Full Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>Here's my system:
Sharp XV-9000 DLP projector
Dalite screen, 96" wide, 1.3 gain
Salamander cabinets (2)
Denon AVR-5803
Sony DVP-775
Technics turntable
Sony VCR
Pioneer laser disc player
Mirage BPS-400 subwoofer
Axiom M-60s, VP-150, QS-8s
Monster bi-wire cable for fronts
In the near future, I intend to upgrade the dvd player, probably to a Denon DVD-5900 (waiting for Gene's review), and biamp the main speakers with multi-zone 2 amps in the AVR-5803). Down the road, I am thinking about upgrading my mains to Vandersteens, but I need to audition them first. Anyone have experience with Vandersteen speakers?</font>
Sharp XV-9000 DLP projector
Dalite screen, 96" wide, 1.3 gain
Salamander cabinets (2)
Denon AVR-5803
Sony DVP-775
Technics turntable
Sony VCR
Pioneer laser disc player
Mirage BPS-400 subwoofer
Axiom M-60s, VP-150, QS-8s
Monster bi-wire cable for fronts
In the near future, I intend to upgrade the dvd player, probably to a Denon DVD-5900 (waiting for Gene's review), and biamp the main speakers with multi-zone 2 amps in the AVR-5803). Down the road, I am thinking about upgrading my mains to Vandersteens, but I need to audition them first. Anyone have experience with Vandersteen speakers?</font>