How much is your main home audio system worth?

How much is your main home audio system worth? - Everyone should take part in this poll..

  • < $1,000

    Votes: 44 6.9%
  • $1,000 - $2,000

    Votes: 58 9.1%
  • $2,000 - $3,000

    Votes: 71 11.1%
  • $3,000 - $4,000

    Votes: 59 9.3%
  • $4,000 - $5,000

    Votes: 59 9.3%
  • $5,000 - $7,000

    Votes: 85 13.3%
  • $7,000 - $9,000

    Votes: 68 10.7%
  • $9,000 - $12,000+

    Votes: 193 30.3%

  • Total voters


<font color='#000000'>Thanks Yamahaluver,
Believe me if I could afford a projector or Plasma or LCD I would definitely get one (prefebly LCD or CRT projector), but since I can't work more than part time, things like the Samsung 26in will just have to do.

The SW800/1500 would be overkill in my room which is 14ftx16ft w/ 8ft ceilings.
Primarily the reason why I can afford this equipment is because I am going to a tech school and it would be a waste of money to move out and live in a dorm when school is 15-20mins away.
I don't think I would have half the stuff if, I was in a dorm/apartment. &nbsp;
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<font color='#000000'>Bruce's Music and HT System
Last Update: September 26, 2002 at 22:33:32  


Parasound 1205A 5 Channel amp (200wpc @4 Ohms)  

Parasound 1100-D Direct Stereo Pre-amp

Marchand XM9L Deluxe 2way electronic xover
with 24dB slope Linkwitz-Riley symmetrical crossover at 60Hz.

-This is inserted between the L&amp;R analog out of the Parasound 1100D pre-amp and the L&amp;R main analog input of the Parasound 1205A amp and the powered sub.

-The L&amp;R high-pass out from the xover is sent to the L&amp;R inputs of the Parasound 1205A amp.

-The L&amp;R low-pass out from the xover is summed (with a sum switch) and sent to a BFD 1100P Parametric EQ.

-Output from the BFD is sent to the subwoofer's analog mono input.

Main L&amp;R are Dynaudio Contour 2.8 towers.

-These are 2-way systems with the Confidence series tweeter and a 20cm (7.8 in) passive radiator to go with a 20cm (7.8 in) mid-bass driver.

-These are rated at -3dB to 32Hz, so I tested the Marchand xover and found the best match with the sub at 60Hz, about an octave above 32Hz.
Subwoofer is an M&amp;K MX-700 powered sub.

CD Player/DAC:  Parasound 1500-C 5 Disc CD player

Turntable/Phono Stage:  Technics SL-D2 with Grado Blue
Radio Shack phono preamp

Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects:  
Kimber Cable 4TC speaker cable for Mains and Radio Shack Gold for interconnects  

Marchand XM9-L electronic crossover (mains-sub)

Behringer BFD 1100P Parametric EQ (sub only)

ETF5 acoustic measurement software with calibrated mic and mic-preamp

Room Size (LxWxH):  
13 x 19 x 8-12 cathedral ceiling  

Music Preferences and Comments:  
Jazz (FourPlay, David Benoit, Boney James), Female vocals, instrumentals  

System Goals/Comments:  
This integration of 2-channel music and HT is pretty good, but 2-channel soundstage does suffer some because of TV cabinet.

System Strengths:  
Dynaudio main speakers present that vocal realism from female vocalists that really stirs my emotions. Also on many of my favorite jazz pieces my foot can't stop moving to the beat.  

System Weaknesses:  
At this time I am very happy with my setup, only soundstaging is a bit less than optimal.  

HT SYSTEM: Integrated
TV:  Toshiba TN36 36&quot; Direct view 4x3  

Technics SH500D DD/DTS processor

Main L&amp;R analog out --> Aux L&amp;R analog in on Parasound 1100D stereo pre-amp

Center analog out --> Parasound 1205A amp

L&amp;R surr. analog out --> Parasound 1205A amp

Subwoofer out --> nothing

Technics SH500D Subwoofer output turned off in software and re-routed to L&amp;R mains

Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub):  
Center is the Dynaudio Contour center.

Surrounds are Dynaudio Contour 1.1 mini-monitors.

Subwoofer is an M&amp;K MX-700 powered sub.

