Total stuff listed here, Im guessing in the $30ks + at retail and $15k + if sold at Ebay.
Sharp XVZ-12000 DLP HDTV Projector
Firehawk Stewart Screen 110
RCA F38310 38 Widescreen TV
Time Warner Cable
SA 3250 HD Firewire STB
Marantz SR8500 Receiver
Yamaha HTR 5590 Receiver
Yamaha HTR 5280 Receiver
RBH Sound 1044 SE Mains X 2
RBH Sound 661 SE Center
RBH Sound 66 SE Surrounds x 4
RBH Sound 12 SE Subwoofer
JVC HM-DH30000U D-VHS Player/Recorder
Pioneer CLD-D604 Laserdisc Player
Samsung DVD-HD9391 DVD PLayer
Microsoft X-Box
Sony PS 2
I also have mixed set of polk audio, mains and center, and BOSE surrounds that i have stored up in my garage, in house sound RBH speakers also (done through my house's builder's Home Wiring/Theater guy (the ones that got me my into my RBH Sound speaker set)) and a Panasonic XF series 30 inch Digital TV with line doubler that we have in our bedroom, that is heavy and back from the late 90s and various other mundane equipment, TVs, DVD players, tape decks, etc.
Yeah, my wife doesnt know exactly either .. but she has an idea and every time i get something new .. she makes it a point to get something new too, so it costs me about double to upgrade