Seriously, I have no life.
He was 17.When you take a concealed carry class they go over self defense. Being aware of your responsibilities does not equal premeditation.
"Wisconsin Concealed Carry Laws
Wisconsin is a ‘shall issue’ state and issued concealed carry licenses only to its residents. Only non-resident military personnel stationed in Wisconsin can apply for the license. The minimum age to conceal carry is 21 and CCW without a license is illegal under most circumstances, including vehicle carry.
Wisconsin also allows open carry of firearms for US citizens of at least 18 years of age. Without any permit. The eligibility requirements and process for the license application are similar to most states."
From the link-

Best Concealed Carry Classes in Wisconsin – 2023 Round-up - Gun Mann
Wisconsin is an open-carry state with a low age bar and lenient gun laws. Check out the concealed carry laws enacted in the state of Wisconsin and the

In WI, a 17 can't carry a concealed weapon until they're 21, can't open carry until 18. If he loaded the rifle before crossing a state line in a car, it was illegal. Concealed carry classes have a minimum age of 21 and I'm not aware that any organization allows minors to take the CCW classes in WI- I doubt Illinois would let him.
Well aware that they cover self defense in these classes and they also spend a lot of time on not being an aggressor and avoiding violent situations if possible and as an example, during a home invasion, that the person is supposed to try to retreat, but WI CCW classes don't deal with long guns, only handguns.
He went there with a rifle, so he had some expectation that he might use it- he wasn't using it as a cane or prop.
What if your 17 year old son were to go to a protest like this, with a rifle, across state lines with a weapon he doesn't own? Rittenhouse paid for it, but legally, couldn't legally purchase the gun from a dealer because again, he was only 17.
I guess 'preparation' would have been better than 'premeditation', but he still did it wrong, if his goal was to operate within the laws of WI.