who doesn't know how to access them can't just break a piece of glass in a display case, grab and go. I do want people to be able to protect themselves but I don't want them hiding guns throughout the house without some way of making them safe in case someone breaks in and finds them. I know people who do that- they're paranoid and in one example, he buys ammunition in ridiculous quantities, thinking he'll need it when the SHTF, but it's mostly full metal jacket, not hollow point. We already had the conversation.
I don't know of any way to control guns that doesn't harshly penalize legal gun owners but those who would commit crimes with guns (who don't suddenly snap) don't care about legal ownership- they use the regulations against society. I also think this is one area where some way of determining sanity needs to exist WRT who should be able to get a gun, parts, etc. The stigma of mental illness is so strong that nobody wants to discuss it and they definitely don't want it attached to them but something has to be done. I can't see how anyone who commits a mass murder could be considered 'of sound mind' but putting them in an institution allows them to be released after they're determined to be 'sane', whether through treatment or medication. Then, when the person stops taking their meds, they go off the rails again.
I think I have mentioned someone who lives around the corner from me in other threads as 'the hillbilly' because he has late-night parties, shoots off fireworks, has a mullet, wears a baseball cap backward, etc. He's in the House of Corrections, for being in possession of a hand gun while drunk- he came around the bend a bit too fast in his pickup truck when another car was heading in the opposite direction after the rain and took out a light pole across the street from my house. I looked out, saw that he was walking normally and decided to listen to the Police scanner app on my phone- one of the first things I heard was "CCP is current" and I watched as the officer had him perform the drunk tests. Once the breathalizer had finished, I watched as he was put in handcuffs. Yesterday, I looked in the state's database for circuit court cases and they called it 'operating a weapon while intoxicated'. He has two drug offenses, as well- hopefully, this will be cause to take his guns. If not, maybe the call that came in where he threatened suicide while drunk, while waving a hand gun, will help them reach the conclusion that he shouldn't have them.
I don't like the guy and I don't want him in the neighborhood if he's allowed to possess guns. I have heard that he has an AR-style weapon, too.
I don't want to be here if something sets him off.