Can we PLEASE get a 3rd party that doesn't give us the Liar In Chief and givers of self-serving tax cuts for the ultra-rich OR the great Socialism Revolution where people who are too lazy to work get paychecks and cows are banned for farting too much??? BOTH parties SUCK TO HIGH HEAVEN now. I've been Independent from Day 1 and I have to say I've never felt that was the right decision so much as it is right now. I can't stand either party. They're both self-serving biased game playing schmucks that do NOT represent the people of their districts. They represent themselves first, followed by the lobbying corporations that have bought this country, lock stock and barrel. FARK 'EM ALL. Forget all those issues like abortion, gun control and limited government that are there to distract the hell out of you. ALL of them are out to get what they want to hell with what YOU want. I used to think one side wasn't as bad as the other, but in the past several years, it's plain to see both sides just plain SUCK. I neither want illegal immigration, gun control nor Billionaires and multi-millionaires getting huge tax cuts when my return was more or less the same (once the slightly higher paychecks are figured in) while my local taxes keep going up up up because Kasich kept lowering the state's payments for schools so they had to make up the difference with MY property taxes and we all know the more you own, the more you pay while those who own nothing get a free vote to make those of us with a bit more money pay through the nose. I have no kids and probably never will so *I* should pay for everyone else's kids to go to school? Screw that too.
I'm more and more of the opinion democracy (and that includes representative ones like our Republic) simply do not work. Most of the population is either too stupid and/or too ignorant to know what to do or how to vote. They are easily manipulated with negative ad campaigns that convince them the farking world is going to end if they don't vote for one side or the other. They're too dumb to see they're being manipulated by both sides whose ONLY goal 95% of the time is to stay in power at all costs while the Supreme Court plays games on both sides making laws and/or interpreting them in RETARDED ways like Citizen's United that serves NO ONE except the ultra-rich like the Koch Brothers and large Corporations who can be owned by foreign companies and therefore get a voice in our elections through those holdings. Russian interference? How about Chinese interference by buying up our companies and then having them run political ads?
The whole system is RIGGED between unlimited corporate money (they get FAR FAR too much influence while the poor get NONE AT ALL and the middle class gets ignore by both sides), greedy politicians who stay in office forever (because the STUPID electorate likes to complain, but then votes for the guy they've heard of anyway....) and a Congress that votes its own pay raises and exempts itself from the rules everyone else has to play by. Plato was right. Democracy caves in on itself sooner or later from sheer corruption. Even Star Wars understood this, but we the citizens DO NOT as every attempt to fix the problem gets ignores by people that convinced some invisible God will crush us if we don't vote for the party that PRETENDS it cares about abortion (when it's all a placating LIE to get votes) and people like Ted Cruz thinks I shouldn't have ANY say of what I do in my bedroom (as governor of Texas he tried to block sex toy sales of all things in Texas as he claimed you had not Constitutional right to play with your own body...this from the party of "limited government" that is ONLY limited when it comes to things THEY want.
Meanwhile the other party increasingly tells me (a white male 40-something) to sit down and shut up as it's not "my" party anymore; it's the party of illegal immigrants kids and people who don't want to work like Ocasio Cortez or "give me a free lunch and dinner too" Bernie Sanders. Well hello Dolly, I'm apparently represented by NO ONE. Screw That. It's time for a new party. The party of common sense, best person suited to run and HONEST people that actually do their god damned farking job and represent their constituents instead of their "party" or their "bribers" (I mean lobbyists).
Trump's is a farking lying moron. Hillary was a pretentious SNOB who thought she "deserved" to be queen. Bernie is a freaking socialist who thinks Communism just needs a few tweaks. Ted is an obstructionist who thinks what HE wants is all that matters. Jeb is a rich guy who thinks his family name is all he needs to be a great leader (him and his dumb-arse brother and lying lips dad...RIP). All dance to the name of Ronald Regan when Reagan was FAR more progressive than any of these freak shows. Then there was sex-capades Bill Clinton (what a stand-up guy), Farmer Jimmy (he should have stuck to growing peanuts) and someone named Ford who couldn't even step off a farking plane without falling down that made Nixon look like a genius by comparison. Are THESE people REALLY the best we have to offer??? God help us....
Now that I've insulted both sides and I'm hated by ALL (who actually like those jokers), I can back to home theater, something I actually have some limited measure of control over.