I'm not comparing my "lifestyle" with anyone, I like where I am in life at 33 years old, no mortgages, rents, or car payments {a LOT of taxes, but that is expected}, my kids are awesome and I am fortunate enough to be able send them to one of the best schools in the country, I love my wife who has an awesome job {MD/radiologist}, at 33 I have vacationed on every continent {except Antarctica and Africa, but we are going on mozam. safari in 2014, I was going this year but they had some malaria problems..

}, we are all healthy {except for a couple muscle injuries}...
And as far as being in better shape, I'm 6'5 280lbs with 8.1% body fat {I have been dunked

so exact number, pre injury of course, },I can run the 40 in 5 flat and spend 10% of my life stretching {met my wife at a yoga class

}, I admit taking steroids but my kidneys are perfect, heart is great, and besides some stretch marks inside my elbows I have no real ill effects from the PED's {I joke around about it but any damage I have done is from over training}...
The only thing I don't like about my self is my feet, I have a size 16 and it sucks when buying shoes, I learned no matter how much money you have buying big shoes sucks, I get custom suits made and can find clothes no problem but shoes suck.....
ANYWAY... Im done, I really don't care about the chicklets, I am going to be out of the cast and in a sling soon, and back to having too much to do with not enough time, so I'm not trying to get into a d.....ick measuring contests, I read through some of my posts, and Im not trying to brag or be a douche, just stating the facts

, and like I said I joined this forum to help where I got my help, thats it.... and hopefully I did, I know a 4 or 5 guys pmed me to say how much help I was and I just gave another member my black friday discount for emptek since I wasnt going to use it {they made a mistake with the 1010i sub I ordered so gave me a code to redeem for black friday sale prices until 1/1/2013}, I have also opened my house and let a member come and listen to my ascends when he was thinking about buying them, I have bought a few things and sold a few things, and made a few friends, I probably got more out of this sight than most of the long term members in a few months..... So no hard feelings, go about your lives, because I will go about mine, this all started for a couple silly pictures is adams thread, think about how petty that is, you should slap your self for being so stupid... I have a bunch of pms from other members laughing about this redonkulousness...
PS I won't be on here for a couple days, we are going to pick up my new trucks from a dealership in PA {have to get them in before the end of the year and GM has an awesome promotion for up to $150K {about} in deductions for buying their vehicles, so we bought 4 new trucks, so me and a few of my guys flying in to pick them up and drive them home....}....