Sources (DVD/VCR):  
Toshiba 3108 DVD player with digital optical in to the Technics SH500D</font>


<font color='#000000'>Oh and I almost forgot, my DIY computer that me and my dad built is hooked ut to my rig too...
It has a;
MSI KT7Pro Mother Board
AMD Athlon T-Bird 850MHz
ASUS AGP 6800 Geforce256 w/ 32MB DDR AGP
IBM Deskstar 30GB HDD
768MB Micron PC133
Hercules Fotissimo II
HP CD Burner

Diablo II &amp; D2:Lord Of Destruction Never sounded better
Never got into Unreal but I can't wait to play Doom 3 due out 3rd/4th Quarter of this year &nbsp;
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<font color='#000000'>Hey Gene,
I'd like to see a comparison/review two things
Yamaha RX-V3300
Denon AVR 4802R


DVD Players:
Denon DVD2900
Yamaha DVD-S2300
Marantz DV8400</font>


Audioholic General
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
Guest : <font color='#000000'>Hey Gene,
I'd like to see a comparison/review two things
Yamaha RX-V3300
Denon AVR 4802R


DVD Players:
Denon DVD2900
Yamaha DVD-S2300
Marantz DV8400</font>
<font color='#0000FF'>I am in the process of getting the Yamaha DVD-S2300 next week and will keep you updated on the results.</font>


<font color='#000000'>I'd dont own this but a sweet system that someone who is starting out would consist of these;

Lexicon MC-8 $6,000
Yamaha MSP10 Studio (L,C,R,LS,RS,BL,BR) $750+ea (pends on finish)
Bag End InfraSub12 $1,200+
Denon DVD2900 $1,000
Cardas Interconnects $ varies on preferences
JVC D-ILA Projector $15,000
JVC HM-DH40000 DVHS (New w/ DTS &amp; DTS:ES support! Yeah Baby) $1000
Stewart FireHawk 80in WallScreen w/ Microperf

One can dream right?  :)~



Audioholic General
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
Khellandros66 : <font color='#000000'>I'd dont own this but a sweet system that someone who is starting out would consist of these;

Lexicon MC-8 $6,000
Yamaha MSP10 Studio (L,C,R,LS,RS,BL,BR) $750+ea (pends on finish)
Bag End InfraSub12 $1,200+
Denon DVD2900 $1,000
Cardas Interconnects $ varies on preferences
JVC D-ILA Projector $15,000
JVC HM-DH40000 DVHS (New w/ DTS &amp; DTS:ES support! Yeah Baby) $1000
Stewart FireHawk 80in WallScreen w/ Microperf

One can dream right?  

<font color='#0000FF'>Hi Bob,

Can you send me the link to the Yamaha MSP-10? Never seen or heard about them. Would be interested in checking out the specs.

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<font color='#0000FF'>Aragon Stage One       $3,800.00
Marantz MA-6100 x 2  $560.00
Marantz MA-500   x 5  $1300.00
Marantz DV-8300        $1350.00
Sony DVP-S7700         $750.00
Sony 36XBR-250         $1800.00
Sony PS2                    $200.00
B&amp;W CDM 7NT             $1800.00
B&amp;W CDM 1NT             $850.00
B&amp;W CDM CNT             $534.00
Velodyne HGS-12 II     $995.00
Sanus Systems Rack    $200.00
Monster &amp; TaraLabs      $500.00</font>


<font color='#000000'>Hawke~

My friend gave me his old RF optical mouse, which is all i need when i listen to MP3s, AAC, WAV and watch AVI files. Though if I can (hard on cash these days) I want to build a new computer, which will obviously be faster, but also have the ability to be hooked up to the tv.  Maybe then both mouse and a new keyboard can be put to real use.




Audioholics Master Chief
<font color='#000000'>Bob;

Your proposed comparison would involve a lot of work on my part, thanks a bunch &nbsp;

It is difficult to do face offs and I usually try to avoid them because of time and living space constraints. &nbsp;However, everyone here is welcome to share their experience. &nbsp;Perhaps we can turn it into a mini face off article on these forums. &nbsp;What do you think?</font>
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<font color='#000000'>Panasonic TV 32&quot;-700
N.E.W. P-3 tube preamp-1500
Cary CD-308-1500
Toshiba DVD A-4700-300
Sony VHS hifi-400
Anthem Amp 2 SE Tube-Hybrid &nbsp;Amp -1900
AR 310 H.O. Speakers-1100
Cardas,Alpha-Core, Zu Cable, Virtual dynamics, Coincedent,
Audioquest, Power Cords and Interconnect- $ ??
Micromega Stage 2-CD player 1000
Nakamichi RX-202</font>


<font color='#000000'>2 Musical Design D75 amps= 700.00 used.

Musical Design SP-2B tubed preamp=350.00 used.

Parasound CDP2000 Ultra belt driven top loading CD=600.00 used.

Pinnacle Classic Gold Aerogel speakers = 600.00 used

MIT T2 cables all around,,,found them cheap</font>


<font color='#000000'>Hi,

First of all BIG thanks to my wife who gave up the Master Bedroom in our condo for the HT.

Compared to some of the HT's I've been in at the homes of our small HT Club here in Toronto I would equate the size of mine as being in a very large car. Most of it is 10'w x 15'deep x8'high.
It opens up a bit at the seating position to 15'.

RPTV Tosh65h80 completely ISF'd including removing reflective screen by Michael TLV (Calgary)
HD signals provided by Rogers Cable Toronto (most feeds come from Detroit and include Major US ntworks as well as PBS plus CITY TV HD Toronto)

DVD viewing: SDI Modded Panny rp82 used with Immersive's HOLO3D vid scaler pci computer card, (all dvd's are scaled to 1920x1080i)
SACD: Sony 5 disc DVP-NC650v
HDCD: Windows Media Player 9 (2ch analog out from snd card to reciever)
LZR disc:panny lx200 with s/vid and optical out (also scaled through HOLO
Reciever: Denon upgraded 5800 (2 sets of analog in's for dvd-a and sacd)
Speakers: Totem acoustics Model 1 front l/r are signatures as is the center rear pair not signature but bi-wire/ampable. Surround B, AXIOM QS4 Dipoles.  
Effects speakers Monitor Audio Bronze 4si.
Sub Paradigm PDR8
Monster power hst 1000 conditioner
Monster speaker cable and AR and Tributary interconnects.

The PC is in the office next door but is connected to the RPTV using the ATI8500dv vid card and component dongle through a hole in the baseboard 4&quot; wide.
I generally use a 720x480 desktop. There is a regular monitor in the office which I use when working.  I have logitech rf controlled wireless keyboard and mouse which works through the wall.

Living room system
Toshiba 27&quot; 4x3 direct view tv
Onkyo 575
toshiba sd5109 progscan dvd/hdcd player
RadioShack black metal l/r speakers
Paradigm cc370 center
Monster cable speaker wire and AR interconnects

Software (since I've never actually owned a cd player) 70cds mostly hdcds

DVDs about 150

Combination DVD-A and SACD about 150 and growing fast
I have about 120 lp's from 1972 to 1982 which I may convert to digital with some help from someone with a good turntable who would like todo the same thing but perhaps doesn't have a computer with the right stuff or just wants some company for this project as well (any members in Toronto keen on this please PM)

Peter m.</font>


<font color='#000000'>Hey Pete,

Can you give me a site to where you got ur Panny modified, and the HOLO3D site too.




<font color='#000000'>Hi, had both. now there is a new version of the card, but if you check out that site you'll get all the info you need.

Peter m.</font>


<font color='#000000'>I like good return for dollar,,,and always buy used,,,My next system will be:

Platinum Audio Solo monitors,,,900.00 with stands.
Musical Design D140i amp.....450.00
Musical Design SP-2B tubed preamp...300.00
CD player I am not sure...a used Rega, Parasound CDP-2000 with HDCD, or the new Music Hall with HDCD...650.00

for about 2500.00 I think that is a killer setup...</font>


<font color='#000000'>Yamaha RX-V2095 Digital Reciever
&nbsp; &nbsp;(100wpc center,rear channels)
Adcom GFA-555
&nbsp; &nbsp; (200wpc main speakers)
SVS 16-46PC+ Subwoofer
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;(525watt)
Vandersteen Model 3
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; (Main Spk-bi wired)
Vandersteen VCC-1
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; (Center)
Vandersteen VSM-1
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;(Rear Spks)
DVD (Upgrading soon)
Panasonic HiFi VCR
Hughes DirecTV Satellite System
Mitsubishi 50&quot; TV
Misc cabels &amp; interconnects:
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Canare (speakers)
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; BetterCable Silver Serpent (Sub)
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Homegrown Audio Super Silver Interconnects
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; (Adcom/Yamaha)
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Monster Cable Digital Video Cables
Secondary Listening Room
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Vandersteen Model 2 Spk

This isn't the greatest system around, but it sure rocks my (and the nieghbors) house! My current DVD player is a cheapie and doesn't even belong in this system, but I'm waiting for a good universal progressive scan player to upgrade to. Also I bought the Vandy Model 2's new years ago and like them so much I dicided to use all Vandersteen for my home theater. I bought the other Vandys used and saved a bundle!</font>


<font color='#000000'>Good choice on the ADCOM amps,,,i used to have the GFA-5500 and thought it was great!</font>

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